Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Happy 25th Anniversary.....

....to our Mama and Daddy. Thanks for taking us on your anniversary trip. We had lots of fun!

Jack & Scout
The Greyhounds Who Are Too Tired To Type After Their Trip

Thursday, May 19, 2011

We've Been Busy, But Nothing Exciting

Daddy has been out of town this week, so we have been helping Mama. She was going on and on about how she needs to buy her own tools because Daddy seems to hide them or take them apart before he leaves so that she can't do things around the house. He took his cordless screwdriver apart, but swears it's all there. It's not. Mama resorted to a regular screwdriver to get things done. It took longer, but she did it.

The cows were out in the field last night and I wasn't sure about them, so I barked. Well, I barked once and then cried, but I did bark and it was loud. You should have seen how the cows reacted. I don't think they will be messing with us.

Mama re-potted a flower that she was given at the anniversary party. We think it looks nice. This might be all we plant this year, except we have a tomato plant. Scout likes it for some reason.

We've been busy chasing bunnies. We haven't caught any yet, but it sure is fun running around the yard with them.

We will be away for a few days because we are going camping. It is supposed to rain the entire time. We are not having good luck with our camping this year.

The Greyhound Who Is Not Fond Of The Cows After All

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Nothing New Around Here

I guess we have settled into a regular routine because not much is happening around here.

We did get our new dryer on Tuesday, but our old cord was too short for it. Mama had to buy a new cord and Daddy hooked it up on Thursday, so we did laundry all day on Friday.

Mama bought drapes for the living room on Friday, so we all sat around and looked at them for 5 hours trying to decide if we liked them. We decided we didn't when we discovered that the lack of a liner made the view from the outside look really bad. Mama took them back today and Daddy helped her pick out new ones. We all like the new ones, so our home is happy again.

Mama bought some wine artwork for the kitchen. She debated doing it because she really doesn't drink wine, but she liked the artwork. She said the kitchen is purple so it looks nice. I think she should have decorated it with greyhounds, but she said she will do that in her office.

We have bunnies in our backyard. Mama always tries to scare them off, but they are not scared of her. She lets us off of our leash and we normally look at them for a few minutes and then we chase them. Scout chased one all around the shed and then she bounced off the fence. Mama hopes we just chase them and don't actually catch them.

A man was in our yard on Thursday marking things for the utility company. We don't know why, but he was here. I didn't care for him at all. He was wearing a hard hat and sunglasses and he was in our yard. It was just not right, so I barked. Yes, you heard me correctly. It was not a big bark, but it was a ruff, ruff, ruff. It was caught in my throat because I don't bark, but I know when something is not right and I have to protect my Mama.

I guess we have had several things happen this week after all, maybe it's not so boring. Daddy is going on a trip this week, so we will be on our own for the first time in this house. Mama is a little nervous about it. I better practice up on my ruffs.

The Greyhound Who Is Learning To Bark

Monday, May 9, 2011

Surprise Party!

Mama and Daddy thought they were going to a family birthday/Mother's Day celebration on Saturday, but it turned out to be a surprise party for them. Their 25th wedding anniversary is later this month. (Mama says to mention that they were only 20/21 when they married.) They were completely surprised. Four members of the wedding party were there including two that now live in different states.

Mama said the party area probably was decorated better than her actual wedding reception. There were photos all over including photos of us. Grandma "stole" them from my blog.

(Mama said this photo of us was one of the favorites.)

There were photos streaming on a computer monitor. The food was catered. There was a cake that Mama said was delicious. Mama said she was so shocked that she could barely eat. She said if she could always feel like that, she would loose weight.

Mama said that it sounds like the whole family was involved in planning and decorating. It was quite an undertaking and they definitely went to way too much trouble, but it is very much appreciated.

After the party, the friends came back to our house to see our new house and, of course, to see us. We were very excited to meet them.

It was a fun day!

The Greyhound Who Has Parents That Are Getting Old

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Cows Came Home!

Look, we have new neighbors!

Here's a closer look.

We haven't talked to them yet. The pictures were taken from inside our house. They moved in Wednesday night. They don't smell yet. We will keep you posted on that. LOL

The Greyhound Who Thinks Cows Make Nice Neighbors So Far

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...