Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What's Milking It?

Mama told me this morning that she thinks I'm milking my injury. She told me that she wants me to stay quiet and so that is what I'm doing. She made me an egg for breakfast, but I didn't come in the kitchen to eat it. She brought it to me and since I'm supposed to stay quiet, I barely lifted my head to eat it. She said "Oh, poor Jack, are you going to be okay?" Of course I'm going to be okay. I'm just staying quiet. Daddy told her that I like being babied and I'm milking it. Mama didn't believe him until I got caught. Mama went outside to feed the birds and I thought she would be gone longer than she was. I was caught dancing around the living room. Oops! I immediately went back to bed and stayed there for the next 7 hours, but I think Mama is on to me.


Monday, July 5, 2010

We Are Keeping Mama On Her Toes

I gave Mama quite a scare last night. Scout was running laps in the yard and I just ran a small lap and started limping and crying. Mama checked out my foot and couldn't find anything wrong. I was able to run through the house fine, but once I laid down, I had trouble getting back up. Mama was really worried about me, but hoped I would be fine by morning. At 3 a.m., I let out a huge scream. Mama got me up and again I was fine walking around. She slept in the living room with me. Daddy and Mama checked me over and rubbed me every where, but nothing bothered me. Mama realized the aspirin that we have expired two years ago, so she went to town to buy me some. When she came back home, I celebrated by running through the house and playing with a toy. She said I looked a lot better. I'm feeling better. She said I need to take it easy though. I'm taking her advice and resting on the BIG bed. I hope I keep feeling better because if I don't I will have to visit the doctor.

Scout got in trouble this morning. Mama woke up to see Scout pulling off little pieces of the wall above her bed. She has done this before and Daddy had to fix it. We don't know why she does it. Does she lay in her bed and see something she can pull on and then she gets carried away with it? We don't know. She does some strange things. It's like she walks all the way around the table to get to the food dish. She could walk directly to it, but no, she has to walk all around the table to get to it. She's an odd one.

The Greyhound Who Is On Bed Rest Today

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!!!

Remember yesterday when I told you that our house smelled from that potato crock pot dish that didn't turn out? Mama told me that she hoped we wouldn't have a showing of the house. Well, guess what happened? At 10 a.m., the agent called and said someone wanted to see our house in an hour. You should have seen Mama and Daddy running around the house. It wasn't as funny as the time the agent called and told us the people were almost on our door step, but it was pretty funny. Mama ran from room to room and I chased after her. I kept goosing her. We got everything ready in about 30 minutes and instead of hiding in the motor home, we got to go for a ride.

We drove by the house that Mama looked at last week. We then looked at a house that Daddy likes, but Mama doesn't. Daddy likes it because it has a nice RV garage. Then we drove by a house that Mama and Daddy both really like. It's on a paved road, not a gravel one. It's not too far from town. It has a nice yard, but needs a fence. It could be a contender, but they have to see the inside in person and not just from pictures on the Internet. We still can't do anything until we sell ours, so there's no use getting excited about it.

After driving by houses, we went to Petsmart and Mama ran in and bought our food. She had coupon and it was on sale, so she saved like $8. We had to ride home with a 34 pound of dog food in the Jeep with us. Scout and I didn't like that. We did stop at Burger King and got some chicken tenders, so that made the trip extra special.

Grandma and Grandpa came over after we got home. We love when they visit. It was a very busy day.

We plan on having a quiet day today. Daddy is going to wax the RV and Mama is probably going to clean house. If we have another showing, then all those plans are out the window.

Happy 4th!!!!

The Greyhound Who Loves Weekends

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Bacon, I Smell Bacon!

(Scout posing for photo)

Last night at 9 p.m., Mama started frying bacon. I was sleeping in the bedroom and thought it was morning already. Scout and I both started dancing around waiting for the eggs to be put in the skillet. Mama told us that she was trying a new recipe and it wouldn't be ready until morning. She layered potatoes, onions, bacon, cheese and butter in the crock pot. It looked and smelled delicious. She said when we got up in the morning, we would awake to wonderful smells.

The wonderful smells woke Scout up. At 3 a.m. she noticed a raccoon raiding the hummingbird feeder. She decided to alert Mama and maybe her reward would be the great smelling potatoes. She barked like she had never barked before. Mama jumped out of the bed so fast. She ran to the window and turned on the light. She noticed the hummingbird feeder was on the ground. She checked the potatoes and said they smelled so good and she went back to bed. What the heck? She was supposed to give us some for Scout being such a good watch dog.

At 6 a.m., we awoke to a smelly house. The good smells of earlier are gone. The potatoes look and smell burned. The anticipation of a delicious breakfast is over. Mama said we couldn't have eaten the potatoes anyway because they had onions. She will fix us an egg this morning though, so all is not lost.

The Greyhound Whose House Really Stinks Right Now

Friday, July 2, 2010

Three Day Weekend Ahead!

Mama told us this morning that she and Daddy are both off on Monday. We are excited! We are not camping this weekend because of fireworks. Fireworks are not allowed in the state parks, but it's possible that we could still hear some and Mama doesn't want us to get scared. We are much safer at home.

This morning Mama surprised us and took us for a ride. We went to the post office at 7 a.m. Is that crazy or what? Mama had to return a package and since it was only 66 degrees out, she said we could go with her. There's nothing like feeling the wind on your face as you zoom around on country roads. It's the best!

Thank you very much for all the Gotcha Day wishes. I had a nice day. I enjoyed time on my deck. I call it my deck because I'm the only one who really uses it. I enjoy feeling the sun on my face.

Petsmart is having a good sale this weekend, so that means we are getting a few things. We won't go shopping though because Mama says we are not good shoppers. She will go and surprise us with what she buys. It works for us.

Happy Friday!!!

The Greyhound Who Loves Fridays!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

It's My Gotcha Day!!!!

(Me in 2006)

I've been in my forever home for four wonderful years!!!! I grew up in Kansas. I wasn't much of a racer. I liked to push my opponent into the corners. My life took a very bad turn when my racing didn't work out. I'm not saying who did it, but someone left me and 24 other greyhounds in a barn. That's right I was left in a barn and it wasn't to visit cows. One day they decided to bulldoze that barn and before they did, they checked it and thank goodness they did because there they found me and my 24 friends. We were saved. I was sent to St. Louis along with 4 of my friends including my half brother. We arrived Easter weekend.

Around that same time, Mama and Daddy were really sad because their 15 year old Cocker Spaniel, Sami, had died. Mama and Daddy wanted a completely different dog than Sami. Sami was aggressive and didn't like people. She barked a lot. Mama said she wanted to rescue a dog. Daddy mentioned greyhounds, but Mama didn't want a dog that had to be on a leash all the time. The weekend after Sami died, Mama and Daddy went to Bass Pro Shop and what did they see? Greyhounds! There was a meet and greet there. Mama took one look into a greyhounds eyes and started crying. She ran out of the store. She wanted her Sami back. While she was so sad about loosing her Sami, she couldn't get those greyhound eyes out of her mind, so she started researching greyhounds. A few weeks later, Mama and Daddy went to a greyhound event and decided they had to have a greyhound. The next weekend, they met me at a meet and greet. Mama walked me around the store. The following week, Mama was called and asked if she wanted to walk a greyhound in a parade. Mama said "YES!" Mama was teamed up with me and we walked and walked and walked. After the parade, Daddy said he was so impressed by me because I was not scared of fire engines, or bands and I loved people. He said I was the one for them. YIPPEE!!!

(Here's Mama and Me in that parade. Mama looks nervous, doesn't she?)

They told the rescue group that they couldn't take me for about a month because Daddy's job was changing. Well, suddenly Daddy was told he had to be in Chicago the following week for an unknown amount of time and Mama didn't want to be alone. The group put things in high gear and I was in my new home before Daddy left.

I still remember being taken to my new home by the rescue group lady. I thought we would never get there. It was such a long trip and then we got a gravel road. I was like "What the heck is that?" When we got in my new home, I had a new bed and lots of toys. I played and played like I had been there all along. The first thing that Daddy said to me when he got home from work was "You look a lot bigger in a house!" LOL

(My face was a lot darker when I moved here. I'm starting to gray now. I much cuter now.)

That first winter was tough. I didn't have a fenced yard, so I had to be on a leash. We had a lot of ice. Mama and I had to take turns bracing each other so that we wouldn't fall. I'm sure we were funny to watch. We had a fence by the next winter and also I had a sister, Scout. Mama thought I wanted a sibling. I could have done without one, but she can be fun to watch at times.

Mama bought me jammies because I get so cold in the winter. I love them. I like to dress up. Mama said I would have made a good girl and Scout would have made a good boy, whatever that means.
(Mama made me a scarf. I'm not sure why.)

So, that's the story of how I came to live here in this two greyhound town. It's been the best four years of my life.

Who Is Happy To Have Found His Forever Family.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Back To The Grind

Our fun weekend is over. It's back to work today. Daddy is coming home today, but it probably will not be until dinner time.

Yesterday, we spent a lot of time laying on the couch watching TV.

It was a fun day!

Mama left for a little while and went to an open house. She said the yard is gorgeous. The patio is right off the kitchen. How cool is that? When Mama and Daddy built this house, Scout and I did not exist. They had a 14 year old dog that didn't walk much so they didn't worry about a fenced yard. Well, then along came me and they put up a fence so that I could run. Daddy gave up his garden area for me. The problem is that you have to walk all the way through the house and through the garage to reach the door to the backyard. It's a strange set up, but that was really the only way. The rest of our yard is woods. So, with our new house, Mama is focusing on a nice yard for us. She prefers a yard where we can just walk out the door and not to have to deal with steps or at least not too many. So, this house she looked at yesterday is set up that way, but it's a split foyer and there are steps going to the front door and she said they were very narrow. She just knows that I will tumble down them because I tend to jump down steps and not walk down them. Well, at least I can do steps unlike my sister who still refuses to do them. She's such a diva.

The Greyhound Who Isn't Scared of Steps

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...