Friday, June 19, 2009


Yesterday, we stayed in the house most of the day because the temperature was 96 without the heat index. I think it was 103 with the heat index. Our windows were sweating in the morning. You know it's going to be a muggy day when you wake up to this. No, our seals are not broke in our windows, it's just this muggy here.

We had a lot of visitors yesterday and Mama wonders if it was because it was so hot. Maybe our visitors were looking for food or water?

We viewed our visitors from our air conditioned home. First we saw turkey.

Then this guy crossed our driveway.

We were visited by a cat, but Mama didn't take his photo. He comes by all the time and drinks from our water feature.

Later, we saw this.

Here I am checking out the latest visitor.

Mama spotted these two wild creatures in the backyard.

This is where we spent most of the day. We normally don't lie on the bed together unless it's storming. We didn't stay like this for very long at all.

Today is going to be another hot day and maybe storms tonight. We really do not care much for summer.

Your Greyhound Wildlife Reporter

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Come on a walk with us!

The time is 6:40 a.m. The temperature is 71, dew point is 68 and the humidity is 94%. We are going for our morning walk and we are taking you with us today.

We live out in the country. We only have one neighbor that lives past us and they have a log cabin. We don't have much traffic on our road.

You never know what we will see on our walks. We sometimes see deer, rabbits, turkey, turtles and snakes.

We live on a gravel road. It used to hurt our feet, but not any more. It's not as hot as pavement, so it's not that bad.

See, I told you we lived out in the country. We own 10 acres, but most of it is woods and we don't do anything with it. We have been trying to sell a five acre lot, but no one wants it due to the economy. A lake is behind our house, but you can't see it in the summer and Scout and I have never actually been to it. Mama is scared to walk us through the woods because of snakes. She and Daddy used to go fishing all the time, but I don't think they have done that since I have been around and that is almost 3 years now.

Oh, this fell out of the tree during the storms.

We have wild flowers along our road.

This is our favorite rock. We think all the wildlife here must like this rock too because it always has new smells. Turn away please as we mark our rock to show everyone that it is ours.
We are headed back home now. Scout gets tired on walks. She prefers to run in the yard.

Oh, here is that storm victim again.
Here's our mailbox and our greyhound banner.
This is our house.
Thanks for joining us on our walk. Sorry that we did not see any wildlife today. They must all still be in bed. Be sure and check for ticks. Ticks are really bad here right now. We didn't really get in the tall grasses today, so you should be okay but sometimes they still hitch a ride on us and Mama.

The Greyhound Tour Guide

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

200th Post!

Wow, 200 posts! If Mama would have told me sooner, we would have planned something really special for you.

Let's see, I can show you a cute photo of me.

You may think I look funny, but I love my jammies. They keep me warm and keep me from waking up Mama to cover me up.

Daddy is out of town this week. I have been protecting Mama and Scout. We had storms yesterday and early this morning. The storms woke us up at 2:30 a.m. and Mama said "Jack we need to get your storm buster t-shirt on." So, I ran to Mama and she put the t-shirt on me and we were protected from the evil storms. More storms are coming this morning, so I am dressed and ready for them. The t-shirt makes me feel secure, I think.

We now have our backyard back. Daddy took down the orange fencing that was put up to keep us away from the new grass. Scout is running like a crazy girl. She did eight laps last night. Mama just yells "be careful, be careful". Does she think that really helps?

The Storm Buster

Friday, June 12, 2009

I'm a "Storm Buster" now!

We have had a lot of storms here this week. Mama has been putting the "Storm Buster T-shirt" as she now calls it on me. It seems to be working! I still get nervous, but I am not nearly as bad as I used to be. Mama says I am doing so good. It's nice not being so scared when that thunder shakes the house.

This weekend, we think that Daddy is going to take down the orange fence that has been up blocking Scout and I from most of our yard. Daddy planted grass seed way back in April. He put new dirt down to try and level out the yard, but a mole has caused problems. We are not sure if all the hard work and time we have had to wait to get our yard back was worth it due to that mole.

Mama said she may buy Scout a new pool this weekend. Scout loves to jump in water. It doesn't matter if it is a pool, creek, lake, river or mud puddle. She loves water. I do not appreciate getting wet.

Daddy will be gone all next week, so I will be the man of the house again. It's a lot of responsibility, but I can do it especially with my storm buster t-shirt.

The Storm Buster

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I think I can fly!

Oh, Baby! That's right, there are no feet touching the ground!

The Flying Greyhound

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Scout's Fun Run

Scout caused everyone to laugh when she raced because she didn't know what to do when she came out of the box. The laughter turned to cheers when Scoutie started running though.

Going to the box.

Coming out of the box.

"What do I do now?"

"Where are you going, kid?"

"You're supposed to go that way."

"Oh, it's okay."

"Ready, Set, Go!!!"

"That's it! You've got it now!"

"Look at her go!"

I love the reaction of the lady in the background. She is clapping and smiling. We have several more photos showing Scout's run, but I didn't want to bore anyone. I thought these were so cute showing the story of her fun run.

Thanks for looking,
Jack and Scout's Proud Mama

Jack's photos will be published tomorrow.

Monday, June 8, 2009

We are tired!

We are home! We arrived home around 4 p.m. yesterday. It was an 8 hour trip, but it wasn't as bad as Mama expected it to be. We stopped three times, so that made it nice.

This is what we have done most of today. We did stay in the office with Mama. We didn't want her to get lonely.

We had storms this morning, so Mama tried something that she learned at the greyhound event. A vet spoke to the group and gave all sorts of tips. His assistant has a dog that is scared of storms like me and she puts a t-shirt on him during storms. She makes it tight around the stomach and then ties it with a rubber band. Guess what? I didn't get scared during the storm this morning! We have more storms coming tonight, so Mama said she will try it again and hopefully it continues to work for me.

Scout gave me a strange look, but I don't care. If it keeps me from getting so scared, it is worth it.

The greyhound who is trying to conquer his storm fears

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...