Thursday, November 6, 2014

Exploring History In Philadelphia

Saturday night and Sunday, it was really windy.  Mom told Dad that our satellite could fly off the roof.  He told her it wouldn't.  Well, they were gone on Sunday and one minute we were watching TV and the next thing you know, we heard something slide across our roof and then our TV went out.  It was freaky!  As soon as Mom walked in the door we ran to her and told her the horrors we had experienced because we also lost electricity for a while.  She said she knew about the TV because when they pulled up, they saw the satellite.

Dad was right, it didn't fall off.  It just hung there.  BOL!
So, what was so important that the folks left us on a windy Sunday?  They drove to Philadelphia.  They paid $16 in tolls and $17 to park.  All the sightseeing was free though.  They visited Independence Hall which is where the Declarations of Independence was signed.

Independence Hall

This building is all about Thomas Jefferson. It has a draft of the Declaration of Independence. It is located in the square with Independence Hall. Do you see the gold leaf floating down?

The back of Independence Hall.  This is where you wait for the tour.

Another shot of the back of the building.

This child wanted to take leaves home with her as a souvenir.
This is a court room inside Independence Hall.

The person on trial stood in the metal box.  Kind of makes them look guilty, don't you think?

This is where the Declarations of Independence was signed.


The tour then moved to the second floor. The second floor contains the Governor's Office, the long gallery and a committee for the general assembly.

George Washington

Outhouse in front of Independence Hall
 We will continue our tour in the next post as this is getting rather long with all the photos.

The Greyhound Who Just Received A Delivery Of Bully Sticks!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

A Quick Update On My Birthday

As you know, Saturday was my birthday.  It was a rainy day here.  We had to stay inside which was a real bummer as I didn't get to take my two mile walk.

Don't I look sad?

What?  UPS brought me a gift? is not exactly something that I can chew on or toss in the air.

The black feeder is my gift.  The beige feeder is our old one.
The feeder is nice because I really don't have to bend over to eat or drink from it.  Mom wanted it because it is supposed to hold 47 pounds of food.  It doesn't.  We bought a 30 pound bag and it was completely full.  What is up with that?  Dad said maybe it is due to the size of the kibble.  Mom does like it because it has a locking lid which makes it easy to move around. 

My birthday was spent with Mom and Scout.  We watched Christmas movies on the Hallmark channel all day. Yes, Christmas movies on November 1st.  Dad had to work.

I wonder what Scout will get for her birthday in a few weeks.  I hope it is something a little more fun than my gift.

Update on mysterious neighbor who left suddenly.  We saw him yesterday while we were walking.  He drove past us and pulled into a driveway.  We were going to ask him where he was living now, but he took off to the back of the house fast.  BOL!  We saw him again today cutting their grass.  We know he does do handyman work, but it seemed like he was trying to get away from us yesterday.  

The Greyhound Who Is Trying To Act His Age

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Today Is A Special Day

Seven years ago today, a very special greyhound was born.  Any guesses who?

IT WAS ME!!!!  Was there any doubt?  BOL!

Since it is my day, I am going to show you pictures of me. I am a hound that is full of personality as I think you will see from my photos.

I am cool.

Adventurous.  Heading out on our HUGE adventure.
Pitiful - after my surgery.
Brave - my corn is being removed in front of a crowd. :::GULP:::
Nervous - looking for bears in Montana
Demanding - Scout taught me this.  BOL!
Determined - just look at the tongue action.

Funny - I have a great sense of humor.

Entertainer - working the crowd in Abilene, KS

Dapper - Yep, I look darn good in a top hat!
Who wouldn't love me?  BOL!

Mom did have a talk with me and told me I was now an adult and I have to behave better on walks.  You see, I don't like turning around.  I walk great on going, but I don't like coming back.  I drag as much as I can.  It really aggravates Mom.  People in the neighborhood have noticed and have commented and laughed.  Mom doesn't think it is funny.  :::shrugs shoulders:::

The Greyhound Who Is Seven Today!

Friday, October 31, 2014

Concord Point Lighthouse

Tuesday morning we didn't get to walk to the park because Mom needed to get back to the house.  We walked to the stop sign and back.  It is probably a mile. She had to put dinner in the crock pot and then leave to go sightseeing. She fixed red beans and rice with smoked sausage.  It actually was better than she expected it to be.  It sure smelled good all day while it was cooking.

Dad needed a haircut, so while he was doing that, Mom went shopping at Dollar Tree.  Can you believe she spent $27 there?  She loves shopping there because she can afford everything.  BOL! She bought shampoo, detergent, fabric softener, cold medicines, batteries, cookies, candles, etc.   She usually buys our poop bags because they sell the big dog size.  We didn't need any this time because she really stocked up when we were home last month.

The folks then drove a few miles to Havre de Grace.  That is where the Concord Point Lighthouse is located.  It was built in 1827. It is one of the oldest lighthouses in continuous operation on the East Coast. The folks really enjoyed walking along the promenade.  It was such a beautiful day that they decided to eat outside at a restaurant there.  Mama said it was a really nice day.

This is the light house keepers house.  Tours ended on Sunday, unfortunately.
This used to be a hotel.  It is now a condo.  Mom said she would love to live there just for the view of the water.

This is where the folks ate lunch.  The food was good.  They really enjoyed eating outside on such a pretty day.
After the folks got home, we all sat outside for a few hours.  Dad went fishing and caught about 15 fish.  It was a nice day.

The weather person is threatening us with the "s" word for this weekend.  It can't get too bad because it is going to heat up again after Sunday. You know how the weather people like to hype things up.  It is going to be a cold and rainy day tomorrow.  Blah!

We have a Halloween mystery here.  Our neighbor who has been here for 1.5 years left.  He didn't tell us he was leaving.  He made it sound like he was going to be here for a long time.  He worked here part-time.  He even gave Dad a fishing lure to use on Tuesday and didn't mention he was leaving.  Dad didn't see him after fishing, so planned on returning it to him later.  I guess it is his now. Tuesday afternoon, while our neighbor was gone, a man came by and he flashed a badge and asked Dad what he knew about our neighbor.  Dad thought he pointed to another neighbor, but maybe he met that guy.  It is odd that he took off suddenly. A truck hooked up his travel trailer and took it away, but the neighbor followed in his truck.  We are not sure why the neighbor didn't tow the trailer himself.  We have seen him move boats with his truck. :::shrugs shoulders:::  Mom didn't really like him. She said she felt a strange vibe around him, but doesn't know why.

We hope everyone has a nice Halloween.

The Greyhound Who Will Try To Solve The Mystery Of The Neighbor This Weekend

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...