Friday, June 4, 2010

Happy Friday!

Hi's me Scout aka Scoutie Roo. It's Friday!!! I love Fridays. When Mama turns off her computer on Friday evenings, we do a happy dance.

Do we have fun plans for the weekend? Nope! We have to clean the house because next week we have an agent's open house. Mama says we need to do deep cleaning and we need to trim some of the outside plants. The plants have really grown fast this year and need to be trimmed back again.

Do you want to see our house? Daddy and Mama took several plans they liked and put them together and this is how it turned out.

Mama took photos this morning because the day lilies are looking so pretty.

Have a greyt Friday!!!!

The Greyhound Who Loves Fridays

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Yesterday, we were recovering from our camping trip when all of a sudden Mama yelled "OMG"! That's really what she said too. Anyway, we ran to the window and there was a red fox on our porch. We had never seen a fox before. Mama couldn't find the camera fast enough to get his picture. She ran outside after she found the camera, but he was long gone.

Later in the day we saw a raccoon run across our driveway. What is up with all these critters in our yard? Do you think they know we are selling our house and are checking it out? Hey, if they have the cash, they are welcome to it. LOL

Monday, May 31, 2010

Guess Where We Are

We are at the BEACH! Well, sort of. We are at a lake, but it has a private beach just for us.

We've been lounging on our "beach" blanket.

When we get hot, we jump in the lake.

We rented a boat to go fishing.

Actually, Daddy and Grandpa went fishing. Mama, Grandma, Scout and I just watched from the beach.

We've watched the geese.

We've eaten lots of good food, but we didn't take pictures of that. Picture barbecue pork steaks, hot dogs, hamburgers and of course Frosty Treats. We've had a really nice time, but it's starting to rain so it's time to head home. We are very tired.

Happy Memorial Day!!!

Jack And Scout
The Greyhounds Who Love Camping at the Beach

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Strange Visitor

Today was a pretty boring day when all of a sudden Mama screamed. "OMG!" Scout and I ran to the window and this is what we saw....

He was huge!

Mama said he just walked right up the porch step. That's what scared her. All at once she just saw this guy walking up and onto our porch. She opened the door so that we could see him better. Scout got scared and hid behind the chair.

We went outside later and he was gone. He was an odd guy. We didn't get close to him, but he was not scared of us at all. He walked around like he owned our place.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

It's Hot!

Our weather has taken a big change. It's now HOT and humid. It's 92. We don't like it at all! We went from no humidity to this stuff overnight. We are depressed.

We had another showing on Friday night. Can you believe that? We had three showings in one week! No offers, but the people Friday said it's a "maybe". Maybe is better than "No". We are keeping our paws crossed.

The Greyhound Who HATES Hot Weather

Friday, May 21, 2010

Mama Caught A Cold

Mama's been sick since Tuesday, but she's getting better. She caught a cold. She hasn't had one since I've been here, so it kind of scared me. She sounds really funny when she talks and she coughs a lot. I've been trying to take care of her, but Scout hasn't been much help. Scout is very self-absorbed.

This is my impression of how Mama looked this week. LOL

The people that looked at our house on Tuesday liked it, but they have a house to sell. We thought they still might be an offer on it with a contingency, but they haven't.

Mama said she's kind of glad that no one else has wanted to see it this week because she really didn't feel like getting it ready to show. She's doing better today though and even took us for a walk this morning.

The Greyhound Who Is A Good Nurse

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Another Day of Cleaning

It's a nice day here. I've been hanging out on the deck reading an old copy of Celebrating Greyhounds Magazine. Okay, I'll admit it. I'm enjoying seeing myself in the magazine.

Mama has been cleaning all morning. Our agents' open house was postponed, but we still have a showing later today. Clean, clean, clean.....that's what we do around here. Our vacuum seems to go non-stop. I miss the good ole' days of not seeing it for weeks on end. LOL

It's almost time for the showing!

The Greyhound Who Is Tired Of A Clean House

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...