Showing posts with label ducklings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ducklings. Show all posts

Friday, July 20, 2012

Bully Sticks Are Here!

We haven't been chewing our bully sticks as much since we have been living on the road, but recently we took an interest in them again.  Mama decided to place an order for us while we still have a good shipping address.  They arrived yesterday. We were excited!

Oh, boy!

Open it before my eyes pop out!

Yep, smells like bully sticks!



On our way to the fire house.

See the red sign?  That's the Jack In The Box that Mama walks to for lunch sometimes.  There is still standing water.

These are probably the best pictures we will get of the ducklings.

Another view of Goldie.

Hi Mom!  Have you been looking at the ducks again?
Mama made tortilla pizzas last night, but she forgot to take photos. The pizzas did not have a sauce. They had a layer of  Monterey Jack cheese, diced tomatoes, Canadian bacon and then another layer of cheese.  She placed olive oil in the electric skillet and coated the tortilla and fried it on both sides and they added the toppings.  She covered the skillet until the cheese melted.  She thought they were pretty good.

Dad has made our reservations for our next trip. We will stay somewhere in Louisiana on Friday night. It will take us probably 7 or more hours. Dad has to work half a day on Friday.  The next night we will stop in South Carolina and finally, Sunday night we will be in Washington DC.  It's a very long trip.  We are excited about continuing our adventure, but not looking forward to the long drive. 

Tomorrow is the dog show.  Mama is excited about going.  They have a lot of vendors and demonstrations, so it is more than just a dog show.

The Greyhound Who Needs To Catch Up On His Sleep Since He Lost Some Yesterday Due To Bully Sticks Chewing.

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...