Sunday, May 12, 2013

Southfork Ranch

Yesterday the folks drove to Southfork. It is the home of the show, Dallas and of course, JR. Mama watched the original show, but hasn't watched the new show.

The drive to Southfork visitor's center.
A tour is offered of the house and visitors are allowed to roam the grounds.
Back of the mansion

Original cast.  The lady in yellow and the man in the plaid jacket owned the home.  The man's name is actually J.R. which is  just a coincidence.

The table where the Ewings' had  breakfast.



Lucy's bedroom

Lucy's bedroom

Bobby's bedroom

J.R.'s murder scene - yes, the blood is still there.

The pool

Views from the balcony.

J.R.'s bedroom

Front of the house.

More  outside photos of the house.

Texas Longhorn


J.R's car

Photos showing filming at the ranch.

Lucy's  wedding gown.

Saddles used by J.R., Sue Ellen, Bobby and Pam

J.R.'s hat

Larry died last November and here is the memoriam to him.

Jock, the Dad.

Linda Grey's hand prints and foot prints.

Mama said the tour was fun.  There is a lot of camera magic to make the house look larger than it is on TV.

Our space bar is broke so writing the blog is difficult.  We hope to fix it soon. 

The Greyhound Who Is Asking Santa For A New Computer

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Santa Lives Here!

We noticed the other day that there is a motor home here that has a Santa statue sitting outside of it.  Mama thought that was a little odd since it is May.  We then noticed that they have Santa Claus lights along the front of it.  Later, we noticed their van has a Santa and Rudolph sticker.  Mama commented that they must really love Christmas.  Today, we walked by and there was the owner standing outside.  It is Santa!  I'm not kidding!  He has the long white beard.  He is a little slimmer than he is on TV, but maybe he slims down in the Texas heat.  We always thought his summer home was in Florida.   He waved to us.  I guess we better be on our best behavior here because Santa is watching us for sure!

We may have storms later today, so we spent the morning laying in the grass.

We are wearing cables, if you are wondering.

This tree has a lot of squirrel activity.

Mama asked if we wanted to go in and this was our answer.
We are getting mail today.  We haven't received mail since we left Houston.  The mail truck just came by and Mama thought maybe he was delivering it right to our door, but he went to our neighbor's home instead.  Mama will have to make the long walk to the office later.  It is raining now.

The Greyhound Who Saw Santa Today

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Arlington Campground

We forgot to show you a neat rest area that we stopped at on our way here.

It looks like a train.  Pretty cool for a rest area.

However, we were not happy when we saw this sign.

Our campground is really nice.  It used to be a mobile home park and was a converted to a campground.  We have a lot of shade.  We are in an upgraded site because they didn't have any of the "cheaper" sites for us.  There is one level above ours and those are the Presidential sites. They have fountains and statues.  They are pretty nice, but they don't all have yards.  The park is very quiet. We mainly just hear birds singing.

This has a bridge that goes over it.  We need to get a picture of the bridge.  It has lights that are on at night.  It's pretty.

Our site.  We have a street on one side of us, but it is not busy.

Our neighbors across the street live here full-time and have pretty yards.

I like watching the squirrels
Here I am in the front yard.  See it's pretty big!

Our patio.


Scout loves the grass!
Our greyhound spinner and our light that changes colors.  Mama loves it.

Another squirrel!
There is a Super Target within walking distance.  Mama walked there yesterday.  Today, she walked to the mall.  She didn't buy anything since it was a long walk back.  She learned yesterday that bags get heavy when you are walking.  BOL!  She walked five miles today, not counting walking us. 

Did you see Mama's review of Big Texan?  It is a restaurant in Amarillo.

The Greyhound Who Wishes We Were Staying Here Longer Than A Month

Monday, May 6, 2013

Palo Duro Canyon Park

Friday, we visited Palo Duro Canyon Park.  It is the "Grand Canyon of Texas".

The pictures don't show the beauty of the canyon.

We walked around one of the campgrounds.  We had to watch for the cacti because they were all over.  Scout decided it was too hot, so we had to return to the car.  It wasn't hot, but Scout prefers temperatures in the 40's or 50's.

We are at our new home near Dallas.  The trip here was easy.  We met some people who were traveling on Wednesday in the high winds like we did and they said they had awning problems.  They said they saw three other people who had awning issues.  It was nice to talk to other travelers who experienced the same issues as us.

There is a greyhound who lives here.  She is 12.  Her name is Miss Woe.  Her folks said that she lived on the streets for six years and they adopted her two years ago after their other grey died of cancer.  She is small.  We look like giants next to her.  It sounds like she mainly stays inside.  Scout says that sounds get to her.

The Greyhound Who Wonders Who Thinks Clear Poo Bags Is A Good Idea 

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...