Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Go Cards!

Hi everyone! It's me, Joey. I said it right today. LOL The world series starts tonight and the St. Louis Cardinals are playing. That's my team! I didn't even know about baseball until recently. I've been wearing my ID tag with the Cardinal logo on it and I think it's bringing them good luck.

I wasn't really interested in baseball until I saw that squirrel run across home base in that one game. Did you see that? People around here have gone squirrel crazy.

Mama ordered me the Cardinal ID tag because she said when she sees the Cardinal logo, it reminds her of her Dad. I never met him because he died suddenly in 1987. Mama said she has a lot of memories of the Cardinals and her Dad. She said that she remembers when they signed Ozzie Smith and her Dad said that he heard he was a good player. Yep, he was. She also remembers him saying that they sent Kenny Reitz to running school. She never knew if that was really true, but she remembers him saying that and there is not a season that goes by that she doesn't think about it.

Mama said to say that her nose is fine today, but it hurt for a few hours yesterday. She told Daddy about it and he laughed. He's away on business this week.

Mama turned on her Wii Fit last night. I had not seen that thing before and it's wild. Mama was flapping like a bird and Scout and I thought she was wanting to pet us. Mama does some silly things, that is for sure.

Three more days and my cast comes off ..... I hope. I'm ready. I'm able to do steps now without the sling. I'm no longer on any medication. I've been on medication since August, so that's quite a change in our routine. Scout really tried to get me to play yesterday, but I didn't. She was barking at me, but I was a good boy. I need to wait until my cast comes off and I may need to wait even longer after that. I don't know what my restrictions will be, but I will know soon.

The Greyhound Who Is Excited About The Cardinals

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


It's me, Jooeey! It's not me saying OUCH, even though I look bad in the above picture, it's Mama. I kicked Mama in the nose. Why? I kicked her because she was sniffing my foot. I know, she is nuts! I didn't kick her with my cast, so she lucked out there, but it still hurt her nose. I have a good kick. She said she was sniffing my foot because she thought she smelled something and wanted to be sure it wasn't my cast. Apparently, if my cast smells, that is bad. I'm glad that I only have a few more days of this silly cast because it sure causes a lot of trouble.

The Greyhound Who Is A Good Kicker

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Vacations Are FUN!

Hi Everyone,

It's me Jooeey! I'm back from my first vacation. It was fun! We went trout fishing, but I never saw any trout. Daddy fished and Scout and I stayed behind with Mama. I spent the mornings looking out the windows of the RV and whining every time I saw a dog. Yep, it was fun. Scout and I laid outside for a while, but there were bees and flies. I don't like bees or flies.

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit us Monday - Wednesday. Daddy and Grandpa fished. Grandpa caught two rocks, two dead fish and I think one or two live fish. It's a good thing we brought other food along for dinner. LOL Daddy did much better, but he didn't keep any of the fish.

We stayed at this place called Bennett Springs. Scout has been there several times and there were two people who remembered her and Jack from last year.

On Thursday, we took a car trip to Ha Ha Tonka. It's a place that Mama loves. I got to walk on a trail, but not very far because of my leg. Next year, we are going back and I'm going to walk the whole trail because I found that trail walking is FUN! There is a beautiful lake there and we walked along it. We have no pictures because our camera battery went dead. :::sigh:::

Here are some pictures from our trip.

We brought our bully sticks along.

Me, looking cute.
Scout doing what Scout does. She had a fun trip because the weather was cool and we didn't walk a lot.
Scout and I napping.

Me and Daddy talking to two men about greyhounds and racing.Two turkey vultures. They are all over waiting to catch their own trout. Me and Daddy walking.

Thursday night, Mama and Daddy decided to go to the lodge to eat dinner. I didn't want to go in my crate. Mama said I had to go in my crate. Well, you should have seen Mama's face when Scout and I greeted her at the door when she returned. Yep, I escaped from my crate and to even protest more, I took my sock off. Mama and Daddy were both shocked. LOL Guess what? I haven't been zipped in my crate since. I think my crate days are over! Mama says we will see since I still have a cast on my leg, but the past two nights, I have slept in my crate, but I haven't been zipped in. I'm being a good boy.

We were sad to have our vacation come to an end, but we are excited about next week. Do you know why? Next Saturday, I'm getting my cast off! I think Mama is even more excited than I am.

The Greyhound Who Thinks Vacations Are Fun!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

One More Sleep

Well, it's one more sleep and then I'm on my first vacation! Mama went to Petsmart this morning and bought us some treats and some hats to wear on Halloween. Well, not on Halloween, but on the weekend before since we will be camping and we will decorate our camper and carve a pumpkin and all that stuff that people do. I've never had a Halloween before, so I'm not really sure what goes on. I do know that I have a hat to wear and Scout thinks it's a stuffie and she tried to take it off my head. Do you want to see it? I probably should wait to show you on Halloween, but...okay.

I'm a pirate!

Here's Scout wearing it:

She said "But, I don't want to be a pirate!" LOL It's funny if you watch Seinfeld.

Scout has a pumpkin hat.

It came with the skull bandana which doesn't make sense, but it works good for my outfit. Mama has a pumpkin bandana for Scout to wear, so it all works out. Mama almost bought her a witch hat, but decided that would be mean.

Mama saw our greyhound friends, Blue and Dave at the Petsmart along with their Mom. Dave tried on our hats to make sure they would fit us. We couldn't go since I have a cast on my leg. Mama can't lift me in and out of the Jeep.

This afternoon has been spent packing up the RV for our trip. I don't know why it takes them so long to do it. My frog it packed along with my meds and I'm ready to go.

We won't have Internet service, so I won't be able to tell you about our trip until we get back home.

See ya!

The Greyhound Who Is Going On Vacation!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Almost Time For Vacation

We are getting ready for vacation! I have never been on vacation before. I don't know what to take for sure since this is my first long trip. Mama said I should take my favorite stuffie which is a frog that says "ribbit, ribbit". I cry when I hear him but that's because I'm so excited. I sat on him the other night and he kept ribbiting and I didn't know where he was. Mama pulled him out from under my butt and that solved the problem. I'm also bringing my bully sticks, frosty treats, soft-crate and an extra bed, just in case. Scout is bringing her favorite stuffie which is a green dog. Scout is not thrilled about going camping. She would rather stay home.

I don't know why she doesn't want to see new things, but she doesn't.

Mama is going grocery shopping today for our trip. She has decided to take her E-mealz plan camping with us for three of the meals. She thinks that will be easier than planning the meals which end up being the same thing when we camp. She is still loving this E-mealz plan. She loves not having to plan the meals and the food is different all the time. My food is the same, but apparently, she and Daddy get new things every night.

I think I'm going to like camping food this time. I ate a hot dog the other day and I liked it!

The Greyhound Who Is Going On Vacation Soon!

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...