Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Plane Crashed By Our House

Yesterday, Mama was on the phone and she said "Joey, there is a plane flying low in the field across from our house."  After she got off the phone, she said she was going to see if he landed in the field.  Just as she was getting her camera, we heard a boom and our power went out.  She looked out the window and said "Oh, no!  The plane has crashed in the road!"  She went out to the front porch and took a few photos.  She didn't want to get closer.  There were people gathered around quickly and they had cell phones, so she knew the police had been called.

He clipped the power lines and then it fell to the ground. The pilot was able to walk home which is amazing.  Apparently, he lives by the goats and horses that we visit.  They towed the plane to his yard.  It was his first flight with the plane. We heard one report that he built the plane himself.  He said he was just trying to get home, but couldn't get enough height.  He really didn't make it very far.  He must have flown over our backyard since the neighbor said he flew over her house.

Two news channels wanted Mama to go on camera, but she refused.  She said she didn't see it happen and since the pilot survived, it was pretty much a non-story.  One of the photographers thought I was a cool dog and he rubbed my ears.  Mama almost told him the story of my life, but she decided against it.  She can be pretty chatty at times. 

It definitely made our last day without Daddy rather exciting. Oh and I almost forgot to tell you about the bee.  A bee got in our house and I tried to catch it. Mama said "NO, JOEY, DON'T!"   She killed it, but it took her quite a while.

The Greyhound Who Had A Very Strange Day

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I'm Fine

Joey here to tell you that my fun run didn't cause any real damage to my leg/foot. I do have a cut between my toes and I am sore, but I'm fine.  I was grounded from the big yard for a day.  Mama let me walk around the big yard this morning after our walk.  I got in trouble on my walk because I was pulling really hard.  There were bunnies all over. They were running down the road and two almost got hit by cars.  How could I not be excited?  Mama got aggravated with both me and Scout.  She said that I am a speed boat and Scout is an anchor. After we got back to the house, she took me back outside without Scout and we worked on me walking without pulling. I did really good and I got lots of praise.  I was allowed to go in the big backyard as my reward. 

Mama bought me a new hedgehog on Monday before my fun run.  I love hedgehogs.  This one really has a good grunt to it.  I think it got on Scout's nerves with the grunting.  I'm taking at least two hedgehogs on our HUGE adventure because I love them so much.  I take them outside and that makes Mama laugh. I just like to have them with me.

Mama and I were relaxing on the deck last night and we heard a strange noise in the house. She thought Scout fell or something.  It was Scout playing with the hedgehog. Mama said that Scout never really played with toys before I came along.  I think Scout wanted us in the house with her.  She doesn't really like being outside.

Last night, a fly got in the house.  I hate when flies get in the house.  They drive me crazy!

Well folks, tomorrow is the big day!  Daddy will be home, but not until late.  Mama hopes to take a video of our reaction.

The Greyhound Who Is No Longer Grounded

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

We'll Have Fun, Fun, Fun Until ......

.....Mama takes our yard away and locks us in the house!

Scout reporting to you today because Joey is grounded.   Last night, Mama decided to cut the grass in the backyard.  She told us we could watch her from the deck.  We had access to our little yard, but not the big yard where she was cutting.  Joey and I decided that while Mama was occupied cutting the yard, we would play.  We starting running up and down the ramp and then we played in the little yard.  We have never played before because of Joey's restrictions.  Mama still didn't want us to play, so that's why we had to do it while she couldn't get to us fast.  She saw us and told us to be careful.  The next thing I knew, Joey had escaped from the little yard into the big yard with Mama. Now, don't panic.  The big yard is all fenced.  Joey started doing zoomies in the yard.  He ran past Mama. She turned off the lawnmower and told him to stop.  He didn't, of course.  He finally got tired and he laid in the yard.  I just stood in the little yard with my mouth open.  Finally, Mama said I could come in the big yard, but no running. Well, I had to do a little running.  Mama held onto Joey so he wouldn't chase me.  I then laid in the yard.  The grass felt so good.  Joey and I had never laid in the grass together before.  It was fun!

After we rested, Mama said she needed to get the grass cut.  She took us back into the little yard and asked Joey how he had escaped, but Joey played dumb.  Mama closed the gate she made for the little yard and went back to cutting the grass.  The next thing she knew, Joey was running all over the big yard.  He ran and ran and ran.  He dug a hole and ran some more. Mama was angry.  She took me inside the house and she was mumbling all sorts of things, but mainly saying that he was going to get hurt and we are leaving in a few days.  She got his leash and went back outside and brought him in.  He wasn't limping which surprised both of us. Mama locked us inside the house and she went back to cutting the grass.  When she came in, Joey was limping.  Mama looked over his leg and noticed he cut himself between the toes and it's on his bad foot.  She gave him some medicine and he seemed better.  He is still sleeping this morning, so I don't know how he is, but we expect him to be a little sore.  Mama made more changes to the gate and she doesn't think he will be able to get out again.  If he does, he will not be allowed to go into the small yard by himself anymore.  We had fun while it lasted.  Honestly, if he didn't hurt his leg last night, it's probably going to be okay.  He gave it a good workout.

The Greyhound Whose Brother Is Not As Clueless As He Looks

Monday, April 23, 2012

I'm Not A Morning Dog

I'm not a morning dog. I like to slowly wake up in the morning. Sometimes I sleep all night in the kitchen and sometimes it is the living room.  Mama always comes in and says good morning to me and gives me an ear rub.  I chatter a little and then she asks if I want to go outside.  Sometimes I will go out and stand on the deck and survey my kingdom, but I rarely do my business until later.  Sometimes I just stay in bed and save checking out the yard for later.  If Mama has opened the curtains, I cover my eyes or I go to the office to sleep because it's very dark in there.  It takes me about an hour to wake up and begin my day.  Mama thinks it's funny that it takes me so long to get going in the morning.  She is a morning person and when she gets up, she is ready to start the day.  I like to linger in bed. 

Are the rest of you morning dogs or evening dogs?

The Greyhound Who Likes To Wake Up Slowly

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Horses, Cows and a Fox - YIKES!

Next week at this time, we will be on our HUGE adventure.  Mama says we have a lot of work to do today.  We need to get serious about packing.  I thought we were getting serious.  She said we will feel better when we have more things out in the motor home.  I feel fine, but I think she will feel better.

We took our morning walk this morning.  We walked down the road with the goats, cows and horses.  The horses were out this morning, so we stopped by and said "howdy" to them.

Yes, you are seeing tractor trailers and boats in the background.  The goats and horses live in a storage yard.  It's kind of sad.

After we visited the horses, goats and cows, we headed back home.  We were looking at our backyard when we heard a rustling sound.  Mama thought it might be a rabbit or a squirrel.  It was a FOX!   Mama said "AAAAAAA!"  The fox looked at us and looked at Mama and took off running.  Sorry, there is no photo. Mama was too busy screaming.  He was a cute little guy.  He was about five feet from us when the screaming occurred.  The neighbors chickens better be careful with that fox around. 

The Greyhound Who Had A Close Encounter With A Fox

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...