Sunday, May 24, 2015

Anniversary Weekend

Our folks were married on Memorial weekend, 29 years ago.  Wow!  They sure are old!  Today is their actual anniversary. 

Yesterday, they went to the Golden History Museum.  They said it was interesting.   Did you know that Jolly Ranchers candy or the Kong dog toys started in Golden, CO?

The museum also has a very rare piano.  It is covered in velvet.

They learned about the "M" that is made of rocks on Lookout Mountain.  On the first Monday of school, the freshmen band members of the School of Mining carry a ten pound rock that they have brought from home up to Lookout Mountain. They then paint their rock white and a new M is formed.  The M is easily be seen from city of Golden.  The students sing when they complete their mission and it is said they can be heard in Golden.

There was also a section dedicated to Coors beer.

Today, the folks decided to drive up to Lookout Mountain.  They did that back in 2013, but decided to do it again.  Here is the link from 2013.
Bikers were everywhere going up the mountain.

Lots of people in the air.

See the white?  That is the M that we told you about.  It is not a good photo, but Mom couldn't get a front view of it.
Inside the nature center.  The displays were very nice.


Outside the nature center.

On top of Lookout Mountain

Lookout Mountain as seen from the ground.  It is the mountain in the middle.
The folks then drove to Red Lobster for their anniversary lunch.  They said it was good.  Mom brought home leftovers but all we got were some mozzarella sticks.  Scout said they were delicious.  I thought they were okay.

The folks bought a DVR for their anniversary.  Since we have a pay as you go satellite system, we do not have a receiver with a DVR built into it.  Mom said that now when we interrupt her TV programs with wanting to go for a walk, she will just hit record and off we will go.  It sounds great to us.

Tomorrow is Memorial Day.  I am not sure what our plans are, but here is a photo of us from Memorial Day 2013.  We were in Arlington, TX.

The Greyhound Who Is Enjoying The Holiday Weekend With His Family

Monday, May 18, 2015

Glad We Didn't Move To The Mountains

We were supposed to move to the mountains on Saturday. They received snow on Saturday and they are also getting it today.  I think a foot is predicted.  Scout and I probably would have liked it, but Mom wouldn't have.

Dad was away last week.  He was in California for meetings.  It sounds like he had a lot more fun than we did.

We haven't been up to much lately.  We have been enjoying being outside when possible.  It seems like it rains every day.  We saw four rainbows yesterday alone.

A double rainbow from last week.

A rainbow as seen from inside our home.

Scout enjoying the sun.

We didn't want to come in yesterday.  It was so nice.
The folks drove to town to look at a campground that is in the city and on a creek.  There was an event going on with people in the water.

The pictures are not very good.  The event was not crowded which is surprising.  It was a chilly, rainy day though.
Dad said it looks like you have to catch the poop before it touches the ground here.

Just a flower.

Chickens are here because there is a old village and people can feed the chickens.  :::shrugs shoulders:::

The creek is pretty full.

Dad said this creek took out the town two years ago.  Mom hadn't heard that and hasn't researched it.

There used to be a tram that took people to the top of the mountain.
Last Sunday morning, we had snow here.  We saw three people on their roofs trying to clean them off.  Mom was scared someone would slide off. The guy across from us slid a few times.

The snow was gone by afternoon.  It normally melts pretty fast here.  Scout and I enjoyed it while it lasted. 
The Greyhound Who Is Tired On This Rainy Day

Friday, May 8, 2015

The Tiny House

The tiny house was supposed to be picked up on Wednesday.  We waited all day, but nothing happened.  Yesterday, a small truck pulled into the site, but nothing happened.  Mom said "There is no way that truck is going to pull that house." The truck was there all day and then it left.  We think someone was just parking there.  Today at 1:30, a truck with transport written on it pulled up.  They got out and hitched it to their truck.

 They then sat in the truck for a half hour because a storm passed through.  After that, they tested the brake lights on the house and found they didn't work.  They unhooked the house and left.

 Mom thought maybe they had given up because they shrugged their shoulders when they left.

A half hour later, they came back.  They bought something for the lights.  They worked on it and worked on it.  It didn't work.  They left again.

We had given up on them coming back today, but about an hour later they showed up. This time, they had temporary lights with them.  It took them about a half hour to figure out how to attach them.  Finally, they started removing the blocks from the tires of the little house. 

It's moving!

Tiny House rounding the curve at the bottom of the hill and leaving our view.
The Tiny House is headed to Tennessee.  It sounds like they will be headed into some nasty weather this weekend, so we hope they make it without any problems.

The Greyhound Who Was Not As Interested In The Tiny House As His Mom

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Mom says we are going to turn into prunes with all this rain.  We can't remember when the rain began.  Was it last Wednesday or Thursday?  It hasn't really been all day rain, but several showers a day.  Yesterday, we had heavier rain that lasted for several hours.  The rain is supposed to continue until Monday.  The rain is causing worms to come out to the pavement.  Mom says she has never seen so many worms.  The robins are quite happy because they are having a feast with the worms.

In other news, the campground is about half full now.  The rates went up on Friday. They doubled.  Dad said the owner probably doesn't care if he is half full because he is still making the same money and less people to deal with.  We were supposed to leave on the 16th and head to a campground in the mountains. The folks decided to check it out on Sunday.  Mom said she didn't like the drive at all.  It is about 28 miles from here, but it is driving in the mountains. The interstate wasn't so bad. There were road grades of 6%.  They then had to take another road for 8 miles and that had road grades of 8%.  Yikes!  Mom said that you actually drive right past the campground, but you can't reach it without going down the mountain.  When you reach the bottom, you have to basically make a U-turn which is tricky in a motor home and go back up the mountain.  Mom was still thinking it might be okay, but then they reached the campground. The campground gets really good reviews.  Yes, you have a great view, but the campground is nothing but gravel.  The dog walk was even gravel.  :::sigh:::  Dad said it would be okay.  Mom didn't say much, but she was not happy and almost near tears because she didn't want Dad to make that drive every day. What if it snowed?  Yes, it is still snowing in the mountains.  We would be stuck there and Dad would be stuck at work.  That would not be good.  Over lunch, Dad asked Mom if she wanted to stay here even though it is killing our budget.  She said yes, so they spoke with the campground and extended our stay.  It sure is nice having Dad just three miles from us when he is at work. 

The park is half full, but we still have a rig parked right next to us.  This is our view.  Mom hopes he leaves soon.

The Tiny House is supposed to be picked up today.  Mom wants to see that.

Oh, this was funny.  Friday afternoon, this couple moved in with their fifth wheel. Mom said they looked like Archie and Edith Bunker.  He hooked up everything up and then he hooked up the water. The water starting spraying out.  He starting screaming "TURN IT OFF, TURN IT OFF".   We are not sure why he was yelling.  He is the one that was standing next to it to turn it off.  He then bent over and his pants almost fell off.  Mom got a really good view.  She turned away because she was embarrassed by what she saw.  :::snicker:::  The next think we saw was the wife on the phone holding the map of the place. She was probably calling maintenance.  Then, we saw "Archie" all the way across the park jumping up and down yelling at his wife to come there.  After that, we saw them walking all over the park. Mom said it looked like they were in a Pac Man game.  It was quite funny. They came back and hooked up the fifth wheel and moved to the other side of the park. The next afternoon, they were back on our side. Why?  We don't know.  We are not that nosey.  :::snicker:::

We heard that the campground we stayed at in Summerdale, AL had a small tornado on April 25th.  Some of the campers in storage were damaged. Also, some campers that were occupied had awning damage and one at roof damage.  Yikes!  I bet that was scary!

This is where we stayed that had the small tornado.

The Greyhound Who Is Turning Into A Prune

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...