Thursday, December 29, 2011

Slumber Party!

Mama has a cold.  She told us last night that she was going to sleep in the living room with us because she didn't want to keep Daddy awake.  Scout and I thought it would be fun to have a slumber party.  We were wrong!  Mama kept us up almost all night.  She coughed and sneezed, moaned and groaned and blew her nose.  Sometimes she even sneezed and coughed at the same time.  Scout and I finally had enough and went to the office to sleep.

The Greyhound Who Does Not Like Slumber Parties

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

It Snowed.... A Little

We woke Mama up at 3 a.m. to tell her it was snowing.  We then told her we needed to go outside. We thought it was fun, she did not.  We had about an inch, but it's already melting.

She just took us out for our after breakfast walk.  She told Scout she could walk in the fenced yard without a leash, but to be careful.  I still have to stay on a leash which is really sad when there is snow on the ground.  Scout made her first turn around the shed and we couldn't see her, but we heard her scream.  Mama yelled her name and started running which meant I got to run a little since I'm attached to a leash. Scout appeared and was limping.  Mama checked her over and she looked fine.  She got us back in the house quickly and by that time Scout was no longer limping.  Mama checked her over again and then offered her a Frosty Treat and determined she was okay.  I bet Scout has to stay on a leash until the snow is gone.

My leg is sore after I ran in the house on Friday.  Mama is upset with me, but sometimes a guy needs to let loose and I did.  We think the screws from the plate pressed against my skin because I have two little marks on my foot and they are next to each other.  Mama is anxious to get the plate out of my foot, but we have to wait at least another two months.

The Greyhound Who Would Love To Run In The Snow

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Santa Came!

Santa did find us!  He brought us toys. 

We got another hedge hog, but this one squawks and squeaks.  We got a fox without stuffing.  I already tore it, but Mama said she can fix it.  Two ducks that squawk and a duck with long legs and arms.  Daddy said it's not a realistic duck.  In case you are wondering, my eye is not red.  It's just the flash.  Mama didn't feel like helping me edit the photos.

We played and played until we were exhausted.  Here is a short video.  It's not very exciting, but Mama said I look cute at the end when I smile at the camera.
Joey's First Christmas

We received bully sticks and other treats last week, so we really received a lot of things for my first Christmas with my forever family.  It's been so much fun and Daddy is home for a while, so I'm very happy!

The Greyhound Who Is Having A Wonderful Christmas!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

From Our House To Yours

We even have a Charlie Brown Christmas tree now.  Santa will surely be able to find us now!

Scout and Joey
The Greyhounds Who Wish You A Very Merry Christmas

Friday, December 23, 2011


I'm so excited!  Today is an exciting day.  Daddy is coming home tonight.  Guess what?  Daddy was telling a guy at work about the blanket that Mama got for Christmas and he wanted to see it.  Daddy opened up the blog and he saw the picture of me in that silly hat.  He called Mama and told her that he would not walk me if I was wearing it.  Mama told him she wanted to try and make some and he asked her why did she want to torture us?  So, it looks like I won't have to wear my hat very often.  Yes!!!! 

In case you missed it, this is the hat that is upsetting me.

The Greyhound Who Is So Glad To Have Daddy On His Side

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...