Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Twin Peaks

After the folks left the Flight Museum on Saturday, they stopped off for dinner at Red House Beer and Wine Shop for dinner.  It is a cute little place that has good reviews.

Mama ordered the Steak Frites which is grilled flank steak, sauteed onions and mushrooms on top of frites which are french fries.

Steak Frites
Dad had a salad and Red House Paella.  The paella is prawns, clams, chicken, chorizo, roasted peppers, peas, paprika and saffron rice.

Red House Paella
They both thought the food was good, but something happened that soured Mama a little.  The young waitress asked Mama if she wanted a refill on her soda.  Mama said "sure".  The waitress came out with a can of Diet Pepsi and filled Mama's glass right there at the table.  Mama thought that was really odd.  Mama started wondering if she would be charged for the refill and sure enough she was.

Mama didn't eat all her fries, so she brought them home and turned them into hash browns for breakfast on Sunday.

Egg, bacon and gravy over hash browns
 Sunday, the folks visited Snoqualmie and North Bend, WA. This is where some of Twin Peaks was filmed.  The folks never watched the show, but they visited the falls and the cafe that appeared on the show.

Snoqualmie Falls

Mama thought it was beautiful, but felt a little shaky when she looked down and saw people at the bottom.  There are people down there.

They then drove to the bottom to get photos there.

After leaving the falls, the folks ate lunch at Twede's which is where some of the scenes of Twin Peaks were shot.

The place was packed when the folks arrived and they got the last table.  The cafe is known for their cherry pie.  They serve breakfast all day and have a large selection of hamburgers to choose from.

The folks started out with onion rings as an appetizer.

 They both ordered the Twin Peaks burger which is 2 patties with bacon, ham, swiss and cheddar cheese.  Mama knew she wouldn't eat all of hers, so we had a doggy bag.

They did not order the cherry pie because they were stuffed.  The food was okay, but nothing special.   Scout and I enjoyed our burger.

Tourists definitely come to the cafe because a lot of them were outside taking photos according to the folks.

Mama has been researching where some of the scenes from Sleepless In Seattle were shot.  She loves that movie, but doubts she will make it to the houseboat where Tom Hanks lived in the movie.

We picked more blackberries yesterday and another cobble just came out of the oven.  BOL!

The beaver has been really active this week.  The humans all seem to think he is interesting to watch.  :::shrugs shoulders:::

The Greyhound Who Will Remember Seattle For Bees, Beavers and Blackberries

Monday, August 4, 2014

The Blue Angels And Air Force One

My bee sting is all better. Thank you for the nice comments.  One of my greyhound friends in St. Louis stepped on a bee yesterday.  I bet that really hurt.  I got stung on the leg and that was bad enough.

Saturday, the folks visited a scooter store and ordered a "trunk" for Buddy.  Mama will be getting rid of the milk crate.  The milk crate holds a lot, but the trunk will have a lock on it.  She will be able to make additional stops after buying things.  She can't do that with the milk crate.  The trunk will look so much nicer than the milk crate, too. She had planned on buying one when she first bought him but the store didn't have any in stock, so she went with the milk crate.

They then stopped at a restaurant that was on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives.  The restaurant is called Dirty Oscar's Annex.  Mama was disappointed that they serve breakfast until 2 p.m.  She had wanted something other than breakfast.  However, the food turned out to be really good and they may make a return visit for dinner.
Biscuit with a Fried Chicken Breast, Egg, Gravy and Hashbrowns

Pancake that is bigger than Dad's head.

Elk Hash with Egg

They then visited the Flight Museum.  Mama was really not looking forward to going there.  However, two things made it fun.  The Blue Angels were performing nearby and they did several flyovers and landed at the air strip there.  The other thing that was really neat was that they toured Air Force One.  It was used by Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon.

Blue Angels

Mama's favoite

Landed safely.
Air Force One

Presidential Office

Boy, this must be an antique.  BOL!

Conference Room

Not sure whose dog used this.

Johnson's hat


Communication Center

The following are just various pictures of the Flight Museum.
This is a mobile kitchen that the Marines use.  It serves 500 Marines.

Inside the mobile kitchen.

 Our last picture is something unusual.  What is this?

This is a toilet that is used in space.  There was a video that showed how it was used.  BOL!  See the bars near the top?  They put those over their thighs so that they do not float away. They put their feet in the straps at the bottom.  It seems like a lot of work.

The Greyhound Who Hopes Mama Buys A Sidecar For Buddy So That He Can Ride Too!

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...