Monday, July 28, 2014

Goodguys Are Fun!

The Goodguys were in town last week. They own classic and hot rod cars.  They had a big show here.  We were told by one person that they get really wild and drunk.  That was not the case.  The host usually spaces everyone so that we have a lot of room, but we were warned that we would be packed in our sites and we were.  We even had to pay more to stay here during the event, but we were fine with that.

These were delivered last week.

I guess they expected people here without indoor plumbing.

I really enjoyed going out at night because people lined up on the sidewalk to watch the cars go by.  They squeaked a toy horn to try and get the cars to honk at us and if they did, everyone hooted and howled.  It was fun!  I even thought about howling, but I didn't.  I love being in crowds like that.  We met some kids while we were watching the cars and they petted us.  We were very popular. We talked to people from Canada, California and Oregon.   Last night, I couldn't wait to go out and join the crowd, but they had all gone home.  I was really sad.

We took a few pictures of the cars, but we didn't get too many.

The action is over there. That is where I should be.

But Mom, I want to go over there.

Scout enjoyed being out in the crowds too.

There is a surf board on the roof.

This one has a Teddy Bear hanging out.

As you may remember, we are staying at the fairgrounds.  There are fields around us that are used for parking during the fair.  In the fields, there are fruit trees and berries.  We think that there used to be houses there and that is why there are fruit trees.  We have apples, pears, cherries and also blackberries.  The blackberry bushes are huge. They are taller than some of the trees.


We don't know what this is.  Anyone know?

We were told we could help ourselves to the fruit.  Today, we went blackberry picking with Mama.  BOL!

We then made a cobbler.
The camp host gave us blackberry scones the other day.  She said they are very popular at the fair.  Mama had never had a scone.  She liked it.  A co-worker of Dad's asked if we would be here for the fair and he said no.  She said "Oh, darn, you won't get to try the scones."  He told her that he has already had some.  I guess it pays to be friends with the host here.  BOL!

The Greyhound Who Likes Living At The Fairgrounds

Friday, July 25, 2014

Mount Rainier National Park

The folks drove to Mount Rainer on Sunday.  Did you know that Mount Rainier is considered one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world?  That's right!  We learned that almost immediately here.  There are test sirens that go off on the first Monday of the month.  You see, if the volcano erupts, we are in the path of a massive lahar.  Lahar is basically mudflow and other debris that will come down the mountain when it erupts.  Our neighbors told us there would be a tsunami due to all the snow melting off the mountain, but the folks learned it is actually lahar that we have to be concerned about.  Don't worry, all we have to do is climb this big hill that is near us and we will be safe.  The hill is so big that Mama is scared to take Buddy up it.  She is more scared of riding him down it because it is an 11% grade.  The neighbors told us we could get up it faster by walking than by trying to drive since everyone will be going up the hill.  Supposedly, we will have warning before it erupts.  We hope to be gone before that happens.  BOL!
We just need to follow the signs.
The admission charge to get into Mt. Rainer is $15 a car or $5 a person if you walk in.  Mama said it should be $5 a person up to $15 in a car.  It took the folks about two hours to get there due to driving in the mountains.

The folks immediately headed to a section of the park called Paradise because they wanted to eat lunch at the lodge.  They ate lunch in Paradise.  BOL!

Paradise Inn

The arrived in time for Sunday brunch.  Mama was shocked at the price.  It was $25.50 a person.  YIKES!  Dad said they were there, so they were going to eat.

Mama said the food was good.  She really liked the cheesecake for dessert. There were several to choose from.

This is the mail box at the lodge.

People lounging in the lodge.
After they had brunch, they drove through just a tiny portion of the park.  They saw several waterfalls.  Mt. Rainier was fogged in, so they did not get any photos of him.  We have seen him from afar though.

Snow in the waterfall.

The trees are bent due to the amount of snow they hold up each year. They have an average of 26-30 feet of snow each year.

Mama said they were on the lookout for animals, but only saw two chipmunks. One chipmunk ran out into the road and was killed by the car in front of them. :-(  Mama was hoping to see other wildlife.  She prefers to see wildlife that is alive.  BOL!

They didn't walk on any trails due to not having much time. Basically, it was a 5 hour round trip.  They may go back before we leave here and explore other parts of the park.

 Dogs are allowed in parking lots and in the campground, but not on trails due to the wildlife.  I doubt we will get to go.

The Greyhound Who Thinks He Could Climb Mt. Rainier If Mama Wasn't Holding His Leash

Thursday, July 24, 2014

A Visit To Pike Place Market

Saturday, the folks took a trip to Pike Place Market in Seattle.  The market was founded in 1907.  It was a place for farmers and customers to meet face to face.

This is the famous sign that Mama has seen on TV many times.

The folks arrived early at the market and it was already packed.

Mama said there were some dogs there, but there is no way she would bring us into this mess.

This market is known for the fish market where they throw fish.  You may have seen that on TV.  Mama missed seeing them throw a fish, but Dad saw it.

There were several shops that sold flowers and they were priced really low.

They visited the gum wall. This is where people stick their chewed gum. 

This wall is pretty complete with gum.

It looks like they are just starting on this wall.
The folks watched cheese being made and then they tried some.

The cheese is in a liquid form here at Beecher's Handmade Cheese store.

Cheese curds are in the background.
 There were a lot of fruit and vegetables for sale.

The folks ate lunch at Lowell's which is a seafood restaurant.

Dad had a seafood platter.  He said it was okay.

Dad's clam chowder.

Mama had fish, fries and slaw.  She said the fries were the best part. The fish was very bland.

The 3rd floor of Lowell's
The view the folks had while they ate lunch.

Mama hit the wrong button on her camera and started taking photos in black and white.  BOL!

This is the very first Starbucks. They did not go in because the line was wrapped around the corner.

Cruise ship that was docked.

People hanging out in downtown.

Downtown Seattle is quite pretty with the old buildings and big trees.

The folks didn't buy a thing while at the market.  Mama said they did contribute to the economy because they paid $17 to park and they ate lunch there.  Mama would have enjoyed it more if it hadn't been so crowded.  She is not fond of crowds.

The Greyhound Who Thinks The Market Looks Scary With All Those People

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...