Saturday, June 25, 2011

Getting Ready For The Meet & Greet

I'm getting all ready for the meet & greet. I used to go to them a lot, but haven't for a while. The reason I like camping is because when I walk through the campground, people come and pet me. A meet and greet is better because I can just lay on the floor and the people pet me. There is no exercise involved, but I'm still really tired after a day of greeting the public.

What do I do to get ready for the meet & greet? Well, last night I got my nails Dremeled. Today, I'm going to get my hair brushed with the Furminator. I shed a lot. Jack was a non-shedder. I will also use a few moist wipes to freshen myself up and then I will have my teeth brushed. Hey, it's not easy being a diva!

I've been really lonely this week. Mama has been trying to keep me entertained but I've been pretty demanding with her. I've been talking back to her. It's boring here and the cows are not nice to play with. Thank you to Bunny's Mom @ Tales & Tails for giving us some tips on the cows. We will just stay away from them from now on and just look at them from the safety of our house. The rabbits are a little entertaining, but they are not the same as another dog. Daddy said we can start looking for me a new brother or sister! We will never ever forget Jack, but there is a hole in all of hearts and we think a new dog will fill it. Mama says the house is just too quiet. We know the new dog will not be Jack and will probably not be like Jack at all, but there is a greyhound out there that needs us as much as we need him or her.

The Greyhound Who Is Very Excited About Today

Friday, June 24, 2011

Our Neighbor Cut His Grass

Do you want to see how people cut their grass here? This is how:

This is our neighbor cutting his field. It's actually not a farmer, but a pipe line business. Mama and I had been hoping they would cut it because we were scared we would get a lot of snakes from the tall grass. However, we have found that the cutting has brought the snakes out of the field and on to the road. We found two dead ones in one day. We are now even more scared to walk around our yard now

Mama and I are planning on going to a meet and greet tomorrow. I'm so excited.

Oh my gosh! Mama and I just got back from a walk and a cow started charging at us. We got scared and we started running. We were scared it was going to crash through the fence. Sorry, there are no pictures to share.

The Greyhound Who Is Ready To Go To A Meet And Greet And Get Away From The Cows

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Awards and A Weekend Update

We were surprised and honored to receive the Inspiration Award this weekend from Hiking Hounds and also Tails and Tales. Thank you very much for thinking of us. Jack would be proud that his blog is living on and now has received awards. Mama said she will help me pass on the awards soon.

Mama and Daddy wanted to stay busy last weekend, so Daddy painted her office. The people who lived here before loved to paint and try out different finishes on the walls. They did a good job on most of the rooms, but the office was not good. It had two walls that had lime green sponge painting and the other two walls had a sandpaper texture with a dark brown paint. A cat would love those walls.

Mama loves the coffee colors, but the room is too small to handle that, so she chose a light color. It's a very boring color. It's called putty. LOL It looks good though even though it is pretty boring.

Mama bought a print last week online that she thinks looks quite a bit like Jack, except the dog in the print has more white than Jack had. She hung it over our bed in the office. The paint color in this picture looks a lot darker than it really is. She didn't use a flash, so that's why it looks so dark.

Mama had always planned to decorate the office in greyhound items. She still needs to hang up our pictures, but she is debating which ones to put up. She may buy new frames. She is just not sure yet.

Daddy put shelves in the closet, so Mama unpacked the office boxes. I get nervous when I see boxes because I think it means we are moving again and I don't want to move. Mama says we are not moving. Jack laughed at me a few weeks ago because Mama was packing things to take to Good Will and I thought we were packing to move. I cried and threw myself on the floor. Jack thought that was really funny.

The boxes that Mama unpacked in the office had a lot of things that belonged to me and Jack. Mama found old newsletters from our greyhound group where Jack had written his blog. She also found the Celebrating Greyhound Magazines that Jack appeared in. He was in three. I have been in two calendars. It was a friendly competition between us. Jack and I have both been on our local TV station as Sammy Stars. They showed our photo and talked about us. She also found our photo Christmas Cards from last year. She didn't mail out very many last year since we were moving at Christmas time. She had planned on sending them out this year. She said she never thought that Jack wouldn't be here for this Christmas. :::sigh::: Mama put all of our items in a special place in the office so that she can look at them whenever she wants. I am glad that the boxes are gone and the office is now unpacked.

The Greyhound Who Is Missing Her Brother Today

Monday, June 20, 2011

Where's The Snake?

Friday night, Mama and I were in the backyard. She always looks around the patio for snakes just because she really doesn't like snakes and she wants to be sure she doesn't step on one. She looked up at the abandoned bird nest that is above a light fixture under the deck and what does she see? A snake skin! WHERE'S THE SNAKE? Did a bird bring the snake skin to the nest for nesting material? We don't think so because the mama and babies moved out a few weeks ago.

Mama always told Jack that he needed to be careful with leaving the sliding door open because a snake might just slither in the house. This snake skin is under the deck so it could have easily have been on the deck. Eeeeek!

The Greyhound Who Hopes She Doesn't Find The Owner Of This Skin

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...