We can't believe that we haven't updated our blog for a week! We've been busy, but not that busy. We've been walking Mama every day on our muddy road. It snowed on Friday, so now our road is covered with snow and ice instead of mud. Scout fell on her butt yesterday as we left the driveway, but she was fine. We are supposed to get more snow tonight.
Mama has been doing her Wii Fit Plus. Scout HATES it! As soon as she hears the click on the TV, she runs to the bedroom. Daddy says it's probably safer for Scout to be out of the way anyway. It doesn't bother me except when Mama messes up because then she screams.
We watched the dog show on Saturday night. A greyhound won the hound category. We were all very excited!
Mama took some photos of Scout in the snow. I prefer my bed to playing in the snow, so no photos of me.

Mama says she might enter these in the calendar contest. Scout has been in the CG Calendar the past two years, but Mama has had a hard time getting good pictures of us this year.
Time to go! Mama needs to get back to work which means I need to get off the computer.
Have a greyt day!
The Greyhound Who Prefers Sun To Snow