Monday, August 8, 2011

We Are Doing Fine

Mama said I should post and let everyone know that we are doing fine. Joey is feeling better thanks to his medication or maybe he is just settling in because he is being a crazy boy. Are all boys crazy? Why can't boys be calm like I am?

I guess my job is to show Joey how to do his "business" outside. Whenever I go, then he likes to trump me by going over it. Mama always ask me to go out with him because it makes him go much faster. I don't always have to go though and I think he should be able to go without me.

The vet gave Joey new medicine today. He has to take five different medications along with Pepcid because the vet said the medicine may upset his stomach. He will see the vet in two weeks and if everything is okay, then he will have surgery. Mama is upset that the vet told her that he would need to be crated for 4-6 weeks after surgery. That's a really long time. We just need to take things one day at a time.

Daddy is away on a business trip for part of this week. We are going camping this coming weekend. Joey won't be able to walk very much, but he might like sitting around the campsite. He's never been camping, of course. I guess it won't be so sad without Jack since we have Joey. Mama has been really dreading going camping because Jack loved it so much. We don't know what Joey will think about riding in the motor home. It's going to be an adventure.

The Big Sister To The Wild Boy

Friday, August 5, 2011

It's Me.....Joey!

Hi Everyone,

It's me, Joey, writing my first blog. The lady here who I am supposed to call Mom or Mama said I should introduce myself. I am a retired athlete. I raced 47 times and won 9 times which includes winning a stakes. I raced at Southland which is near Memphis. I also raced at Mardi Gras which is in Florida a few times. Everyone seems to be excited that I won a stakes, but it was just another race to me. My career ended on 08/06/2010 when I got hurt in a race. Last week, we all gathered around the computer and we watched my races. It was fun hearing the announcer call my name which used to be UCME Bubbasparks. He would say "I See You Bubbasparks!" and "Sparks are flying off of Bubba".

After I got hurt, I lived on a farm until about the end of June, I think. I then moved to a kennel for a few weeks and then I took a long road trip from Tulsa to St. Louis and I ended up living here.

Living in a house is a lot different from a kennel. There is so much room. I love exploring all the rooms. The carpet feels so good on my feet. There is so much to see and do. You should see all the toys that they have here. I like to move them from my room to the living room. I cry when I squeak them because I get so excited. I love laying on the couch. It is so comfy. There is a big window in the living room and I have a great view of the squirrels. They drive me crazy!

The people here seem to like seeing the doctor. Last Saturday, Scout and I went to the vet for check-ups. Monday, I had to see another vet because of my foot. Tuesday, the lady went to the doctor for a check-up. Wednesday, I had to go back to the vet for more tests. Today, the man aka Daddy went to the doctor for a check-up. These people are nuts with seeing the doctor.

Scout, my new sister, is okay. She wants to play, but I can't because of my foot. I have to be on a leash when I'm outside, so that's a real bummer. We did chase a bunny together before I was put on the leash restriction. That was fun. There are bunnies and squirrels all over here. There are also horseflies and I don't like them.

I really like living here and the lady said that once my foot is fixed that I will feel a lot better. She said we will be able to take long walks. I will be able to run and play with Scout. I think Scout will like me better then.

I still have to sleep in my crate at night and when the lady leaves the house. She said I have to prove I can handle being free while she is gone. The first time she left me out, I messed up. I found a cloth Walmart bag and I chewed a hole in it. I then had an "accident" in the kitchen. She said it's probably best that I stay in my crate until my foot gets better anyway. I don't mind the crate, but being free is definitely going to be more fun.

The Greyhound Who Likes Living In A House

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Joey is home again!

Yesterday was a very long day for us. Joey didn't get home until 6:30 p.m. I was so nervous with him being put under. In a nutshell, he has an infection that needs to be cleared up. He also has very bad arthritis due to his injury. The vet still needs to consult with a specialist, but he thinks surgery will be necessary. He said a plate will be put in Joey's foot and the bone will be fused. He said that would get rid of the pain and he will be able to run and play like a normal dog. We just have to wait and see what the specialist says before we proceed.

He is now on three medications and still needs the ice packs several times a day. I'm glad that I work from home because it makes caring for him so much easier.

Our greyhound group, Greyhound Companions of Missouri, is making sure that Joey gets the best possible care. We are extremely thankful for their help and their support. This would be a so much harder without them.

Mom to Scout and Joey (The Little Man)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

More Tests Today For Joey

Mama took Joey to the vet this morning for more tests. They left the house at 6 a.m. and he won't be home until dinner time. He's having more x-rays, blood tests and I think Mama said a test to determine if he has an infection. He has to be put under for that test and that's why he has to stay the entire day. Mama is worried about putting him under, but it has to be done. We couldn't eat last night after 6 p.m., so that was hard for me.

Mama said she cried when she left him, but he didn't even look back. He was busy flirting with the receptionist.

The house seems really quiet without the "little man" as Mama calls him.

The Greyhound Who Hopes Joey Is Doing Okay At The Vet

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...