We were recently contacted and asked if we would like to do a book review. Mama said the book is written by a retired racer like me. I thought it sounded like fun, so I said "SURE". The book arrived yesterday and it is autographed by Aggie herself!
The book is called The 45 mph Couch Potato and it is written by Aggie (Bohemian Agile) and her Mom, Leslie Balcerak.
We were told the book was geared towards children, but Mama enjoyed it as much as we did. Aggie talks about what her life was like when she was a puppy, a racer and then a pet. I really enjoyed when she explained what it was like when she arrived in her new home with her parents. Boy, that brought back a lot of memories for me. I came straight from a kennel too and living in a home is so different from a kennel.
Aggie does a very good job explaining how greyhounds are different from other dogs with her stories. There are lessons about bullying, not swimming alone, being polite and making new friends among others. The lessons are written so well into the story that you really don't realize they are lessons....very smart, Aggie.
The illustrations by Rosemary Orbegoso are great!
We really enjoyed the book. Mama calls it a "fun read". We read it in one evening and we didn't put it down until we finished it.
Scout enjoyed the book too, but she is a little down. You see, she found out that Aggie is her cousin (same grandfather) and Scout feels like she hasn't done anything big in her life like writing a book. Silly girl! |
If you are interested in ordering a copy for yourself, you can visit Aggie at her website,
The 45 mph Couch Potato. The book is also available through Amazon as well as Barnes and Noble.
On a sad note....Aggie was attacked by an unleashed dog on December 26th. She received more than 40 stitches and is at home recovering. This is the second time she has been attacked. If you would like to send her a get well wish, her email is the45mphcouchpotato@gmail.com
The Greyhound Who Hopes Aggie Heals Quickly