Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Butterfly World & Remembering Blueberry

Mama had no plans on visiting Butterfly World.  She has visited two other butterfly places and she figured they were all the same.  An employee at Flamingo Gardens told her that if she loves hummingbirds, then she should visit.  She warned Mama that it was pricey $24.95 a person.  Mama told her that she had a buy one get one free admission. Mama loves coupons.

The reason Mama wanted to visit was due to the number of exotic birds that they have there.  They say they have seven different species of hummingbirds.  Mama had only seen the Ruby Red Throated Hummingbird in person and was very excited to see others.  She always hangs up our hummingbird feeders at our campgrounds in hopes of seeing something different.  The folks ended up seeing three of the seven species that they have.  They claim to have 100 hummingbirds, but they only saw three.  BOL!  They did see a lot of beautiful birds, so it was a fun day.

Mama bought an identification book since it was only $1.  She hoped to use it to identify them in the blog, but many of the birds that she saw are not listed. It is still nice to have though.

Mama said when you walked through the doors, you are surrounded by hundreds of butterflies.  The other two places that Mama has visited does not compare to this place at all.  It was amazing!  Unfortunately, the butterflies do not show up well in the photos.

The first room that you enter with butterflies. She swears they were flying all around.

One landed on Dad!

Okay, lets just move onto the birds since we can see them in photos.
Lady Gouldian Finch

A Lorikeet jumped on Dad's shoulder.


Red-legged Honeycreeper

Male and Female Honeycreepers

Yellow-legged Honeycreeper

Not sure


Yellow-legged Honeycreeper - Female
Swinging bridge that leads to one of the buildings.
Mama did not get any decent photos of hummingbirds.  She really needs a better camera. 

As you can imagine, the place was full of beautiful flowers.
 The following are Passiflora.

Cuphea melvilla "Candy Corn"
The folks really liked this place.  It is huge with 13 different stops on the tour.  The butterfly portion of the tour was really crowded, but once they reached the buildings with the birds, it was almost empty.  I guess most people come for the butterflies.

On a very sad note, we want to send our condolences to my half sister, Bunny and her family.  Miss Blueberry has joined her Mom, Lilac, at the Rainbow Bridge.  We are so happy we were able to meet her in person last October.  Mama said we were rednecks and Blueberry and Bunny were the princesses.  If you would like to see our meeting, just click here.  There are some cute pictures of Blu. Blueberry was a beautiful girl.  We saw a comment from her Daddy once that said she was "the best dog EVER".  She is missed.

The Greyhound Who Is Sad For Bunny And Her Family

Monday, June 24, 2013

Flamingo Gardens

 The folks have talked about going to Flaming Gardens, but Mama didn't know if it would be worth the $18 per person admission price.  Mama was very excited when she found a site (www.sunny.org) with buy one admission get one free.  They decided to go on Saturday since the tropical wave didn't hit us.

  The property was owned by the Wray's before it was donated.  Their house, which was built in 1930's, is still on the property and it can be toured.

This is a 60 acre, not for profit, facility which has alligators, otters, flamingos, bobcats and also birds that inhabit the aviary and bird center.  The birds in the aviary are all birds that have been injured and cannot survive in the wild.

Are you ready for some pictures?

They were building a nest.

Another Saturday at the park for these two.

Notice how he relaxes.

Scout would have loved this guy.

Working on his nest.

Bald eagle - he was way in the back and it was hard to get a good photo.

Squirrel on top of sign - sorry about the flash in your eye Mr. Squirrel.

He was proud of his looks.

Mama and baby.

See the baby by the tree.  She had three babies.


Busts of Mr. & Mrs. Wray.
The folks did tour the house, but Mama didn't take photos.  The Wrays' were very big into citrus growing and did quite well with it.

Mama visited the gift shop and bought a suncatcher.  It was only $6 on sale.  Mama told the gift shop employee that she loves hummingbirds.  The employee told Mama that she needs to go to Butterfly World because they have a lot there and they are not all the same species.  Mama was so excited that they went on Sunday.  We will talk about that tomorrow.

The suncatcher.
The tent campers are still here.  It only rained for a short time yesterday, so they didn't get too wet.

We had excitement here last night.  We had police cars outside our campground for about two hours.  A helicopter kept circling our campground.  Mama was concerned that whoever they were looking for was in our campground.  There are like 300 trailers that are here, but vacant for the summer so it would be easy for someone to hide in here.  The police never came inside the park. We don't know what happened, but it ended around 9 p.m.  We were on full alert when we took our last walk of the night.

 The biggest excitement for me was a cat.  He was right outside my window yesterday.  Notice my dripping nose.  It was quite exciting for me.  I whined a lot!

The Greyhound Who Thinks Cats Are Fascinating

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...