Friday, December 24, 2010

A Photo With Santa

This photo was taken two years ago. Mama said we didn't have to see Santa again because we really didn't like it. There were several ankle biters there and then a mean dog tried to attack Jack while we were paying for our photo. It was not a good experience. We know it's not Santa's fault, but we still don't see the need to visit him again. He knows that we are good kids.

We are going to have snow today. Mama is going to stay at the hotel with us and keep us company. Daddy is going to visit family. Tomorrow, we will all be together.

We had an okay night. Mama took us for a longer walk and we were able to explore our new "home". We felt better after that. However, it is noisy here. There are cars zooming by on the highway. We heard sirens. We saw someone's car being towed away. We didn't have any activity like that in Two Greyhound Town. Our ice maker makes a lot of noises. There is a lot to get used to here. Scout slept on the couch last night, so I think she is feeling more comfortable.

I found out that the TV here gets Judge Judy, so that makes me feel better. You know, I love my Judge Judy.

The Greyhound Who Is Living In A Hotel In The "City"

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hotel Living

We are in the hotel and Scout and I do not like it at all. We want to go back home, but Mama says we have to stay here until we find another house. It's not at all like I thought it would be. I can't do zoomies here. There are boxes all over, but Mama says that will change. She's trying to unpack, but she brought too much stuff. She said some of the stuff will have to go to Grandma's.

Scout and I were so excited all day about our big move. Mama and Daddy packed up the cars and left for a few hours. The Pod man came while they were gone and took it away. After they got home, we did zoomies in our house because it was empty. It's fun doing zoomies in an empty house.

Daddy said that one of us would have to stay behind because there wasn't room for both of us and our beds in the Jeep. We didn't want to stay behind, so we squeezed into the Jeep with our beds and blankets. We could see out the window without even standing up. It was fun. Mama wanted to take photos but the camera was already at the hotel.

Mama cried as we left the house. She said a chapter of our life has ended and while she is very happy, she is a little sad too. I didn't really understand it until we got to this hotel and now I'm sad too.

Mama says our yard here is nice because we have a patio door and it's blocked off for just us. I don't get why she thinks it's nice. It's small. It's not like home at all. I really want to go back home.

The pizza man didn't come tonight. Mama says he will come after we get settled in and can enjoy his visit more.

The Greyhound Who Is Very Sad Tonight

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Remember my dream of laying in bed at the hotel with my jammies on waiting for the pizza man? Well, it's not going to happen. Why? Because Daddy put my jammies in the Pod! That's right, my jammies are loaded up and will not be seen until we get to the new house. Not only did Daddy load up my jammies, but also our coats and snoods. Mama had placed them carefully in a Space Bag and put them in a stack of other Space Bag items. Daddy put all the Space Bags in the Pod. :-O That was not supposed to happen. Mama said we are lucky we didn't get put in the Pod. If you are wondering why Daddy doesn't just get them out of the Pod, well, that would take a lot of work. They are behind our box springs and several other big items and well, that is just not going to happen. Mama said she will order us new winter coats tomorrow after we get our room number at the hotel.

Mama messed up and told Daddy to pack the wrong dog bed. Scout is a little miffed. She still has a bed, but it's not her favorite one. This packing sure is confusing. Mama messed up a lot. She had set out the remote to the DVD player so that we would have it at the hotel and then for some unknown reason, she packed it. Yep, it is also Podded. I think we are going to be doing a lot of shopping.

Today is our last day at the house. Mama has to work this morning and then she said we will start cleaning. Tomorrow we move to the hotel!!!!

The Greyhound Who Will Be Naked At The Hotel

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My Bed Has Been Drained

It's been crazy around here. If you are not careful, you will get boxed up. The couch is gone. The big screen TV is gone. I had the big bed until today, but then they drained the water out of it. I guess they thought that would keep me from sleeping on it. I fooled them. I can still sleep on it.

It looks like we may be moving early. A snowstorm is predicted for Christmas Eve, so we may move out on Thursday to avoid moving in the snow.

The Greyhound Who Thinks Moving Is Stressful and Mama Agrees.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bye Bye Toys

The Pod man came today. He left with the Pod that contained almost all of our toys.

We are very sad. Bye, bye toys..... see you at our new house.

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...