Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Scratched That Off The Bucket List

As you may recall, the folks are visiting all the Presidential Libraries/Museums. There are 13.  Each time they visit one, they get their Passport To Presidential Libraries book stamped.

Yesterday, they visited one of the libraries that Mom has been very excited about seeing.  Which one?  The Ronald Reagan Library!

The stamp at the bottom left makes the visit official.
The folks have visited nine libraries and only have four left.  Once they visit all the libraries, they will receive a crystal paperweight.  Sure, it doesn't sound like much, but it is the adventure of it and the paperweight is just a bonus.  They still need to visit the following libraries: Clinton, Roosevelt, Kennedy and Ford.

Mom said the scenery around the library is beautiful. She can definitely see why the Reagan's chose it.  Construction began in 1988 and was dedicated in 1991.

Mom liked the touch of the elephant.

The Entrance.

 The cost to enter is $16 a person.  A short video is shown and it was somewhat disappointing.  Most of the videos at the other libraries tell you about the President's life, but this one was about America and how he improved it.

Another different thing at this one is that he did not show much at all of his childhood.  His first wife was not mentioned.  There were just a few photos of the children he had with Nancy and those were of them as adults.  It really focused on him and Nancy and not family.  That is different from the other libraries.  Obviously that is how he wanted it because he was alive when it was built.  He did not die until 2004.

Mom said that the library was classy.  The employees were very professional.  This library had a different feel to it.

Some of President Reagan's love notes to Nancy are on display.  He used to send her telegrams when he was away that were funny and full of love.  They definitely had a love story.

Campaign items.
Here is a teleprompter.  Mom had never seen one in action before.

The clothes that the Reagan's wore on inauguration day.

One of the many flags they were sent that were flown by Americans during the Iranian hostage crisis.
Mom was a classmate of the brother of one of the hostages, Rocky Sickmann.  They flew a flag at their home, too.

President Carter did his best to get the hostages home but they refused to negotiate with him.  The day that Reagan took office, the hostages were released.  President Reagan sent Carter to Germany to meet with them.  It was a nice gesture for him to do since Carter worked so hard to get them released. It may have also been a jab at the Iranians.

Here is a re-creation of the Oval Office:

There's the jelly beans.
Some of Nancy's dresses.
 Since it is Christmas time, they had a display of Christmas trees from around the world.

This is the Canadian tree.  Is this how you decorate Veil and Maddy?
 The one thing that makes this library really stand out is Air Force One. Yep, Air Force One is actually there and it can be toured.  It served seven U.S Presidents from 1973 to 2001, including Presidents Nixon, Carter, Ford, Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Clinton and George W. Bush.

The Presidential china.

Presidential Reagan's office.

Mrs. Reagan's area.
Mom thinks this was Mrs. Reagan's office, but can't remember for sure.

Maybe it was this one.

Dad departing Air Force One
Motorcade car.

Marine One with Santa as a the pilot. No photos were allowed on that part of the tour.

Remember this from our Jelly Belly tour?

Here are some photos of the scenery around the library.

Replica of the Berlin Wall

Reagan and Gorbachev
Some of Reagan's saddles and belt buckles.

His hat.
There were also images from the Challenger disaster.  Mom didn't get photos of that.  There were many other things in the museum, but Mom didn't take pictures of everything. 

He announced in 1996 that he had Alzheimer's Disease and he died in 2004.  There is a memorial room.  There are four big screens that show scenes from his funeral.  Mom said it was very sad and several people were wiping their eyes.

The boots that were in his funeral procession. The bugle that was played.

The flag that was on his casket.

One final photo.

Piece of Berlin Wall in the garden.

More of the scenery.

South Lawn

Burial site.

More scenery from the front of the library.

The Greyhound Who Is Ready For More Adventures

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Traveling Through California

We left my favorite campground today.

I am upset that we are leaving.

Do we really have to go?
 I didn't even look at the office when we drove past.  I just couldn't.  It wasn't open yet anyway because we left at first day light.  I was fine once we got on the road though.  Mom said I was the best I have been riding in the RV.  Normally I whine a lot and don't want to lay down.  However, Mom put my favorite bed where I could get to it and I lounged for most of the trip.  It's the bed that I love that is also my outside bed. She brought it inside last week and I have been sleeping in the bedroom with them.  She said she would never put a bed in there again after Scout died because she has to step over it, but I started sleeping in there on a rug. She added a few blankets to make it more comfy and then decided to give in and give me a bed.  I have been a happy boy since then.  I wake up chattering now. 

It was about a 7 hour drive today.  We stopped two times for gas.  We really stopped once just to get propane, but we couldn't reach it, so we just got gas.  We stopped at one rest area and ate lunch. It was an easy drive.  About a half hour before we reached the campground, Mom's side window blew open.  It is the kind of window that cranks out.  She tried to crank it in, but it was broke.  She yanked the screen off and grabbed it with her fingers and tried to hold it in while we were going down the highway.  She was scared it was going to break off.  Finally, we saw an exit ramp and we pulled over. We had to work fast because the ramp was not large enough for a tractor trailer to get by us if they needed to do so.  Dad couldn't fix it, so he took my leash and made a sling out of it.  Mom had to hold it shut like that.  It was funny.  Finally we arrived at the campground and I got my leash back.

My leash holding the window shut.

Everyone knows that when you have an RV, you must open cabinets slowly after traveling because things shift.  Well, Mom forgot that rule when she opened the fridge.  A quart of flavored drink that Mom had in a pitcher flew out and spilled all over her jeans, shoes, and the floor rugs.  She knew she should have emptied the pitcher before we left this morning.  She had to change clothes and wash everything.  It was a purple flavored drink.  Yep, messy.

She thought she had broke her camera after she dropped it today.  The display quit working.  She played with it for a while and it seems okay, but its' days are probably pretty limited. 

The folks took me for a short walk around the campground. There is a nice dog area.  I haven't found the treat window here.

 It really wasn't a bad day and Mom isn't even upset at everything that went wrong.  I think it's because I was such a good boy for her.

Monique, I miss you, but I am doing okay.  I hope you are okay and not missing me too much.

The Greyhound Who Is Parked For A Few Days

Saturday, December 19, 2015

It Is Time To Move On

It is time for us to pack up the rig and move on.  I really liked it here and I am sad to leave.  I am going to miss the office ladies.  Monique always gave me extra treats.  I gave her some photos of me and my business card so that she can follow my travels.  Mom says some places are harder to leave than others and this is one of them.  I don't know why we have to leave.  The weather is nice and the treats are plentiful here.

We have been in Pleasanton, CA since October 11th.  It is a small town in between San Jose and San Francisco.  Dublin and Livermore are nearby towns.  Pleasanton has a really nice farmers market every Saturday.  Mom was surprised to see the downtown area busy even on week days.  It is a really nice town.

Mom has put over 150 miles on Buddy since we have been here.  She has been buzzing all around.

This morning, the lady with all the birds left.  She is headed home to AZ.  She said she is done with the RV lifestyle.  They had trouble bringing their slides in and she was very upset.  They finally got them in and off they went.  One day she locked herself out of the RV and Mom and a neighbor who looks and acts like my Grandpa Bruce helped her get back inside.  Yesterday, she brought over a Hickory Farms cheese and sausage sampler for us.  Mom felt bad that she didn't get her anything.  I loved hearing and watching her birds.

We are going to take our time getting to our next destination.  It is a two day drive, but we are taking four.  Any guesses where we are going?

The Greyhound Who Is Reluctantly On The Road Again

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Collar Causes Issues

Mom decided that she couldn't throw away Scout's Christmas collar.  She made it for her and it is Mom's favorite.  Mom looked at it and decided that I could wear it.  However, it has caused problems in our house.  Dad says it is not "manly".

Photo edited with SuperPhoto

Mom pointed out that it has green on it and that it is not all pink.  Mom asked some friends and most said it was okay for me to wear.  Yesterday, two people thought I was a girl.  Mom decided that was enough and I am now sporting a blue collar.  It is my 4th of July collar, but it is better than wearing a girly collar.  I think Mom needs to get on the ball and make me some new collars.

The Greyhound Who Doesn't Like Being Called A Girl

Monday, December 14, 2015

Chinatown, Trolley Rides and Chocolate

The folks visited San Francisco again on Saturday.  This was their third visit. The first time they drove the entire way. The second time, they took a ferry and the third time, they took the BART train.  The BART station is just a few miles from where we are staying, so it was the most convenient.  The cost was $11.50 a person.  The train had a stop right at a trolley stop, so that was convenient.  The cost to ride the trolley was $17.50 a person.  That is for an one day pass which allows you to get on and off as much as you want.  That sounds pretty good, except there were long lines to get on the trolley.  It was at least a half hour wait two times that the folks rode.  They were able to get on once almost instantly, but they had to stand the entire ride because it was so crowded.

This is the end of the line, so workers have to turn the trolley around.

Mom says that riding the trolley was very uncomfortable.  They had seats for two of their rides, but there are bars that people hang onto if they are standing and those bars hit Mom's legs.  When the trolley jerked, her legs hit the bars.  She couldn't really turn to see out the windows, so she doesn't have any pictures of the hills. Cars and trolleys share the same streets and there was a lot of traffic. The folks noticed that it took a lot of effort for the driver to stop the trolley on the hills. He kept ringing the bell to tell people to get out of his way.  It's not like the trolley can go off the tracks to avoid things.

Inside a trolley before it filled up.
The folks rode the trolley to Chinatown.  Mom was really not interested in seeing Chinatown, but Dad said they should.  Mom didn't like it at all.  It was extremely crowded.  It was not full of tourists, in fact, Mom said there were just a few. The people were there to do their shopping and the folks were in their way. Mom was pushed and shoved.  Dad was oblivious to it all.  He thought it was fun.  He said it was interesting to see people with food that was still alive.  Yes, some of the fish was still alive and flapped in the shoppers' bags.

The most interesting thing that Mom saw was a funeral procession.  She did not know anything about Chinese traditions when it comes to funerals, but she learned they are quite different from hers.  At first, she thought it was a parade because there was a brass band. She then noticed the hearse. Paper or something like it was thrown from the sunroof of the hearse.  Behind the hearse, there was a truck where the person's portrait was displayed and two sons (she assumes) sat behind the portrait.   Mom didn't take any photos because she thought that would be disrespectful. After she got home she started researching the custom and it is definitely different than ours.  She said it is very interesting.

They then caught the trolley. They had to stand the entire ride which is not easy going up and down the hills.  They stopped at Ghirardelli Square.  There are at least three chocolate stores there.  They ate lunch at a pub and then they did some chocolate shopping.

Inside the Ghirardelli store.

There were several shops in the store.  Mom liked the dog store because they had greyhound items. No, she did not buy me anything.

Mom likes the apron that says "My dog thinks I am a real chef"  Isn't she?  BOL!

This bird had fun in a puddle.

People boarding a trolley.

Ship in the bay.

Golden Gate Bridge

They had planned on checking out Lombard Street because it is one of America's crookedest streets, but they ran out of time since it took over a half hour to board the trolley.  They decided to just ride the trolley back to the train station and head home.  The trolley ride took a long time due to all the traffic.  Saturday was the Santa Claus Crawl which is where people dress up as Santa and visit all the bars.  There were hundreds of people dressed as Santa.  Unfortunately, Mom didn't get pictures that really showed large groups of them.

This is the plaza where the Santa people gathered, but you can't really see them in this photo.

The only picture of a hill that Mom was able to take. 

Mom said she enjoyed the day except for Chinatown.  We have enjoyed our stay here.  Mom said her favorite things were Alcatraz and the Winchester Mystery House.  I have enjoyed all the treats that the office ladies give me. 

The Greyhound Who Is Not Happy About Leaving

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...