Santa left us money this year. We were kind of sad about it. I was hoping for a new squeaky toy. Mama said she was not impressed with the toys that the Petsmart has here. I don't get that. Doesn't Santa bring our toys? It's things like that that make me wonder about life. As I was saying, Santa left us money. This morning, Mama said "Oh, Best Bully Stick is having a good sale! Do you want to spend your money there?" Well, you know we love bully sticks, so we gathered around the computer. We ordered jumbo sized bully sticks, some jerky treats and some filled bones. Mama then found a 10% off coupon. She didn't think it would work, but it did. The code is MODOGSUMMER12 if you want to give it a try. Mama always looks for computers before she orders anything online.
Mama woke us up at 4 a.m. yesterday. We thought it was Santa, but it was just Mama. She wanted to get us outside before the storms hit. We ended up not having storms which was good, but getting up at 4 a.m. was nuts. We had rain for about an hour and, of course, it started when we were on a walk around 10 a.m. We were trying to run home and Mama couldn't keep up. We kept stopping to shake the rain off and then we would take off again dragging Mama along. Dad said we were probably entertainment to a lot of people yesterday.
The folks went out for a late lunch yesterday. The first plan was Chinese, but then Mama decided she wanted Italian. The Italian place had an one and half hour wait, so they had Chinese.
We had leftovers! Can you guess what we had? |
We had Chinese Turkey! Do you know what that is? Remember on A Christmas Story when they went out to dinner and they were served Chinese Turkey?
It is duck! Dad ordered half a duck. Mama said he did it because of that movie. |
Mama had General Tso Chicken. It had jalapenos in it. |
The appetizer |
The flame didn't show up in the picture taken with the camera, but did with the cell phone. |
Inside Hu's Garden |
Mama said there were many families eating out yesterday. She said the place was really nice and the appetizer with the flame made for a fun Christmas meal.
Our day was in the 80's until around 4 p.m. and our temperatures dropped fast. The wind was really high. I got scared and Mama thought it was due to the wind. It was actually because our smoke alarm battery was dying and it beeped. I am scared of the beep. Is anyone else scared of beeps?
Today, our weather is cool, but the sun is out. Our motor home heats up when the sun is out, so we will probably be able to turn off our heater later today.
We hope everyone had a nice holiday. Happy Boxing Day to our friends who celebrate it.
The Greyhound Who Spends Money As Fast As His Mama