Saturday, February 25, 2012

Today Is My Check-Up

I forgot to tell everyone yesterday that Mama said thank you for all the birthday wishes.  She spent the day working on a sewing project.  She wasn't feeling quite right, so she didn't have pizza.  She seems to be better today.

We showed Daddy our rooing video.  He thought it was cute until we starting rooing live.  He turned off our video and told us to be quiet.  I told you he was the fun police.  We are still happy that he is home though.

Today is my check up with the vet.  I am ready to go now, but my appointment is not until this afternoon.  I think we should go to the park, but Mama said it is too windy and cold today.  It's going to be 45 later today, but tomorrow it will be 60.  In a normal winter, we would be excited about 45 degrees, but we are spoiled this year.  Our daffodils have already bloomed.
I guess that is about it for day.  I'm just counting the minutes until I get to see my friends at the doctor's office.
The Greyhound Who Is Whining Because He Wants To Go To The Doctor Now

Friday, February 24, 2012

Want To Hear Us Roo?

Can you believe that yesterday it was 69 degrees and sunny here and today it's very, very windy and there are snowflakes in the air?  It's true.  There will be no laying out on the deck today.

Mama recorded us rooing.  Scout really barks more than roos.  Mama said my rooing skills have improved.  We first rooed to a YouTube video and then we rooed to our own video.

Rooing to our own video. 

We normally get more wound up than this.  I normally get off my bed and dance around, but I was tired.  Hope your greyhounds are rooing along with us.

The Greyhound Who Likes To Roo, But It Is Very Tiring

Thursday, February 23, 2012

It's Almost The Weekend!

Mama says it has been a boring week, but I have to disagree.  I am enjoying spending my days on the deck.  We have had great weather this week. Daddy is out of town though, so that's a bummer.  Today is Mama's birthday, so I think she is a little sad that Daddy is not home, but she still has us.  Scout and I plan to have a "Roo Fest" later.  We will sing to her.  We can only do that when Daddy is out of town since he is the fun police.

Since we really don't have much to report to you today, we thought we would show you our St. Pat's Day collars.  I didn't feel like sitting up for the photos, so Scout is our main model today.

The material has shamrocks over a rainbow with sparkles.  Mama fell in love with the material, but then didn't know if it was manly enough for me.  She decided I could pull it off.  She put a liner on the underside of the collar because the material is a little rough. 

The Greyhound Who Is Ready For St. Pat's Day

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Back To Boring

We had such a fun weekend and now it's back to boring. We were surprised when Daddy said he was off yesterday for President's Day.   He asked if we wanted to go to the park and, of course, we said yes.  We jumped in the car and off we went.  We went to a different state park than our normal one.  We have been there before, but we went on an honest to goodness trail in the woods.  It was really the first time I had been on a trail like that.  We went up and down hills.  We crossed over rocks, trees, mud and lots of leaves.  It was awesome!  Mama thought the walk might be too much for me, but I was the only one who was not huffing and puffing.  Scout was really dragging.  The walk was only a little over a mile but the rest of the family acted like it was 10 miles.  They are out of shape.  I could have gone again.

I relaxed after we got home, but I refuse to sleep in the car.  I might miss something.  Heck, as we were leaving the park, two deer ran across the road and I would have missed them if I had been sleeping.  You just never know.

Today, I am hanging out on the deck.  It's pretty windy.  The temperature is about 50 and the sun is popping in and out.  I wish the wind would calm down.

The Greyhound Who Wishes It Was The Weekend

Monday, February 20, 2012

We Survived Our Company!

We had a busy weekend.  Saturday, we went to the park.  We walked around the campground which is getting kind of boring.  However, Daddy took us through the woods. There really wasn't a path and we just walked in the leaves.  It was fun!  After our walk, we drove through the park to look for dogs and deer.  We saw one deer, but no dogs.  Normally we see a few dogs.  There is a Jack Russell that walks there and he just walks circles around his Mama.  She always looks a little irritated.  I think her hands must get tired because she keeps having to move the leash from hand to hand so that he doesn't get tangled up.

Yesterday, the Grandparents came over.  Mama and Daddy made us nervous with all the cleaning.  They even washed one of our beds.  We were were told to be on our best behavior, but what is that?  Mama said no jumping, no kissing and no pestering.  What fun is that?   So, they finally arrived and we went outside to greet them.  It was hard not to give them a big kiss.  That is what we do when our other Grandparents come over.  They came in the house and the Grandmother sat in Scout's spot on the couch.  Scout just stared at her, but it didn't make her move.  Scout then went up to her and tried to give her a kiss in the face, but she was told by Daddy to get back.  We sniffed them a lot and tried to make friends with them, but they were not impressed.  Finally, I just shook my whole body and my hair went all over.   The Grandmother said that I need to be vacuumed. We watched a few of my races, but they were not impressed.  I swear, these people just can't be won over.  Later in the day, all the humans left to go out to eat.  When they came back, we were excited again.  The Grandparents didn't understand why we were excited since they had only been gone a few hours.  The Grandmother sat in Scout's spot again and this time Scout and I both stared her down.  Mama said it looked like we were ready to pounce.  I think that did it because they got up and left.  LOL   Mama's right.  We will never win them over. Some people just don't realize how wonderful it is to share their live with pets.  Mama says it would be so lonely coming home to an empty house.  She loves seeing our heads in the window when she pulls in the driveway.  We make her smile!

The Greyhound Who Enjoyed Having Company Even If  They Didn't Like Him

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...