Showing posts with label greyhound companions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label greyhound companions. Show all posts

Friday, March 7, 2014

Greyhound Companions On-Line Auction Begins Today

Our greyhound group, Greyhound Companions, is holding their first ever on-line auction beginning today.  Remember how much they helped me when I had my surgery?  We may be on the road and far from home, but they are still there for us.  We love this group!

This is me after my surgery in 2011,
 We looked through the auction items last night and Mama picked out what she hopes to win.  I bet there is something that will interest you too!

Won't you help the hounds?

Here is the link - Greyhound Companions On-Line Auction.  Bidding begins today at Noon central time and ends on March 15th at 7 pm central time.  Good luck!

The Greyhound Who Is Super Excited To Promote This Auction

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Meet and Greet

Scout and I just returned from a meet & greet with our greyound group, Greyhound Companions. A meet and greet is where we education the public on greyhounds. I'm sure you have seen them. We are in the pet stores with out pets and fosters that are waiting for homes.

Scout is an excellent promo dog, in my opinion. She loves people and greets everyone who comes near our area. She lays down when the crowd is gone and never whines. She stayed the entire three hours without a complaint. She is such a calm, relaxed girl.

Jack stayed home today and watched football with Daddy. Jack loves people, but he grows tired quickly at meet and greets and whines because he wants to get back to his couch at home.

Scout is now sleeping and I suspect she will have a "meet and greet hangover" tomorrow. It usually takes her a full day recovering from her promos.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Saturday Morning

I love Saturdays. It's my favorite day of the week. It always has been. I guess it's knowing that I have Sundays off from work, too, and I can basically do what I want. I usually fix a nice breakfast. Today, I am fixing scrambled eggs with bacon and cheese wrapped in a tortilla. I like to go shopping on Saturdays and then on Sundays, I like to stay home and watch the Rams play. This year they are terrible, but I still watch.

Today, my favorite website is down. The server is being moved and it will not be back up until tomorrow night. I'm so glad they scheduled this for a weekend because I can distract myself with other things easier than during the week. I am on the computer at least 8 hours a day for work and while I'm holding on the phone (my job is heavy into phone work) I check out Greytalk.

Tomorrow, our greyhound group Greyhounds Companions of Missouri is holding their annual reunion. This will be Scout's first year going since she was adopted the day before the reunion last year. Jack and Scout both enjoy seeing other greyhounds, so it should be a fun day of mingling, shopping, raffles and maybe game playing.

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...