Friday, April 26, 2013

Clean Up Day

Yesterday, Mama washed our ID collars.  They were looking pretty bad.  Scout's white lettering looked tan.  We hung them outside to dry. You know what that means?  We were NAKED!   We would have put "Naked Day" in our title, but decided we might get some strange responses from spammers.  We are still getting spam from our title "Here We Come" that we wrote last year.  What? We might get spam for just putting it in our post?  I guess we will see.  We only accept comments from registered readers now, so it should be okay.

I'm naked!

It is relaxing to be naked.

Help!  I'm not only naked...I'm headless.  BOL!
This morning, we were given a "bath" with wipes.  That probably should have been done when we had our collars off.  Mama is going to wash our sheets today.  She really is doing these things in the wrong order.  BOL!

We had a pretty sunrise this morning.

We are moving to a new campground on Sunday.  Our time in Denver is winding down.  We would have liked it more if we hadn't received 20" of snow this month. The average amount of snow for April is 9".  I guess we got lucky.  BOL! 

The Greyhound Who Loves Being Naked

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Prairie Dogs!

Yesterday, we took a very long walk so that we could see the prairie dogs.  Dad was right, prairie dogs are more interesting than bunnies.  We were amazed by the noises they made.  We also loved sniffing around their homes.  We didn't get any actual pictures of them since they were pretty far away and our camera is not that good.  We did take a video and you can hear them.

 Our is not very exciting.

Here we are listening.  We really wanted to go in the field and visit them.

This is the field where the prairie dogs live.

On our way home, we passed some geese.  We have been careful to stay clear of them.

Can you see our motor home?


There's our home!

The snow is gone today.  It took it longer to disappear than expected since it was still snowing until about 11 a.m. on Tuesday.  We were able to hook up to water for the day yesterday, but we disconnected last night.  Today, we are hooked up again and it looks like we can stay that way for the remainder of our stay here.  Life has returned to normal for us.

 Now that the weather is nice again, we are taking long walks.  We usually take two one hour walks each day.  I think we could go longer, but Scout just isn't up for it.  Mama was a little nervous that we went too far today, but we made it back okay. We met some people on the trail and Scout was able to rest up before we continued on. Scout has always been one that wears out fast, but since she is almost a senior, Mama doesn't want to push her too far.

The campground is sold out again for this weekend.  People will probably start arriving today.  We kind of like the excitement of having other people around, but it is also nice to have the place to ourselves.

The Greyhound Who Is Happy That The Snow Is Gone

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Monday, April 22, 2013

Waiting For The Snow

It is a beautiful day so far, but it is supposed to change by afternoon.  We are getting more snow later today.  Dad says we will have to bring the slides in.  We are not happy about that.  The snow will probably be gone by tomorrow afternoon though and we hope that is the last of the snow for us. 

How can it snow when it looks this nice?

We took an hour long walk this morning.  We walked over 6,000 steps according to Mama's pedometer. We have four legs though, so doesn't that mean we walked 12,000 steps?

The folks planned on visiting Unsinkable Molly Brown's House on Saturday.  They couldn't find a parking spot though.  They didn't realize that the 420 Rally was being held nearby, but they soon figured it out.  The 420 Rally is a marijuana celebration, or something like that.  There ended up being shootings there late in the day.

Yesterday, the folks went grocery shopping. They normally go on Friday nights, but Dad didn't get home until late.  Dad said they will never again go on a Sunday because the store was crowded  They also went to Camping World for the fourth time since we have been here.  They returned that $140 hose that they can't use here since we can't hook up to water if it below freezing even with a heated hose.  We will be out of cold weather soon and if we need one next year, we will buy one then. 

After all the shopping was done, we got to go for a ride.  We wanted to visit another state park that is nearby, but they said NO DOGS ALLOWED.  There is wildlife in the park, so we can't go in.  The folk took us back to this park and we took a walk along the river.  It was nice to ride in the Jeep and to see another area of this park. 

Mama is going to take us to see the prairie dogs later this week. They have a "town" just down the street from us.  Dad thinks we will like them better than the bunnies.  Scout and I don't try to get at the bunnies.  We just stare at them.  I think we will just stare at the prairie dogs, too.

The Greyhound Who Is Dreading The Snow

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Radio Controlled Airplanes

The weekend is finally here and we are happy.  It has been a long week with bad weather.   The park was all but empty until yesterday.  It is full this morning.  We watched many people leave disappointed yesterday when they found all the sites were reserved.  The park comes to life with all the other campers.  We were invited to a "party" last night, but it was past our bedtime so we declined.

There is a field across from us where people fly radio controlled airplanes.  They are pretty loud.  Luckily, we are not late sleepers because they were buzzing by at 7 a.m.   It makes us wonder why they decided that the field right next to the campground was a good idea. 

You know what I discovered?  I can watch bunnies from my bed!

The Greyhound Who Likes Watching Bunnies From His Bed

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...