Sunday, February 20, 2011

No Log Cabin For Us

Yesterday, we went with the folks to visit the log cabin and to see it without snow on the ground. A neighbor came over and talked to Mama and Daddy. He gave them some additional news on the place that made them wonder if they wanted to live there. He's the second person who has warned them that the septic may have an issue. He also told them that there will be special assessments of $1,500 for the next 5 years for road repairs. They said they were glad to learn of the additional costs. Daddy said that the driveway for the motor home would have to be completely re-done and also the backyard was in pretty bad shape and it would take a lot of work to make it nice for us. They left wondering if they even wanted the house anymore. They decided that if the mean bank people came in at our price which was more than we ever wanted to pay for it, we would take it. However, if they wanted any more money, we would walk away. As we were leaving the log cabin, another couple pulled up with an agent. Mama almost told them about the septic, roof and assessments, but decided to let fate decide if we would get the log cabin. We found out today that we are not going to get it. The mean bank people not only did not meet our price, but they INCREASED their price by $2,500. They went backwards! We wonder if the young couple put in an offer. We just hope they put a contingency concerning inspections otherwise, they may be in for some unhappy surprises.

We have wasted a month trying to get that log cabin. The mean bank people who shall remain nameless took 3-5 days to respond to each and every offer. They caused Mama to have a migraine on Friday. Mama is worn out after dealing with them. It's back to the drawing board to find us a new house.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Tour Of Our Room

Since we cleaned our room yesterday, Mama said we could take you on a tour of it.

This is our living room. We re-arranged the furniture and we like it much better. The plants came from our house.

This is the bedroom area, obviously. Sorry for the shiny eyes. Mama used the flash and now she won't help me get rid of them.

We stack the beds during the day and at night my bed goes on the left side of the bed which is Mama's side. She can cover me up easily that way. It works well except she has to step over me to use the bathroom. The other night she knocked a glass of water on me, so that was not good, but usually it works out fine.

The bathroom is to the left of the bedroom. It has really nice granite tops.

Here is the kitchen. The desk is where Mama works and it is also the kitchen table.

The website says our room is 480 square feet. Our old house was 2,600 square feet. Mama says that it has been good for her to get used the smaller space because when we move into the next house, it will seem huge compared to our hotel room. She has found that having a small kitchen isn't bad and actually is more efficient than having a big one because she doesn't have to take as many steps to do things. She does have to put the baking sheets on the fax machine when she uses the oven and we do have the blender and crock pot on the floor when they are not in use, but it works for us.

I hope you enjoyed a tour of our room. It's the place we call home right now.

The Greyhound Who Is Acting As Your Hotel Tour Guide Today

We are participating in the Saturday Blog Hop. We messed up our name when we joined today. Mama was half a sleep. Oh, well. LOL Have fun exploring and hopefully you will find some new blogs to add to your daily reading.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Fire Alarms

(Scout in her pool in 2007. She wished she could jump in a pool yesterday.)

We are going to the park and out for lunch today because the hotel is going to test the fire alarms. They are going to come in our room and test ours and that's probably not too bad, but Daddy said they will set the alarms off all over the hotel at the same time and it will be loud. They will go off for at least 5 minutes. Mama thinks we will be scared, so that's why we are leaving. We have to clean our room before we make our escape though. Mama doesn't want the hotel people to see our room in it's natural state. LOL

Yesterday, we had to turn our air conditioning on. It was 76 degrees here! It was a beautiful day.

Mama says the mean bank people are making her jump through hoops, but we haven't seen any hoops in our room. Our agent told us not to get too excited because he doesn't know if the latest hoop jumping means that our offer has been accepted or not. Daddy thinks it's good news, but Mama says that they could just be leading us on just to tell us no, again. If they tell us no, Mama says we are going to walk away, at least for a while. Daddy says the same, so we will see what happens. This house buying is stressful!

The Greyhound Who Is Going Out To Lunch With His Mama and Sis

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Car Washes Are Scary!

This morning Mama asked us if we wanted to go for a ride. Scout and I got all excited. We were dancing around and couldn't wait. It was not a fun ride. Why? She took us to an automatic car wash! It was so scary! Scout and I were both shaking in our paws. It was loud and water was banging on our windows. Then, we went under the dryer and it nearly sucked us through the sunroof! When we got back to the hotel, Mama said we could go on a walk. No way! We wanted to get back to the safety of our room. We are giving Mama the stink eye now.

Yesterday, the hotel people surprised Mama with a Valentine's present.

It's grape juice and chocolate. She thought it was a really nice surprise.

Mama re-arranged the living room furniture yesterday. We have more room now. I can almost do zoomies in the room now. The couch seems more comfy now that it has been moved.

No word from the mean bank people. They appear to be ignoring our offer. It's not looking good. Mama is pretty stressed about it all.

Sorry about my short and matter of fact post today. I'm still shaking over the car wash incident.

The Greyhound Who Is Probably Going To Have Nightmares About Car Washes

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...