Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Washed And Waxed

Saturday, two men came here and washed and waxed our rig.  One of the guys used to work at the greyhound race track in Mobile.  He was surprised at how mellow we were.  He was used to seeing greyhounds who were all excited about chasing the lure. 

The rig was really dirty, but these pictures don't seem to show that.

Maybe you can see the dirt on the tire.  The sand has really made it dirty.
Before they arrived, Mom took the tire covers and the window coverings off and washed them in the shower.  That was a sight to see.  She washed each one separately and then dried them on the counter and then added 303 spray to them.  The spray helps protect them.

We were a little scared when they started washing the rig because one of the men was on our roof.  He didn't walk as softly as Dad does on the roof.  Mom was anxious for him to get off the roof.
Mom, someone is on our roof!

The men washed the rig by hand.  The guy on the roof said the roof was really dirty.  Dad had never washed it because all the campgrounds we have stayed in haven't allowed us to wash our rig.   The guy washed the roof twice.  After the rig was washed, they left while it dried.  They then came back and waxed it.

Mom spent most of the time at the neighbors watching the washing and waxing.  The neighbors were so impressed with the work that they hired the men to do theirs.

Wow!  It really shines now!

This tire cover is stained and will not come clean.  Dad had put a gutter up to keep water from draining down, but the gutter fell off.  Mom scrubbed it and this is as good as it got.
This is the first time we have hired anyone to wash and wax our rig because normally it is too expensive.  This man only charges $125.  Dad said it was definitely worth it.

The Greyhound Who Is No Longer Embarrassed By A Dirty Rig

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Scenes From Gulf Shores Beach And A Fun Buy

These photos were taken on a "Red Flag" day.  Swimmers are still allowed in the water, but extreme caution is necessary and only strong swimmers should be in the water.  Two red flags mean that no one is allowed in the water.

Mom was pretty excited when she came home from shopping on Saturday. She found a bakeware set that stores very neatly.  This is great for people with limited space, like us.  Mom found it at the Corning outlet store. Amazon carries it. We put a link to it on our sidebar.

See, it is all in there!  It fits easily in the drawer underneath our stove.
I see some homemade baked goodies coming our way.

The Greyhound Who Has A Sweet Tooth

Friday, January 30, 2015

Ready For Mardi Gras

The campground is all decorated for Mardi Gras.  We thought they were done when they decorated the entrance, but now many of the signs have beads and/or other decorations. 


There is even a Mardi Gras flag.  It is windy here today, so hard to get a good photo.

This guy is a little scary looking at night.

The office is ready.

Beads are everywhere!
We take our longest walk in the morning.  We walk through the campground and then residential neighborhood.  It is not all street walking though.  We have fields that we walk through.

We don't walk through this. We just look at it.

The dog park is way down there.

We even have path in the pine trees that we walk through.
This morning, Scout and I did some running.

Scout letting me run before she joins in.

I am not limping.  This is an action shot.  BOL!

Scout usually tires before I do, but she is an older woman.
Today, we came home and Mom cleaned.  Blah!  She then organized Dad's junk drawers.  She also purged some of her knitting items and a few kitchen items. There is a table in the club house where you can put unwanted things and they find a new home.  It's a nice way to get rid of items.

The Greyhound Who Is A Little Confused About This Mardi Gras Thing

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Can't Catch This

My technique is not what it used to be, but I am having fuuuuun!

Come on, Scout!

It's fun, come on!

Let's run!

I bet you can't catch me.

Here I come again!

It's on!

Yikes!  The old girl still has it!


We need a better camera, Mom!  We tried cropping the photos and they just became more blurry.

That was fun, Sis!

The Greyhound Who Enjoys Running With His Sister

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...