Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sweet Print

This print looks quite a bit like Jack, but I can also see Scout in it. I have it hanging in my office.

Mama to the Unforgettable Jack and Sassy Scout

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Resting After The Meet & Greet

The meet and greet was fun. Mama forget to take pictures, so we have to use a "stock photo" of me. This is me at the old house sleeping. I look basically the same today sleeping on the same couch in a different house, so we are going with it.

There were a lot of greyhounds at the meet and greet, so I did a lot of sniffing. I've decided that I want a brother and not a sister. There is one male that is currently available in our group and he came to the meet and greet, but we didn't have a connection at all. He was actually the only male that I didn't have a connection with. Mama talked to him, but he didn't seem interested in her either. The people who are fostering him are thinking of adopting him, so he's probably wanting to stay with them.

After the meet and greet, we came home and I took a nap while Mama and Daddy went to the store. I was excited when they came home, so I did three laps around the yard. Mama was surprised I had that much energy left.

It sounds like it may be a while before I get my new brother. Mama said I need to make up a "wish list" of what I want him to be like and she will do the same. We looked on the website last night and found a few that we were interested in, but we need more information on them.

It sounds like it could be a rainy day here, so I'm just going to relax today.

The Greyhound Who Hopes To Have Another Brother Soon

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Getting Ready For The Meet & Greet

I'm getting all ready for the meet & greet. I used to go to them a lot, but haven't for a while. The reason I like camping is because when I walk through the campground, people come and pet me. A meet and greet is better because I can just lay on the floor and the people pet me. There is no exercise involved, but I'm still really tired after a day of greeting the public.

What do I do to get ready for the meet & greet? Well, last night I got my nails Dremeled. Today, I'm going to get my hair brushed with the Furminator. I shed a lot. Jack was a non-shedder. I will also use a few moist wipes to freshen myself up and then I will have my teeth brushed. Hey, it's not easy being a diva!

I've been really lonely this week. Mama has been trying to keep me entertained but I've been pretty demanding with her. I've been talking back to her. It's boring here and the cows are not nice to play with. Thank you to Bunny's Mom @ Tales & Tails for giving us some tips on the cows. We will just stay away from them from now on and just look at them from the safety of our house. The rabbits are a little entertaining, but they are not the same as another dog. Daddy said we can start looking for me a new brother or sister! We will never ever forget Jack, but there is a hole in all of hearts and we think a new dog will fill it. Mama says the house is just too quiet. We know the new dog will not be Jack and will probably not be like Jack at all, but there is a greyhound out there that needs us as much as we need him or her.

The Greyhound Who Is Very Excited About Today

Friday, June 24, 2011

Our Neighbor Cut His Grass

Do you want to see how people cut their grass here? This is how:

This is our neighbor cutting his field. It's actually not a farmer, but a pipe line business. Mama and I had been hoping they would cut it because we were scared we would get a lot of snakes from the tall grass. However, we have found that the cutting has brought the snakes out of the field and on to the road. We found two dead ones in one day. We are now even more scared to walk around our yard now

Mama and I are planning on going to a meet and greet tomorrow. I'm so excited.

Oh my gosh! Mama and I just got back from a walk and a cow started charging at us. We got scared and we started running. We were scared it was going to crash through the fence. Sorry, there are no pictures to share.

The Greyhound Who Is Ready To Go To A Meet And Greet And Get Away From The Cows

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...