Sunday, June 10, 2012

Day 42, Houston, We Have A Problem!

Now, you knew we would have to use that line sometime, didn't you?  LOL   Friday morning, Mama, Scout and I were just sitting around when Mama said she smelled something burning.  She went into the bedroom and the smell seemed to be coming out of the air conditioning vent.  She then heard a POP POP. She immediately shut off the air conditioner and ran outside to see if there was smoke coming out of the AC unit on the roof. There was not.  She then came in and called Dad, but got his voice mail.  She just wanted to know if there was anything else she should do.  She kept checking outside to make sure there wasn't a fire because she still smelled the burning. Dad called back and told her to unplug the electric cord that the AC runs on.  He said he would probably be late coming home since the hotel was without water and he was having it brought in and things were a mess there.  So, we all settled in for a long day and hoped it wouldn't get too hot. We do have an AC in the living room, but a second one is really needed to keep it comfortable especially on 90+ degree days.  Dad ended up getting home around 6 pm which was earlier than we expected him.  He checked all the wiring to the AC and determined Mama to be nuts. He turned on the AC and Mama immediately said she smelled something burning.  Dad said he didn't. This conversation went on for about 15 minutes.  We then all went for a walk. When we came back, the RV really smelled. Dad finally agreed that something smelled.  It was then determined that the compressor was dying.  Dad started out as an AC guy, so he knows about that sort of stuff.  So, we went to bed not knowing when our AC would be fixed.  Yesterday morning, the folk set out to find a repairman.  Dad said there are guys who will come to us and that seemed to be the best option.  They went to a place that said the first appointment would be June 20th.  That was just too far away. They said we could bring the RV to them on Thursday and they could fix it. They would hook us up to electric and water, so we would be comfortable. The problem with that is that it is kind of a pain to pack up and drive there for the day.  Mama said that if that is what we needed to do, we would just have to do it.  The parts guy told Dad to ask our park manager for names of people that come to the park to do repairs, so that is what we did.  The park manager gave us the name of the guy they use, so Dad called him.  He had to leave a voice mail and Mama worried that he might not get back to us right way, but he did!  He is coming tomorrow, Monday.  Then, the folks left to buy the AC unit.  Dad had been wanting to visit this super center of RV parts and they had what we needed at a good price.  It was an hour away, but isn't everything?  Dad could install it himself, but it weighs 100 pounds.  The problem is getting it to the top of the RV.  He needs two ladders and another man to help him, so that is why we needed to hire someone.

Dad put the awning out yesterday afternoon.  It is not broke after all. He anchored it down this time.  It should help keep the RV a little cooler.  We received our electric bill yesterday and it was better than we expected.  However, it was about five days less than what Mama had been figuring. 

There is no sightseeing this weekend due to the air conditioning problem.  Mama doesn't want to leave us for too long just in case something happens to the other air conditioner.  It gets warm in here with just one, but we have a fan that is helping.  We keep the bedroom door shut during the day so that the AC can concentrate on the living room area.  Scout is not happy about that since she wants to sleep on the bed.  Hopefully, she will be able to freeze her butt off back there tomorrow afternoon.  It actually cools off nice in the evening and we shut vents off in the living room area and that forces the cool area in the bedroom. It's been fine so far.

Last night, the folks ate at Guadalajara Hacienda.  Mama was disappointed in the menu because they did not have her favorite, chimichangas.  They also did not have burritos.  That seems a little odd for a Mexican restaurant.  They had a lot of chicken and seafood dishes, but just a few beef.  Mama likes beef over chicken.  Actually, chicken is really big here in Houston.  There are chicken places all over the place.  Anyway, Mama ended up ordering  Mariachi's Plate which is a chicken fajita burrito, beef fajita enchilada and tamale. The fajitas are different than what they are used to since they do not have any peppers or cheese.  Mama really liked the beef fajita enchilada.  She also liked the green chili sauce they served with the tortilla chips.

Mariachi's Plate with a quail leg (from Dad's plate)

Dad's plate - Fajitas and Quail legs
They said it was good, but will not be going back.  We had some of the chicken from Mama's fajita and we thought it was very good.  It really wasn't seasoned, so it was fine for us to eat.  We had some last night and then a little more this morning.  Yum!  I definitely like doggy bags.

We are just going to chill today with the folks.  Mama said we may have some fried chicken for lunch.  It is either that or Chinese food.  I'm hoping for the fried chicken.

Hopefully all goes well tomorrow with the air conditioning repair.

The Greyhound Who Is Ready For Lunch

Friday, June 8, 2012

Day 41, Be Careful What You Wish For

We have been hoping for rain.  It has been so dry.  Yesterday afternoon it looked like it might pour.

It just sprinkled.  Around midnight, it rained hard.  We are not sure how long it rained because we were sleeping.  We saw on TV that the town we border had 3" of rain.  There are puddles all over and we were happily bouncing in and out of them this morning.  However, we then reached our trail and it was muddy.  It was still dark out and Mama was sliding all over.  She said we would have to wait until daylight to do our long walk.  Finally, 6:15 a.m. arrived and Mama and I started walking around the lake.  We then started sinking.  Mama's tennis shoes sunk down and my feet sunk.  I thought it was kind of fun.  Apparently, the dirt in Houston is different than at home.  It's more sandy. We read a review of our campground and one person said that his travel trailer sunk while he was pulling into his site.  We couldn't imagine that happening, but now we can. Mama said we will not be walking around the lake until it dries up.  It's supposed to rain more today though. 
See we have water puddles now.

Since our normal path is like quick sand, we walked along the road to the fire house this morning.  I love watching the firemen.

I really want to go inside and meet the guys!
I know you are anxious to hear what Mama fixed for dinner last night.  LOL  Last night, she fixed Creamy Chive Casserole.  The recipe was a little mixed up.  The grocery list said to buy cream of chicken soup, but the recipe called for cream of mushroom soup.  Mama figured the recipe must be wrong since there was no chicken in the recipe.  She used the cream of chicken soup.  She also added a diced chicken breast to it since she thought it needed it.   

Mama thought it was good, but maybe a little too rich.  Dad made no comment, but ate it all.  We didn't get a chance to try it.

8 oz thin egg noodles
(¼ c butter, 1 T dried chives)
½ c chive & onion cream cheese
½ pint sour cream
1 can cream of chicken soup
(½ sleeve buttery cracker crumbs)

Cook noodles according to package directions. Mix butter, chives, cream cheese, sour cream and cream of chicken soup together. Gradually stir in noodles until consistency is moist but not wet. Place into a casserole dish and top with cracker crumbs. Bake at 325° until hot and bubbly.

The folks will be doing tourist things tomorrow, but haven't decided for sure what yet.  It depends on the weather.  Mama doesn't want to be far from us if storms are predicted.  They thought about going to Galveston, but that is 80 miles away.  There is a Bubba Gump restaurant there and they are going to try it.  Mama loved the Forrest Gump movie and the restaurant is themed after it.  Has anyone ever eaten at one?  If so, was it good?  There are several in the U.S.

The Greyhound Who Wants To Ride In A Fire Engine

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Day 40, Houston Photos

When the folks visited the Space Center last weekend, they came close to downtown Houston.  Mama took some photos of the buildings. She has seen these from miles away and thought they made a pretty skyline.

Last night, there were storms in the area.  We had some wind gusts that shook Goldie.  We were nervous.  Dad was still at work.  The rain finally came, but it was just a shower.  It barely even wet the pavement.  We are supposed to have rain today.  We hope we get something.  The lakes in our campground are getting really low.

Me sleeping on the floor with my hedgehog.

Mama thinks I am cute when I sleep.
The weather was cool this morning, so we took four long walks. Well, five walks if you count the 2 a.m. walk that I insisted on taking.  I was bored. Mama made me wait a half hour to see I really needed to go or if I was just bored.  Well, I was bored, but I made it look like I really needed to go out so that she doesn't stop taking me. I like walking in the dark because I see raccoons and cats.  Mama is not fond of the 2 a.m. walk for some reason.  We have started taking a different route and now we walk all the way the lake that is located at the far end of the campground, but only during the day, not in the middle of the night.

Mama walked to Jack In The Box for lunch today.  She has been wanting to do that , but didn't want to go on a really hot day since there is not a lot of shade.  She had to walk through a field, but there is a path that is cleared.  We can't imagine who uses the path but maybe it is the firemen that work nearby.  She could walk on the highway, but the path is much safer.  She said she may go back tomorrow and have tacos.  She likes their tacos

Last night she fixed Easy Beef Skillet.  It was easy to make.
1 lb lean ground beef
15 oz can black beans, drained
14 oz can diced tomatoes w/ chilies, undrained
Steamed white rice, desired amount
Sour cream, to taste

In non-stick skillet, brown ground beef and drain. Add black beans and tomato. Heat thru. Serve over steamed rice. Top with sour cream.

Mama mixed the rice in with the meat because Dad called and said he was going to be late and she figured that was the best way to keep the rice from getting lumpy.  She said it was good.  Dad didn't comment and she forgot to ask him, but he did eat it all.

She fixed a strawberry shortcake this week.  She used a strawberry muffin mix as the cake part because that is what she had.  It was good, but would have been better with whipped cream.   I like whipped cream.

The Greyhound Who Likes Walking At 2 AM

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day 39, The Blogsville Ladies Crochet Society

Mama joined The Blogsville Ladies Crochet Society last week.  It is hosted by Miss Lynne of Dip-Dip and The Bridge.   There is still time to join in on the fun.  The first project which is a dishcloth is due on June 27th so that it can be displayed on Dip-Dip and The Bridge blog on the 29th.  Mama is a novice at crocheting.  She has made a few scarves and started a dishcloth when Daddy was in St. Thomas, but never finished it.  Well, she has been working hard on her dishcloth.  She was excited when she finished it and sent a photo of it to Lynne.  She was then quite embarrassed when she reviewed what it was supposed to look like.  It looked nothing like the sample.  She quickly emailed Lynne and told her to delete the photos.  LOL  Lynne wrote back and said it looked nice and asked how she did it .  Mama may have created her own stitch.  It looks like she knitted it instead of crocheted it.  Mama is not going to show you a photo of it because she doesn't want to spoil the surprise.  It will be unveiled on June 29th will all the dishcloths.  Mama did make a new one last night and she thinks it is the correct stitch now.  It was a lot easier to do than the first one.  The one rule they have is that "enjoyment is mandatory".  Mama said she is following that rule.

Sunday night, Mama fixed a potato salad from her Emeals menu.  Daddy said it was good enough that she could serve it to company. That means he liked it.  LOL   It was served with bacon sandwiches.

Potato Salad
 ¾ lb potatoes, quartered
(¼ c mayo)
1 egg, hard-boiled & chopped
2 green onions, chopped
Cook unpeeled potatoes in boiling water 15 to 18 minutes or until tender; drain. Rinse with cold water until
cooled; drain well. Combine mayo, hard-boiled egg & green onions in large bowl; add potatoes and mix lightly. Serve chilled

Last night, they had Chicken Cheesy Skillet.  Scout and I didn't have any because it was too spicy for us.
1/2 box of 16 oz penne pasta
1 chicken breast, cut in small cubes
1 c. salsa
1 c. frozen corn
1/2 green pepper, cut into short thin strips
1 c. finely shredded fiesta blend cheese

Cook pasta per package directions.  Cook chicken in large skillet coated with cooking spray for 2 minutes. Stir in salsa, corn and green pepper.  Bring to a boil. Simmer on medium-law for 10 minutes.  Drain pasta and add to chicken mixture.  Add cheese and stir until melted.

Mama thought it was good, but maybe a little too spicy because she used hot flavored salsa. Daddy said it wasn't spicy.  He always says that.

Rain is predicted for the rest of the week.  We hope we see some of it.  It is hot here now, 96 yesterday, but that is to be expected in Houston.  The people on the news complain about the heat every day.  Mama says complaining about it doesn't make it any cooler.
I stay cool by staying in the air conditioning.
The Greyhound Who Hopes His Mama Doesn't Start Crocheting Things For Him To Wear

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day 36, A Day of Errands

On Sunday, Mama and Daddy got their hair cut.  They used that app that Great Clips has where you can check-in online. Mama said the place was crowded when they got there and she felt a little bad moving ahead of the people that were waiting, but that is how it works.  She heard other people asking about it as she was getting her hair cut.  

They stopped at Petsmart to buy us more food.  Daddy said he thinks we are going over our food budget and we need to chip in on the air conditioning bill.  He is so funny.  LOL  We haven't seen the Petsmart here, so Mama took photos to show how classy it is.

You can see these if you look closely at the first photo.

Mama said she laughed and laughed the first time she saw it.  The inside is just normal, but the outside is so classy. 

They ate lunch at Pappas Seafood House.  As you may remember Mama is allergic to shellfish and she really doesn't care much for other fish.  She eats at seafood places with Daddy because she can always find something to eat.  She was surprised that she only had two choices yesterday.  One choice was a steak that was $35.  She thought that a a bit pricey for lunch.  She chose the Chicken Linguine Lafayette linguine tossed with grilled chicken breast, mushrooms, spinach, broccoli, garlic & extra virgin olive oil.  She said it was the best chicken she has ever tasted.  It almost tasted like a steak.  She brought some of it home for us and asked us if it was the best chicken we had ever tasted and we said it was.  What did she expect us to say?
It tasted much better than it looks in this photo.  This is the lunch portion.
They had mozzarella sticks as an appetizer.
The mozzarella sticks were huge!

They also had dinner salads and they were very large.  No pictures because Mama forgot to take some.

Dad had the Blackened Catfish with Pappardelle Mardi Gras
blackened catfish fillet with pasta ribbons tossed with shrimp, crawfish,
Andouille sausage, mushrooms, tomatoes & basil in a tomato cream sauce.  This is the lunch portion.

Dad said that he really liked the catfish.  Yes, Mama took the photo of his food even though he doesn't like that.  The portions were huge at this place, but the prices were on the high side.  Actually, Texas does seem to give huge portions of food.  They are not sure if they will go back even though it was so good.  Mama said she can't imagine the chicken being that good again and she would be disappointed.  She still wants to go back to Saltgrass and Willy's before we leave Houston.  Mama jokes that she is eating her way through Houston.

Mama called her bank to see about having a debit card sent here.  It is not going to happen.  The bank will only mail it to our home address and since our mail is being forwarded, it would just be sent back to the bank since it can't be forwarded.  They cannot mail it directly to us.  Dad's debit card is working, but Mama was hoping to get a back up one in case something happens to his. She will just have to be really careful with it.  She plans to use it at Walmart and that is all.  She will get cash when she makes purchases and she will pay cash everywhere else.

Pappadeaux Seafood Kitchen (The Woodlands) on Urbanspoon
She asked the bank lady how the crooks use stolen credit card numbers and she said that they make new cards. The bank lady agreed with her in that the crooks used a skimmer at the restaurant and that is how they got our card numbers.  It happens all the time. 

The Greyhound Who Likes When Mama Brings Home A Doggy Bag

Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 35, Touring Space Center Houston, Part 2

There are four space shuttles that have been retired and unfortunately, Houston has not been given any of them.  It really doesn't seem fair because according to the Space Center, the first word said on the moon was "Houston" and the last word was "Houston". Houston has been the mission control center for all missions.  Houston residents are bitter over not receiving a space shuttle according to the news.  However, this weekend had some residents very happy.  A replica of the space shuttle arrived.  It arrived by water and a big celebration was held. 

The space shuttle replica.  Since it is not a real one, people will be able to board it and touch things. They would not be able to do that if it was real.  It's new home will be at the Space Center.

Space Shuttle waiting for trip to Space Center.  It was taken down the street on Sunday.  It was supposed to take it 3 hours, but it ended up taking 6 hours.  Palm trees seemed to be more of a problem than expected.
 After touring the Space Center, the folks ate a restaurant that had very good reviews.  Unfortunately, Mama must have ordered the wrong thing, because she was not impressed by it.

This is Boondoggles Pub.

Inside Boondoggles Pub

Chicken Parmesan over Spaghetti

Mama ordered the Chicken Parmesan -Lightly Breaded Chicken Breast, topped with marinara, provolone and parmesan cheese, served over spaghetti.  She considered ordering the chicken fried ribeye because she had never heard of that, but thought it might be a waste of a nice ribeye.  She said her food was good, but she didn't really like the sauce on the spaghetti.  Dad had calzone.  He said it was okay.

Traffic was terrible coming home and they took an alternate route recommended by Tom Tom.  It took them about 1.5 hours.  After they got home, Dad surprised us by taking us to Sonic. The folks had ice cream, but Scout and I shared a hamburger.  Yum!

Scout thinks she is queen of the bed.
 The folks discovered on Friday that their debit card number was not stolen at the phone store as they suspected.  Dad received another call about his prescriptions being ready, but this time Mama checked the number and found it to be a store in St. Louis.  They believe the call was for the guy who used to have Dad's phone number.  Unfortunately, Dad received a call last night from his credit card company. His corporate Visa has also been stolen. It is being used in Pennsylvania.  The folks believe both cards were probably stolen at the same restaurant or at least they hope that is the case.  Dad's corporate card has been turned off and they will send him a new one. Hopefully, the crooks messed up by using a corporate credit card and are caught.   Mama is planning on using cash as much as possible from now on.  She will need to use a debit card to get cash though.

The Greyhound Who Is Tired Of These Crooks

Day 35, Touring Space Center Houston - Part 1

This post will be in two parts because we are having trouble adding photos.  They are getting out of order.  I may be talking too much today. LOL

Saturday the folks were tourists once again. This time they drove about an hour to tour Space Center Houston. Everything seems to be an hour from us no matter what direction we go.  Mama wasn't very excited about going, but Daddy kept telling her that they may have something special for Apollo 13 and since that mission was made into one of her favorite movies, she decided it might be okay.  Tickets are normally $22 a person, but she found out they were offering tickets half off if you ordered them last week, so that is what she did.

Space Center Houston is actually the official visitors center of NASA's Johnson Space center.  It seems to be geared towards kids, but there are things for adults.  There are several short films to watch and two different tram tours to take. One tram tour is to the Astronaut Training Facility and the other one is to Mission Control.  They both stop off at Saturn V Facility which is where a rocket is stored.  They chose the Mission Control tour as Mama was still hoping to see where Apollo 13 said "Houston, we have a problem."  Unfortunately, there are several mission controls and that is not the one they saw.  Everything takes about an hour to do, so you have to plan your time carefully around when the films are shown and the tours take place.  They followed the guide that said if you only have 3-4 hours, this is what you should do.  They were there for more like five hours.  Oh, they ate lunch there.  It was expensive, of course.  Dad had a hamburger that looked a little grey.  He said it was baked.  It was $8.  It came with fries.  Mama had chicken strips and fries and said it was fine.  It was also $8. 

Entrance to Space Center Houston

Inside Starship Gallery Museum

Space rover that astronauts used for training

Another shot of the space rover

This is a moon rock that you can touch.  There are only 8 in the world that people are allowed to touch. Mama said it was very smooth.  She washed her hands after touching it because she thought of all the germs that it must have on it.  LOL
More moon rocks.  They were behind glass.
 Mama and Daddy took the tour that included mission control.  Before you enter the Space Center, you have to go through security where they check your bags, etc.  You have to go through security again before you board the tram to see mission control.  Your picture is taken and Mama was not sure it was so much for security or if they want you to buy the photos.  They never really mention buying the photos though. They do not allow you to wear sunglasses in the photos.  You are also given a boarding pass for the tram and you have to give it back after you leave mission control.  Mama thought she lost hers and had a moment of panic.  Mama thought they would just drive you through the building to see mission control. Daddy said that was silly.  I think they were both surprised to have to climb 54 steps to reach mission control. They didn't tell anyone that before they arrived at the building.
This is Mission Control.  It was not being used though.
Another shot of Mission Control. They had TV screens that showed an active Mission Control center in the same building.
Cows along tour.  Not sure why they are there.  No comment was made about them.
Trees serve as a memorial to those astronauts that have been lost in space.
Saturn V rocket.  It was never used.
Rocket on tour

Building that has mission control.

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...