Thursday, August 8, 2013

A Surprising Discovery On Our Walk This Morning

There are days that Mama and I have a hard time coming up with something "interesting" to say in the blog.  There are other days when we have something in mind and then something happens to change that and today is one of those days.

Mama and I took off on a walk this morning.  We decided to head down a trail instead of staying on the road like we did yesterday.  We took a very long walk yesterday but we can't tell you how far because our pedometer seems to be broken.  Scout stayed at home because she doesn't care for our long walks.  Okay, back to today. 

The trail is nicely mowed.

We go deeper and deeper into the trail.

Wow, the trail leads to the main road. We didn't expect that.  Surprising, but not the big surprise.

Let's start heading back because we are now in the full sun.

There is a fork in the road, so we take it. 

Come on, Mama, let's keep going.
I guess we should mention here that the brochure that the campground gave us has a blurb that we have never seen on a campground brochure.  It says: "Our insurance company wishes to inform you of the existence of poison ivy, snakes, mosquitoes, fire ants and chiggers within the boundaries of our RV Park."  The insurance company did not warn us that we might come across.....

Are you ready?

Are you sure?

I hope we don't get in trouble for this.

We came across a NAKED LADY and we took a picture.

Yep, there she is.  BOL!

We thought we might have to blur some of the photo because she was pretty detailed, but our camera didn't pick all of that up.  We will save what we planned to write about today for another day because the naked lady was just too funny not to share.  

The Greyhound Who Thinks Nature Walks Can Be Very Educational.  BOL!!!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Monday, August 5, 2013

Camping Along The Mighty Mississippi

We are enjoying camping along the river.  It is not as exciting as camping at Graceland RV Park, but it's nice.  Yesterday, our area was pretty full, but this morning it is just us and one other motor home.  This place has a section for motor homes and a section for fifth wheels.  Do you know why?  The sites are set up so that if you have a motor home, you pull in so that you have a view of the river.  If you have a fifth wheel, you back in because most fifth wheels have windows in the back.  We are also set on angles so that we have views from our windshield and views from our side windows.  It sounds like a logical way to do it, but most campgrounds don't think these things out.

Our site
Our view.

There are benches all along the river bank.

There is another barge.
Mama and I took a walk this morning.  We found a tree house!

A ramp to the tree house.

Wow, cool furniture!

This is a fancy tree house - a refrigerator, sink and bathroom.

Time to head back to the ground.
Our day has turned rainy, so we are now stuck inside.  We are making the most of it.
Enjoying the day together.

The Greyhound Who Prefers His Motor Home To A Tree House Although Peeing From It Could Be Fun

Sunday, August 4, 2013

One Last Trip To Graceland Plaza and A Preview Of Our New Campground

This morning I pleaded with Mama to take me to Graceland Plaza again.  How did I do that?  Well, I walked her to the gate and whined. She told me the gates were locked until 7 a.m., but promised she would take me then.  As soon as breakfast was over, I reminded her of her promise and off we went.  We left "Wussy Girl" behind.  A girl at our last campground actually named Scout that.  She saw us walking without Scout and asked me if my sister was being a wuss again.  BOL   Mama and I had a grand time walking in the plaza and meeting people.  One lady asked my name and Mama told her Joey. She said that was her dead husband's name and then showed us her tattoo with his name that is on her chest.  She offered to take a picture and me and Mama at the Graceland gates and Mama told her no because Mama hates having her picture taken, but now she wishes she would have. We had a wonderful time walking around and talking to people.  We loved hearing Elvis' music as we walked.  It is such a festive place. It is definitely not for everyone, but we enjoyed it.

Mama wishes I would cooperate more when she is taking my photo, but has decided she will embrace the bloopers that I provide her.

Hey, this one is not bad.  I am standing by the fence outside of Graceland.

Pictures by the gates didn't go as well.

The main problem is that I don't stand still.  Mama says I was on sensory overload here.  I loved it though!
"Come on Mama! I think we can sneak in and see the house."
Uncle Lee, she is stopping traffic again!  Uncle Lee is not fond of the tourists because they cause traffic problems.
"Why can't we go inside the store?"

That is it folks.  We have left Memphis. Dad says it is unlikely that we will be back since the only Marriott hotel in Memphis will be no more as of next week.  Mama is sad as she had a lot of fun just walking around meeting people.  Mama admits that maybe it was time to leave as last night she had a dream and "In The Ghetto" was playing in her dream.  It is an Elvis song that she has never really liked, but there it was in her dream.  Elvis music played at the pool at our park and also at the pool at Heartbreak Hotel. Music played in the plaza as well as the gift shops. It was fun walking around hearing the music.

We moved to our new campground this morning.  We haven't taken many photos yet, but we have a few taken from inside our motor home.

A barge passed by us.  The first of many.

We have a great view!

Dad is at work, so we are watching Elvis in concert on TV.  BOL!  

The Greyhound Who Has Left Memphis -- Thank You, Thank You Very Much!  BOL!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Visitors And A Change Of Plans

This morning Mama woke us up at 5 a.m.  She said it was pay back for us waking her up yesterday at 4:30 a.m.  Actually, last night on the news, they said it would be raining here at 6 a.m. and she was trying to beat the rain.  Did it rain?  Nope!

After breakfast, we went for a long walk.  We were just walking around the campground and I wanted to walk in the Graceland parking lot.  The next thing I knew, we were walking in the Graceland Plaza.  Mama wanted to get some photos of us next to the Elvis photos, but we didn't cooperate. Modeling is definitely not our thing.

This is the best one. BOL!

We both didn't fit in this photo.

Decent butt shot, if that is your thing.

It is not even a good shot of The King.

Scout's nose is just too long, I guess.  BOL!
As we were walking home, this guy was working with a group of other men setting up a pavilion.  He called out to Scout "Here Wolf, Here Wolf!"  We walked over to him and he started screaming like a girl.  Mama told him we were nice. Mama asked if he wanted to pet Scout and when we got near him, he ran off screaming.  His friends thought it was hilarious.

We had visitors today!  Dad's high school friend, Lee and his wife, Donna, came over. They live here in Memphis.  Lee actually introduced Mama and Dad back in high school.  We didn't know it, but they are fans of our blog.  They went to lunch at a restaurant that Uncle Lee picked out based on the folks likes from reading the restaurant blog.  Mama said he made an excellent choice.  Mama will review the restaurant next week, but here are a few pictures to make you drool.

The appetizer.  Yep, fried pickles are there.

Mama's burger.  I can attest that this burger was delicious.  A doggy bag was brought home.
Okay, so what are the change in plans?  We are leaving here tomorrow and we were supposed to stay in a state park. The  folks visited it last week and while the park itself is nice, the route getting there goes through a rough area.  Mama considers an area rough when there are bars on the windows of homes.  She has been worried because Dad will be working late next week coming home at midnight a few nights.  She was also concerned about staying in the park with just us even though she thinks the park is safe.  Uncle Lee did not relieve her fears but made them worse as he said it was not a good area to drive through.  Mama found a campground in West Memphis, AR that looked nice and the rates were good. The folks drove there tonight and liked it, but the only site available was their premium site, so it's price is higher than Mama wanted to pay.  They decided to reserve it anyway.  Mama said safety is important and she feels better about staying there.  It is really close to Dad's work and Dad said we would have probably stayed here the entire time if he had known about it.  We didn't look for parks in Arkansas.  You know what is cool about this park?  We have a front row view of the river and all the river traffic. 

The Greyhound Who Has Not Mastered His Modeling Skills

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...