Thursday, January 6, 2011

Two Weeks Of Hotel Living

Well, it's been two weeks since we moved into the hotel. Last night, Daddy said that he doesn't think about our old house and he doesn't miss it. What? How could he say that? We miss it. We miss our yard. Scout really misses running laps in it. Scout would just break into a run without warning. She would run four laps one way and then turn around and run the other way. The whole time she was running, Mama would be screaming "BE CAREFUL, BE CAREFUL". You see our yard went down a hill and Mama was scared she would run into the fence. We also had a mole problem and our yard was pretty torn up. Mama was so scared we would get hurt.

Personally, I miss running in the house. I would always get in trouble for it, but I still would take off and run until they stopped me. I only got hurt once and that happened a few months after I moved there. I crashed into the wall and broke it. Daddy repaired it several times, but it never looked quite right. I didn't get hurt bad. I just scrapped my leg, but the wall lost a lot of dry wall.

Hotel living is a lot noisier than our old house, but you have to remember that not much happened there. We saw more wildlife than people. We miss the deer, turkey, and birds. We hear people closing doors around here and airplanes fly over quite often. We are getting used to it, but it's not as exciting as you might think. We had a hotel worker come to our room the other day and that's why our beds got stacked. Mama needed to make room for him to walk through the room and then we decided we liked it that way, so during the day we have a stacked bed and at night it is taken down.

The parking lot is full of vehicles of the claims adjusters that are staying here due to the tornado damage nearby. Daddy said the disasters are good business for extended stay hotels. He's been in the hotel business for 24 years, so I guess he knows.

Mama and Daddy are going house hunting tomorrow with the agent, so maybe we will have a fenced yard soon.

The Greyhound Who Is Getting To Be A Pro At Hotel Living

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I Had A Nice Birthday

Thank you for all the birthday wishes. I had a nice day. It started out with a morning walk and then breakfast. After breakfast, we helped Mama with the laundry. We have to take it to the laundry room here. While it was washing, we walked around the office buildings. Mama dropped us off in the room while she put the clothes into the dryer and then it was time to start our regular work day. Mama worked for about a half hour and then went back to the laundry room to get the clothes. We then helped put them away. Around noon time, we got in the car and went to McDonalds! Scout and I had a McChicken. I love poultry. Late in the afternoon, we took another long walk around the office complex. We came back and napped and then it was time to fix dinner. As a special treat, Scout and I were given some canned food. Yummy! Then, we got ready for another walk and to our surprise Daddy was in the parking lot, so he went with us. We came back to the room and we watched him eat dinner. We then took yet another walk. We walk a lot here. LOL We came back and watched TV and chewed bones and then it was time for our final walk of the day. We then went to to bed. That was my birthday. Mama forgot to give us our Frosty Treats, but she said we had enough special things yesterday and we can have them today.

The Greyhound Who Is Turning Into A Walking Fool

Monday, January 3, 2011

It's My Birthday!!!!

Today is my birthday! I'm 7! Mama can't believe I'm that old already. She adopted me when I was just 2.5 years old. I don't feel any older and I still have tons of energy, so life is good.

Mama let me sleep in until 6:15 a.m. and then we took a walk. The weather is supposed to be nice today, sunny and a high around 45. We are going to go to McDonalds for lunch to celebrate my birthday. Yes, living in the city definitely has it's benefits.

Do you know what we noticed this morning? There is an office building near us that had a beautiful Christmas tree in the lobby. Well, the tree was there at 10 p.m. last night, but at 6:15 a.m. this morning, it is gone. :-O We really enjoyed looking at the tree each morning. It was really pretty on Christmas Eve with the snow falling and the tree being all lit up. We are just surprised that someone either came in really early and took it down or someone works the night shift and it is their job to dismantle the tree.

The Greyhound Who Is Celebrating His Birthday

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Pizza Man Is Real!

Yesterday, we spent the entire day driving around looking at houses. We looked in three different counties and I think there were 13 in all. We found two that we were interested in seeing again, but then discovered that one of them does not have high speed Internet which is a requirement due to Mama's job. It is definitely frustrating and some of the roads getting to the houses were terrible. We are not talking just being gravel because we lived on a gravel road we are talking roads that if you didn't have 4-wheel drive, you wouldn't make it. They don't tell you that when you are looking at them on the Internet.

We got home around 5 p.m. and Mama said she was too tired to cook and Daddy said "it sounds like the Pizza Man needs to come." I couldn't believe my ears. Mama didn't even have to call him on the phone. She just ordered it on the Internet. A little bit later our phone rang and he was asking for directions. The next thing we knew, he was knocking at the door. Daddy stepped out to get the pizza, so I didn't actually see him. I guess the next time I will stand at the window to see what he looks like. I did hear him speak, so I know he is real. Daddy is going out of town in a week, so Mama said we will order again while he is out of town.

The Greyhound Who Was Visited By The PIZZA MAN!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!!!!!

We had a very quiet new year's eve. We were in bed by 10:30 p.m. and didn't wake up at midnight. We thought it might be noisy here in the city, but nothing. At our old place, fireworks were shot off at midnight and that always woke us up.

We are going with the folks today to look at houses. We are just driving by places to see if we are interested in seeing the inside. We have found that houses can look great on the Internet, but then when we see the actual neighborhood, we are no longer interested. Mama and Daddy will go out with the agent next weekend to actually tour houses. He is out of town this weekend.

We still can't believe that a tornado hit near our old house yesterday. We still haven't heard if there was any damage to it, but we think it is okay since it is a few miles from where the main damage occurred.

The Greyhound Who Is Now A House Hunter

Friday, December 31, 2010


We have had tornadoes in the St. Louis area today. We are safe here in the hotel, but a tornado hit the town where we used to live. That's right, our hometown, Robertsville, MO, aka Two Greyhound Town was hit by a tornado. Mama called a neighbor to see if there was any damage to their house and our old house. She was at work, so she does know for sure. We think it's probably okay because the tornado was a few miles from our house. It did destroy a few homes and caused damaged in the town of Robertsville.

There were several tornadoes in the area today. Sunset Hills, where Mama used to work, was hit hard. She still likes to shop in that area. It's really sad seeing all the damage on the news. It's really bad.

We are thankful that we are safe and are sending our thoughts and prayers out to all those who have lost their homes.

The Greyhound Who Is Thankful

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...