We arrived at Escapade 2016 (Escapees RV Rally) yesterday. Everyone said, "Come to Vermont, the weather is cool." Well, yesterday it was 94! We are in full sun and since we are parked at the Escapade, we only have 30 amp service. That runs only one air conditioner. We have three, but we normally run two in the sun. We only ran one the whole time we were in Maryland because we were in the shade. The weather is cooler today and we are having some storms come through now.
I was Dad's co-pilot yesterday because Mom had to drive the Jeep. We needed to be unhooked when we arrived at the rally. We were only about seven miles away from our other campground, so it was an easy drive. Oh, before we left the campground, we decided to fill up our propane tank on the RV. That was pricey! They charge $5.25 a gallon and we bought 24.5 gallons. YIKES! We normally spend about $3.50 a gallon.
When we arrived at the rally, there were a lot of parking people to help us. They make it a quick and easy process. They really do a great job.
This was this morning. Do you see us? Look for the brown Jeep towards the center. |
Sunrise |
Our view this a.m. 200 more RVs have come in since this photo was taken. We no longer have a view. |
Last night, we walked around and I met lots of people and dogs. It was fun. The folks went shopping at Walmart and Mom said it was very hot in there. She was sweating in Walmart. They then ate at a Chinese buffet that was really good.
Mom decided to jazz up my bed with some additional foam. I prefer a Sleep Number 45, but she turned into a 100. Blah!
This is not comfy. |
She took out a layer of foam and moved the other layer to the bottom. It is much better now.
It is much better now. Not as good as the couch, but usable. |
Today, the folks went exploring. Dad wanted to see Ethan Allen's Homestead. Mom said it was the worst tour that they have ever been on. When they got there, the movie was ending, so they were told they could catch it after the tour. They walked with the other three people to the house.
This was the tour guide dressed to match the times of Ethan Allen. |
The problem with the tour was that the guide really didn't talk about Ethan Allen. He showed them lye soap, how to make a linen towel and a cone of sugar. He said the only thing original in the house were the floors. The house had to be totally refurbished. Nothing in the house belonged to Allen. Grrrr!
Bed on floor was a child's bed. Looks like a dog bed. |
The guide said that they used to wear wooden shoes around here. |
The grounds |
The folks walked back to the museum to see the film in hopes they could learn something about Ethan Allen. The film was a very strange and confusing one. It consisted of voices and drawings. A child was told about Ethan Allen but still nothing specific. It was the oddest thing. The folks left feeling very confused. It was $8 a person for this terrible tour.
Mom came home and did a little reading on Ethan Allen. He had nothing to do with the furniture company. BOL! There were people at the museum talking about Ethan Allen furniture, so maybe they are confused too.
The folks then drove back to the restaurant where they ate the other day and where they have the gift card. There was no parking to be found, so they left. They will have to try and make it back later this week.
They did make a stop to see what may be the world's largest filing cabinet.
This sits in an out of the way place near a parking lot. It is 40' high. |
They also stopped at a chocolate factory. No tours today. They were able to sample some chocolate chips. They checked out the factory seconds. It was $21 a pound for factory seconds. BOL! They didn't buy any.
Mom said they did not have much luck in anything they did today. They came home and walked me before the storms came through.
Today is my 5th Gotcha Day! Dad said I have come a long way in five years. He said I have really come out of my shell since I am an only dog. Yep, I like having all the attention.
The rally starts tomorrow afternoon. Shopping opens in the morning, so I know where the folks will be. There is entertainment in the evening, so the folks will be out after dark. :-(
The Greyhound Who Got Fries For His Gotcha Day - A Little Disappointing