Saturday, September 12, 2009

Breaking News.....

I'm going to be a calendar girl in the 2010 Celebrating Greyhounds Calendar!!!!

Mama found out yesterday. We are so excited! We do not know for sure which photo has been chosen, but we know which one is our favorite. The calendars are in the mail, so hopefully we will have it next week.

The Calendar Girl

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I'm So Embarrassed!

Yesterday, I was laying on the bed. I was roaching like this only my eyes were closed because I was sleeping.

The next thing I knew, I was on the floor. Mama said I made a big thump. Scout ran over to see if I was okay. I told her to get away from me and that I meant to do that. Mama started laughing. I gave Mama a big stink-eye. It's bad enough when you do something embarrassing, but it's really bad when you get comments from the peanut gallery.

The Embarrassed Greyhound

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Relaxing On The Porch

Our weather has been beautiful here. It has been in the 60's and 70's. Mama told me this morning that we were trying an experiment. She said she was going to let me lay on the front porch while she worked and if it wasn't too much of a distraction for her, it might become a regular activity for me.

See how happy I am. I'm just enjoying my morning. I have to wear my harness and a cable. The cable is tied to the bench. Mama opened her office window and I could hear her talking on the phone, so I knew she was close by. The picture is taken from Mama's office, so you can tell she is right there watching me. There is a door right behind me and Mama left it open at first so that I could come in quickly if I needed to, but then Mama said the lizards that run on the porch could get in the house and that would be scary. She also didn't want the hummingbirds to get in. There sure are a lot of rules around here about what can and cannot get in our house.

Sassy, the feral cat, walked by. I ignored her. Mama is so happy that I have a low prey drive.

When I came back inside, Scout had to check me out. She was worried about me being outside by myself. I told her that Mama was watching me the whole time so it's not like I was really by myself. Scout is such a woman. She worries about everything.

The Sun Loving Greyhound

Friday, August 28, 2009


This morning while Scout and I were outside, Mama saw something odd under our siding.

Snake!!!! Mama got all upset. She took the photo and emailed it to Daddy. Daddy was out of town. She said "What kind of snake is this?" No response from Daddy. She then emailed her best friend. She then decided to send it to the masses and put it on Facebook. She then called Daddy and said "Did you get the picture of the snake?" "It's under the siding, can it get in the house?" Now, last year when there was a black snake on the screened porch, she asked Daddy if it could get in the house and he said "if it wants to it can". Daddy took a lot of grief for that remark, so Mama didn't know if she should believe him when he said it would be very difficult because it would have to get through several layers. Mama saw this house being built with her own two eyes, so she knew all the layers, but she still felt uneasy. She described the snake to Daddy and told him she had seen it once in the zoo. Daddy laughed at her. Two friends were smart and looked up Missouri snakes on the Internet and found out it was a Red Milk Snake. Mama was trying to find it by describing it's colors and that was not bringing up the correct snake.

Here is the description that was found:
One of Missouri's most brilliantly colored snakes that is extremely rare to find. It is similar in pattern and color to the red milk snake, but instead has a red or orange color snout and a spotless, white belly. It is 14 to 20 inches (36-51 cm) long. This secretive snake spends much of its life underground, surfacing to feed mainly on eggs of other reptiles and occasionally rodents, lizards and small snakes. It is named for the red or crimson colored blotches along the back.

Mama felt better when she found out that it was not poisonous, but wondered why something extremely rare showing up in our yard had to be a snake. She checked on it several times. She even poked at it once to see if it was alive.

As soon as Daddy got home, Mama told him to come look at the snake. Daddy couldn't believe it had stayed there all day. Daddy got a storage bin and then took a long handle to try and get it to come out from under the siding. The snake decided to go further up the siding, so Daddy had to do a Steve Irwin move and he grabbed the tail of the snake and pulled it out.

They then put it in the car and Daddy sat in the backseat with it to be sure that it didn't escape. Mama was so scared that it was going to get out of the bin. She kept asking Daddy if he was paying attention to it. They came to the end of our road and released it. It slithered away happily.

Mama hates winter, but she will be glad when it's too cold for snakes.

The Greyhound Who Is Getting An Education In Snakes

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Back From Camping...Again

We are home from camping. We went to Montauk State Park which is a trout fishing park. The weather was beautiful. It was only in the 70's, which is abnormal for us this time of year.

Daddy, Grandpa and my skin cousin, Ryan, went trout fishing. They were gone almost the entire time. Here are a few of the fish that Daddy caught. Look away if fish scare you.

I had a great time spending time outside with Mama and Grandma.

Scout on the other hand decided to spend most of the weekend inside. Yes, she is still being strange. She did take some walks, but she preferred to be inside.

Mama says that Scout has developed a "Scout-a-tude". You know an attitude only Scout style. She says sometimes I have a Jack-a-tude. I'm not sure what she is referring to.

The main reason Mama wanted to camp this weekend was because there was a man there banding hummingbirds. I didn't get to see it, but she said it was interesting.

They also left us behind when they toured an old mill. Mama said there were bats that kept flying over her head and that scared her. Supposedly there are 400 bats that live there. Here's a picture of the mill.

Thanks for visiting my blog!

The Happy Camping Greyhound

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...