Friday, November 16, 2012

My Gift From Jamaica

Okay, it's really Mama's gift, but I LOVE it!   Dad wanted to get Mama something special in Jamaica. A nice lady that he worked with there helped him and he decided to commission a greyhound sculpture.  The sculptor had never seen a greyhound before.  Dad found a picture of a bronze statue and gave it to him.   The statue is carved from wood.  It came out a lot bigger than Dad imagined.  BOL!  It's not huge, but when you are living in an RV, we strive for compact things.

Dad said the statue caused a little attention when he went through customs. An agent asked him if he had a dog in his luggage. She asked if it was a basset hound.  BOL!

Mama calls the greyhound a Jamaican Greyhound Puppy because he doesn't "exactly" look like us.  We love him and we want to thank the nice lady who helped Daddy get him.  She is now a reader of our blog!

Are you ready to see him?

Put him down, Mama.

I like to sniff his butt.

I slobber on his nose.

I sniff his ears.

He is cool!

I bet the sculptor will always remember making this statue for us!

The Greyhound Who Is Happy That "Jamie" Is Going On The Huge Adventure With Us

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Dad Is Home And We Are Busy!

Mama is sick, but we still wanted to give you a quick update since we haven't been around for a few days.

Dad came home late Wednesday night. Thursday, the folks mailed the form that is necessary for us to have a new address in Texas. We will be using a mail forwarding company and they are located in Texas. The form had to be notarized with Dad's signature and picture ID, so Mama had to wait for him. We should know our new address by Wednesday.

Friday, the folks went to the doctor for their yearly check-ups. Mama told the doctor that her throat was hurting her. The doc said that it looked like the start of something, so she gave her amoxicillin.  The folks came home and worked on the trim in the house.

Saturday, Mama felt better.  They put stuff out in the yard to sell. Grandpa bought our ATV and trailer that it goes on. Mama put his ATV on Craigslist and sold it. She also sold our log splitter. Some neighbors came by and bought our rocking chairs, bikes and heater. They were excited to learn we were selling our house because her son might be interested in it. She said that there are three family members that live on our road and they would love for him to be close by too.  We are not counting on it, but they were very excited and wanted to tour our house. Mama said the house was not ready to be seen.

Today, Mama woke up feeling really bad and is still feeling bad.  She is really hoping tomorrow is better.  They sold the BBQ grill and our patio furniture.  Dad finished the trim, but it still needs to be touched up with paint. He hopes to put a for sale sign on the truck tomorrow.

Dad brought Mama home a present, but I think it's mine. We will take photos of it as soon as Mama is feeling better.

The Greyhound Who Is Very Happy That Dad Is Home

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Dad Is Headed Home!

Do you know what that means?  It means that we need to clean.  BOL!

Mama left early this morning for a doctor's appointment.  She HATES going to the doctor.  She did receive some good news. The doctor said she lost nine pounds and she is at her 2008 weight.  Mama said it sounds like she is a boxer or something being at her 2008 weight.  BOL!   Mama told the doctor that she gives me credit for her weight-loss because of all the walking that we do.  If she lost nine pounds in five months, she should be able to loose 18 pounds in a year if we are living in the RV full-time, don't you think?  The doctor said that she feels it is easier to loose weight by increasing exercise than by cutting back on food. That means that Mama can keep eating her beloved potato chips. BOL!

Mama told the doctor we were going to be living in the RV full-time and she looked at her like she had two heads. Oh, well, it's not a lifestyle that everyone can appreciate.

The doctor asked Mama how she got the terrible bruise on her leg.  Mama explained to her that she was unhooking the Wii last week and she got stuck behind the TV cabinet and she freaked out. She didn't have her cell phone in her pocket, so she thought she might be stuck back there for days until someone found her. She squeezed her way out, but she bruised up her leg big time.  It was silly to get that scared, but that is what happened.  

Mama stopped at McDonalds to celebrate her weight-loss. She then got the oil changed, had prescriptions filled and did a little other shopping.  We watched Days Of Our Lives and now it is time to clean.  I don't know why we have to clean for Dad, but Mama said our "vacation" is over and we need to look more presentable.  It won't last. The house will be dirty again in 24 hours. BOL!

The Greyhound Who Is Mama's Walking Coach

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Me And You And The Greyhounds, Too

Do you remember the song called Me And You And A Dog Named Boo?  Mama sings it to me all the time. She's strange. Now, she has started singing her own version.  However, she has only changed a few things on it.  I guess she is not very talented. She has been trying to put the pigman in it, but for now, we just sing the third verse

Third verse:

 I'll never forget the day
We motored into Houston. (definitely doesn't fit, but we haven't been to L.A. like the song says)
The lights of the city are settlin'
Down in my brain
Though it's only been a month or so
That old motor home is buggin' us to go
We've gotta get away and get back on
The road again

Me and you and the greyhounds, too
Travellin' and livin' off the land
Me and you and the greyhounds,too
How I love being free!

We recently joined an RV club called Escapees.  They have get togethers, classes, offer discounts, etc. They send out a bi-monthly magazine called Escapees, Sharing the RV Lifestyle In the May/June magazine there there was an article that Mama said summed up how we feel.  Here is just part of it.

"Those of us who choose the RV lifestyle feel a house is only a gilded cage surrounded by a fence and filled with as much stuff as we can afford. For some of us, the size of the home doesn't matter as long as it is on wheels. It provides with with security we need plus the ability to see new places, make new friends and discover how people in different places live.  

Boxer (this was a pet mouse that the article talked about) was safe, petted and well fed in his cage.  Yet as soon as he was given a chance to roam free, he never came back to that security.  The same can be said of many who choose the full-time RV lifestyle. A taste of  freedom is all it takes for some of us.

Because we don't all enjoy the same things, sometimes it is difficult to understand loved ones whose choices are different, but that should not keep us from applauding the accomplishments we each have made.  We must care about and support people for who they are--not who we wish they were. No amount of either security or freedom will cure the ache in your heart if you live your life the way someone else thinks you should."

The Greyhound Who Is Ready To Be Back On The Road Again

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...