Thursday, May 27, 2010

Strange Visitor

Today was a pretty boring day when all of a sudden Mama screamed. "OMG!" Scout and I ran to the window and this is what we saw....

He was huge!

Mama said he just walked right up the porch step. That's what scared her. All at once she just saw this guy walking up and onto our porch. She opened the door so that we could see him better. Scout got scared and hid behind the chair.

We went outside later and he was gone. He was an odd guy. We didn't get close to him, but he was not scared of us at all. He walked around like he owned our place.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

It's Hot!

Our weather has taken a big change. It's now HOT and humid. It's 92. We don't like it at all! We went from no humidity to this stuff overnight. We are depressed.

We had another showing on Friday night. Can you believe that? We had three showings in one week! No offers, but the people Friday said it's a "maybe". Maybe is better than "No". We are keeping our paws crossed.

The Greyhound Who HATES Hot Weather

Friday, May 21, 2010

Mama Caught A Cold

Mama's been sick since Tuesday, but she's getting better. She caught a cold. She hasn't had one since I've been here, so it kind of scared me. She sounds really funny when she talks and she coughs a lot. I've been trying to take care of her, but Scout hasn't been much help. Scout is very self-absorbed.

This is my impression of how Mama looked this week. LOL

The people that looked at our house on Tuesday liked it, but they have a house to sell. We thought they still might be an offer on it with a contingency, but they haven't.

Mama said she's kind of glad that no one else has wanted to see it this week because she really didn't feel like getting it ready to show. She's doing better today though and even took us for a walk this morning.

The Greyhound Who Is A Good Nurse

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Another Day of Cleaning

It's a nice day here. I've been hanging out on the deck reading an old copy of Celebrating Greyhounds Magazine. Okay, I'll admit it. I'm enjoying seeing myself in the magazine.

Mama has been cleaning all morning. Our agents' open house was postponed, but we still have a showing later today. Clean, clean, clean.....that's what we do around here. Our vacuum seems to go non-stop. I miss the good ole' days of not seeing it for weeks on end. LOL

It's almost time for the showing!

The Greyhound Who Is Tired Of A Clean House

Monday, May 17, 2010

There's No Place Like Home

We are home again! We love camping, but it sure is nice to sleep on the BIG bed at home.

We have been sleeping since we came home. It doesn't seem like we did that much on this trip. I guess we are just getting old. We didn't even want to take a walk this morning. It's raining, so Mama said we could just do our "business" in the backyard. Scout did run 4 laps last night. She's a nut!

We have an agents' open house tomorrow and then, there is another showing of our house tomorrow afternoon. We are trying not to get our hopes up, but we really would like to sell our house and start our next adventure. The average time a house was on the market in our area last year was 352 days. Yikes! We really hope it doesn't take that long, but it's possible it won't sell this year. We cannot be negative. We must think positive otherwise all this cleaning and work has been for nothing.

Daddy said the lawnmower broke last night. Well, it works but the self-propelled no longer works. Daddy says it's a heavy mower and is hard to push now. We are not sure what he will do about it because the grass has to be cut to keep our yard looking nice. Scout and I have offered to eat the grass for him, but he said no. Well, we tried.

A Very Tired Greyhound

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Rain Found Us

Well, the rain found us here in Springfield. It's raining at home and raining here. We are very tired of the rain.

Yesterday, we went to a park that is located on a lake. We looked at the lake.

This is me telling Mama that I am not going in the water, so don't even ask.

We looked at a big tree.

Mama must have a thing about big trees because she was excited about this one. It's in our campground.
Mama and Daddy went to the Lincoln Museum and Scout and I stayed in the motor home. We just sat around and watched TV until the satellite froze the screen and then we just looked at the same picture until they came home. We then walked around the campground and met the other campers.

We are heading home in a little while. We got a call yesterday that someone wants to look at our house today. We will stay here a little longer than planned to give them time to look around. We are keeping our paws crossed that they will make an offer.

On a sad note, our greyhound friend Camie, has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. We are very sad for her Mama and her kitties that she lived with. We know she is running free now.

The Missouri Bound Greyhound

Saturday, May 15, 2010

On The Road Again

We are reporting to you from the Land of Lincoln! That's right we are in Illinois this morning.
We are staying at a KOA park. We normally stay at state parks, but this is the weekend where you can stay for a night for free. Last year we stayed in Springfield, MO and this year we are in Springfield, IL. How odd is that?

The weather is much nicer here than at home. The sun was out yesterday and it was so nice. It rained at home and it's raining again there this morning, but not here. Maybe we should move here.

We walked around the campground yesterday and got lots of attention from the other campers. There are lots of dogs here and we've been causing trouble. We walk in front of their campers and wait for them to bark and then we leave. It's so much fun!

I've been busy watching those ankle biters from my window. I don't bark at them, of course, I just watch them go by.
We are hoping someone looks at our house this weekend and puts in an offer. Mama says we can dream.

Have a nice weekend!

The Missouri Greyhound Who Is In Illinois Today

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...