Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday, Monday

Sorry I haven't been around for a few days. Mama has been busy with work and I haven't been able to get on the computer. She said we have been nominated for a few awards and we need to pick those up and post them. Mama hasn't been feeling the best lately, but thinks she is on the mend. I hope so. She is not much fun when she is not feeling well. Shhhh... don't tell her, but she gets a little cranky when she isn't feeling well.

Mama took Scout to a meet and greet yesterday. She left me behind with Daddy. She tricked me. I was in the house with her getting a treat and Daddy put Scout in the car. I saw Scout hanging out the car window. I think she was sticking her tongue out at me. Mama did bring me home a treat, but I would have rather have gone to town.

The bouncy greyhound

Friday, February 13, 2009


Scout is still using MY couch. Just look at her! She thinks she is something now.

Mama walked into the living room a few minutes ago and saw two feet sticking up in the air. Yep, it is Scout again on the couch and not me.

At least I have the big bed to myself while she is snoozing on the couch. :::sigh:::

Your friend,

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Weatherman Lied!

The weatherman lied to us last night. Mama and I watched the weather together and he said the rain and storms would hold off until 3 a.m. I went outside for my last trip before bedtime and it was pouring. I was not happy. Then, at 11 p.m., we were all snoring away and a big thunder bolt shook our house. Mama said it felt like it knocked the house off the foundation. She was exaggerating, but it really scared me. I jumped into bed with Mama and Daddy. I am not allowed in their bed at night time, but I was shaking so hard, that Mama said I could stay.

This weatherman is known for saying "the weather did just what I said it would do" when it doesn't. Does he think we don't pay attention to him or something? I'm not sure why we watch him.

Daddy is on a business trip today. I have to be the man of the house tonight. I hope the thunder booms stay away from us so that I can protect Mama better.

Grandma is home from the hospital. She is doing fine. She has a new hip now. Mama said they gave her new knees several years ago. My Grandma is like the bionic woman. LOL I hope she doesn't get mad at me for saying that. I love my grandma.

Scout is still getting up on the couch. She does it every day now. I have no place that is my own anymore. :-(

Happy Wednesday!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Scout is on the couch, Jack is not happy

Friends, gather around. I have a tale to tell you. Life as I knew it has ended. My stinky sister has invaded my couch. Daddy said that if you give women an inch, they take it all. He is so right.

Just look at her. She thinks she is something now.

This morning, she was on the couch with Mama. I wanted on the couch, too, but there wasn't room for all three of us. As soon as Mama got up, I got on the couch. I thought she would jump down, but no, she puts her head on my butt. That girl has nerve! Mama came in the room and got all excited saying how cute we look. I gave Mama the laser eye look to show her I was not happy with the situation. No, I am not happy at all. This is definitely a sad day for me.

Your friend,
Jack the unhappy hound

Friday, February 6, 2009

It's Mud Season

Most of the snow and ice melted today leaving us with mud. Scout decided to run in the yard. The girl loves to run in the mud.

I sat down in the living room tonight and noticed a greyhound on the couch. I assumed it was Jack because Scout doesn't get on the couch. I was wrong, it was Scout and she looked quite comfortable. It makes me wonder if she does this when we are away. LOL
I don't mind, in fact, I like it. She always wants to be petted and I would prefer her to be on the couch next to me instead of me on the floor with her. I like a dog to snuggle with and maybe Scout will start doing that with me.

Have a nice evening!

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...