Monday, January 24, 2011

It's A Slick Monday

We only received about an inch or so of snow yesterday. We were told it could be 3"-5" or maybe more. We were pretty depressed most of the weekend after having nearly a foot last Thursday. We are doing better getting our business done in the snow so that is making for a much happier home with Mama.

This morning, we have some ice on the sidewalk. The hotel has been very good at keeping the sidewalks clear, so we are hoping they will put more salt down this morning. We haven't seen any workers this morning, so maybe they are stuck on the roads getting here. Traffic is moving quite slow in our area.

Mama and Daddy found a house that they really, really like. They are going to put an offer on it this week. It's a foreclosure so they will be dealing with the bank. The bank wants more money for it than Daddy is willing to pay though, so we have to see if we can reach common ground. Mama says that all the flooring has to be replaced before we can see it. She said it is really nasty. Daddy said except for it needing paint and floors, it's in good condition. Eventually, they would put in a new counter top in the kitchen and buy new appliances, but we could live with it until we have the money for that stuff. The funny thing is that Daddy wanted a low maintenance home and this is not, but it is what he has always wanted. It's a log cabin!!! I really don't know what that is, but Mama says it's rustic like our old place and it feels like a home to her instead of just a house. However, we can't get excited yet because we have to see if the bank will work with us on the price.

Daddy is on a business trip this week. He's in Texas. It's warm there. He's lucky. :::sign:::

The Greyhound Who Has Cabin Fever

Friday, January 21, 2011

I Need Grass!

This snow is driving me crazy. There is no place to do my business. Mama cleared out a path for me by our patio, but I don't like it. Then, she made me a path where I normally walk, but I don't like that either. She was driving me crazy yesterday telling me to do my business. I can't do my business when the snow is so deep. Last night around 8:30, I told them that I had to go outside and they got all excited. I finally found a good place to do my "small" business and they cheered. It made me forgot that I needed to do my "big" business. Scout ticked me off because she came up and kissed me and I told her to back off. I got in trouble for that, but the folks need to understand that I'm under a lot of pressure right now. So, we went back into the room and at 9:00 p.m., I told them I needed to do my "big" business. Mama wished me luck as I headed out with Daddy. I was greeted with hugs and kisses when Daddy announced that I had accomplished my goal. You know what the most embarrassing thing is about all of this? It's that Scout is doing better than I am with doing the "business" in the snow. I'm usually the KING of doing the business and now I have been passed up by Scout. :::sigh::: I hope today is better.

More snow is predicted for Sunday. :::sigh:::

The Greyhound Who Really Wants His Yard Back

Thursday, January 20, 2011

It's Happened Again

We woke up this morning to more snow. This is the most so far this year. We think we have about a foot here. We could get a few more inches. I know the pictures look the same as the ones we took last week or whenever we had our last storm but they are new pictures. It seems like it snows all the time here. We've been here four weeks today and it has snowed at least three times.

Mama took us out separately this morning because she said she didn't feel like both of having a bad reaction to the snow at the same time. We will have to go out again in a little while and then we will probably stay in until late afternoon. We really dislike walking in the snow and the sidewalks don't get cleared once you leave the hotel area, so it's hard to walk around.

Daddy is out shoveling snow this morning. He does work for this hotel and they said they would give us a few free nights if he helped them clear the snow. Mama told him to be careful because he's not as young as he used to be. He told her to quit nagging him. :::sigh:::

Spring can come early this year as far as we are concerned.

UPDATE: We just returned from a walk. We both refused to do our BIG business as Mama calls it. The only place we could walk are in the tire marks in the parking lot. Mama said it was okay to do it there, but we are not that desperate YET. We've been watching the snowplow in the parking lot next to us. It looks like an interesting job. You just go back and forth. A snowplow hasn't hit our parking lot yet. We didn't see Daddy while we were outside, but we saw four snow shovels parked in front of the Gatehouse. They must be fueling up on coffee.

Jack and Scout
The Greyhounds Who Are Depressed Over More Snow

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...