Saturday, October 18, 2008

My Calendar Girl!

I love, I love, I love my little calendar girl... come on sing along, I know you know it. LOL

Scout is in the 2009 Celebrating Greyhounds Desktop Calendar. We are so proud of her.

Jack was a little upset that he wasn't chosen, but he has appeared in the Celebrating Greyhounds Magazine twice this year. I have been shocked at the luck I have had in getting my "kids" published this year.

I have taken hundreds of pictures this year in hopes of having something to submit for the 2010 calendar and I have maybe one or two photos that I'm happy with. I have a few months, so hopefully I will take something that will impress the judges.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Swimming Season Is Over

I love the cooler weather and so do the dogs, but Scout is sad that her pool has been put away. She loves to run laps in the yard and then jump in her pool. The girl loves water. It seems like wherever we camped this summer, Scout was able to find water to play in.

Jack on the other hand, does not care for the water and it took him most of the summer to just get in enough to get his feet wet. He actually tried to go a little further once and he stepped in a hole and he thought he was going to go under. It took him a long time before he would get in the water again.

Scout doesn't realize that winter will be here soon and she will once again be able to run in the snow. She loves doing snow zoomies and so does Jack.

He's been taken care of!

The phone repairman just called me. He said "You will not be hearing that man on your phone any more. He's been taken care of." What did they do to him? LOL

Thought It Was Fixed...

The phone man called and said my lines were crossed, but he fixed it. I made a call about an hour later and I could hear a man having a conversation on my line. He told the guy he was speaking with that someone was on the line. They decided their lines were crossed. I told him to call the phone company, but he didn't respond to me. The phone rep just told me that it's whoever is on the phone first who can hear the conversation. He probably could hear me dialing.
So, we both yelled out that if he's listening to call the phone company. LOL

The phone man called as I'm typing this and he doesn't understand how the lines can still be crossed, but he will try and get it fixed today. I hope the other guy calls in to the phone company today because it will make it easier to figure out who I'm crossed with.

The good thing is that they are actively working on the problem. The last time I had a problem, extreme static, it took a week for someone to come out.

A Week Of Phone Problems - Okay A Half Of A Week

It seems like I'm always having problems with my phone and Internet service... just ask my best friend. LOL

Wednesday, road work was being done on the road next to mine. They cut my phone line. They fixed it on Wednesday and I was happy. Yesterday, my phone went dead again. I figured the repair was just temporary and the real fix was being made. The phone man actually came to my house to check on me because I did not answer the phone. He said that he received my service call just that morning and knew it was supposed to already be fixed. He checked on it and it was all messed up. He fixed it yesterday. Everything was fine until my neighbor started making phone calls this morning. I can hear him. He received a call from the phone company asking if he was satisfied with his service and he hung up. He is now on the Internet. The only thing I can hear now is his modem. I called the phone company and and the representative said she could hear it too, so a repairman will be out today. I am pleasantly surprised that they are rushing out today.

I just put some makeup on. I may have scared the repairman yesterday when he showed up at my door. LOL

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...