Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Pizza Man Is Real!

Yesterday, we spent the entire day driving around looking at houses. We looked in three different counties and I think there were 13 in all. We found two that we were interested in seeing again, but then discovered that one of them does not have high speed Internet which is a requirement due to Mama's job. It is definitely frustrating and some of the roads getting to the houses were terrible. We are not talking just being gravel because we lived on a gravel road we are talking roads that if you didn't have 4-wheel drive, you wouldn't make it. They don't tell you that when you are looking at them on the Internet.

We got home around 5 p.m. and Mama said she was too tired to cook and Daddy said "it sounds like the Pizza Man needs to come." I couldn't believe my ears. Mama didn't even have to call him on the phone. She just ordered it on the Internet. A little bit later our phone rang and he was asking for directions. The next thing we knew, he was knocking at the door. Daddy stepped out to get the pizza, so I didn't actually see him. I guess the next time I will stand at the window to see what he looks like. I did hear him speak, so I know he is real. Daddy is going out of town in a week, so Mama said we will order again while he is out of town.

The Greyhound Who Was Visited By The PIZZA MAN!


  1. Wow...13 in one day, exhausting. Couldn't live with out the Internet either, I'm with you, must be connected!

    Pizza Pizza Pizza Pizza!!!!

    Best of luck with the house hunting, I hope you find the perfect place soon!
    Happy New Year!

  2. Hope you find a wonderful new home for 2011.

    Love and licks Winnie x

  3. OMD! OMD! I'm so excited that you heard him for real! And let me just wish you a Happy Birthday one day early, in case I don't see you post tomorrow.

    Living in town sounds like it just got a whole lot better!


  4. ROO!
    I hope it was good and that Mama has a microwave in the hotel room for leftovers! Don't be discouraged,keep looking...I know there is the perfect house for you. Maybe you could make a "wish list" and run your own ad saying you are looking to buy a house with those wishes....some people may be interested in showing you their house which isn't listed yet!


Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...