We left Bennett Springs State Park on Wednesday morning around 10 a.m. Our next stop was about 2.5 hours away, GRANDMA'S HOUSE! I had never been to Grandma's House but I was excited to see it. Let me tell you, her house is HUGE! I am used to living small. I live in a tiny condo and now I am traveling in a tiny van. Grandma's house has an upstairs and a downstairs. We stayed in her basement because it had more room for me. We didn't take pictures, but you should have seen our king sized bed. It was the most comfortable bed.
We spent nine days at Grandma's house. We seemed to always be doing something. They have a SUV and I fit just fine in the back with my bed. We drove all over the countryside. I saw where Mom and Dad lived with Jack, Scout and Joey. We ate a lot of good food. I didn't get much rest because I had to keep an eye on my folks and also Grandma and Grandpa. Those people just didn't sit still for long.
Getting ready to go somewhere. |
Resting in a sunbeam. |
Taking a much needed nap. |
Another nap. |
Earning my kibble by delivering the paper to Grandma. |
There are some scary noises at Grandma's house. The first night we were there I saw a red truck making a noise. It was a mosquito sprayer. It scared me good. On the last night there, Mom and I were out walking and we saw the mosquito sprayer coming down the street. We tried to run but Mom is slow. It was chasing us! We made it to the house just before it got us though. It was close. Another scary thing was Grandma's blinds. They go up and down on their own. Spooky!
I met several nice people on my walks. There is a beagle who lives next door. She was nice. We went to a neat trail and we also went to a park.
Walking around the park. There were ducks and geese.
I went to my "uncle's house" and met his dog which I guess is my cousin. His name is Jake and he is a golden. He is a country boy. He let me use his bed while I was visiting, so that was nice. He loves to play frisbee.
I went to a winery with the folks but I had to stay in the van with the AC running as no dogs were allowed. I am fine staying in the van on my own. It is the only time I can get peace and quiet and I know that Mom is watching me on the pet cam, so no worries. It was a big get together with Dad's Mom, stepdad, Dad, brother and sister. They haven't all been together since 2017. Mom took lots of photos there.
We left on Friday, the 25th, to head back to Galveston. We were sad to leave but Mom said we will be back soon.
The Greyhound Who Loves Grandma's House