- We sold our house.
- We bought our new motor home.
- We became Texans. Dad became one this week, so now we are official.
- We bought shades for our motor home. I am not sure if that one really counts, but Mama says it does.
A funny thing happened the other night. Mama ordered a meat lovers pizza with black olives and mushrooms and Quepapas from Pizza Hut. Quepapas are like tator tots with jalapenos in them. She ordered online. She received a phone call from them and she couldn't understand what the man was saying. He was speaking Spanish. Mama took her first Spanish class that day, but nothing she learned sounded like what he was saying. BOL! She thought he was saying no delivery, but she finally figured out he was saying no quepapas today. She somehow figured out that he was asking her to order something else. She told him the chocolate dessert. She didn't know for sure what she was going to get. The delivery driver ended up getting lost. He finally arrived and Mama was delighted to see the chocolate dessert was correct. She was not happy to see that her pizza ended up just being black olives and mushrooms. BOL!
Since we are now Texans, this hangs in our home. |
Oh, we found out our next destination yesterday which means we will only be in Denver for a month. We hoped to stay longer. We will give you one hint and that is that it is not Egypt. BOL! Yes, Dad was asked if he wanted to go there. He was able to say no without any issues since he only works in North America.
The Greyhound Who Is Ready To Hit The Road