Showing posts with label KOA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KOA. Show all posts

Sunday, May 10, 2009

There's No Place Like Home

We are home again, but only for about ten days or so and then we are headed out again. This camping stuff is exhausting.

Here Scout and I are very tired. We are at Sonic waiting for lunch.

We visited Stockton Lake. The campground was hit really hard by the storms. They had to close down one of the campgrounds because trees were all over the road.

We saw a lot of damage while we were driving around. We are so glad we waited until the storms passed to travel on Friday.

Here is the pet walk area in front of our motor home. See, it was really nice. There were bunnies running all over.

Here is the fenced play area. We visited it four times. We really liked being able to be off leash. Mama tried to get Scout to do some agility stuff, but she didn't want to at all.

We saw this onion truck at a rest area. We've never seen onions transported like that. Mama said she would have liked to have had a bag of them. We saw this truck two more times, but we didn't any more photos.

I'm really tired, so I'm going to take a nap and write more tomorrow.

The Tuckered Out Greyhound

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Another Camping Trip

We are busy getting ready for our next trip. We head out tomorrow for Springfield, MO. We are staying in a private campground. We normally stay in state parks, but KOA is having a stay a night get one free this weekend. The campground has an off leash play area for dogs. Mama said we will have to see if it is okay for us. We don't want to be in there with ankle bitters. The campground is close to Bass Pro Shop, so after Scout and I get tired from visiting a civil war battlefield, Mama and Daddy will go shopping. It should be a fun weekend, but a short one. We normally go for four days, but this weekend is only three days. After this trip, we will be home for two weekends and then we go away for Memorial weekend and then the next week we head to Kansas to meet my "real" Daddy and other greyhounds. This camping stuff is tiring!

The Camping Greyhound

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...