Saturday, October 22, 2011

I Traded In My Cast....

for a bandage.   Bummer!  I have to wear it for probably three weeks.  I go in to get it changed on Halloween evening.  I think I will wear my pirate hat and see if they will give me some treats. 

I'm supposed to walk five minutes a day, twice a day as my physical therapy.   My leg is all healed.  The doc said that he doesn't take a dog from a hard cast to nothing.  He said I need to build my muscles up again.  I didn't think I would be allowed to start running, but I hoped I would come home with a naked leg.  The good thing is that I'm healed and my sores are healed.

The Greyhound Who Exchanged His Cast For A Bandage

The View From Our House

Hi Everyone,

It's me, Scout.  I know it's been a long time since I've been at the keyboard.  Joey is busy getting ready for his vet visit, so I thought I would share a few photos with you.

We have beautiful sunsets here.  We couldn't see the sunsets at our old house because we had woods all around us.   We have a big field across the road from us and a pretty good view for the sunsets.  Here are photos from last night.

Joey did a little posing last night.  Hopefully these are the last photos of him wearing his cast.

The Greyhound Who Is Ready To Play With Joey!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Tomorrow Is The Big Day!

I hope today is the last full day that I have to wear my cast. Mama and I are excited and nervous about tomorrow. The x-ray looked really good last time, so we can't imagine that I will have to have another cast, but you never know.

Scout and I are ready to play, but Mama said I may still have restrictions. She said she will be nervous when I'm finally allowed to run. I don't know why. I'm an excellent runner.

The Greyhound Who Hopes He Looses His Cast Tomorrow

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Go Cards!

Hi everyone! It's me, Joey. I said it right today. LOL The world series starts tonight and the St. Louis Cardinals are playing. That's my team! I didn't even know about baseball until recently. I've been wearing my ID tag with the Cardinal logo on it and I think it's bringing them good luck.

I wasn't really interested in baseball until I saw that squirrel run across home base in that one game. Did you see that? People around here have gone squirrel crazy.

Mama ordered me the Cardinal ID tag because she said when she sees the Cardinal logo, it reminds her of her Dad. I never met him because he died suddenly in 1987. Mama said she has a lot of memories of the Cardinals and her Dad. She said that she remembers when they signed Ozzie Smith and her Dad said that he heard he was a good player. Yep, he was. She also remembers him saying that they sent Kenny Reitz to running school. She never knew if that was really true, but she remembers him saying that and there is not a season that goes by that she doesn't think about it.

Mama said to say that her nose is fine today, but it hurt for a few hours yesterday. She told Daddy about it and he laughed. He's away on business this week.

Mama turned on her Wii Fit last night. I had not seen that thing before and it's wild. Mama was flapping like a bird and Scout and I thought she was wanting to pet us. Mama does some silly things, that is for sure.

Three more days and my cast comes off ..... I hope. I'm ready. I'm able to do steps now without the sling. I'm no longer on any medication. I've been on medication since August, so that's quite a change in our routine. Scout really tried to get me to play yesterday, but I didn't. She was barking at me, but I was a good boy. I need to wait until my cast comes off and I may need to wait even longer after that. I don't know what my restrictions will be, but I will know soon.

The Greyhound Who Is Excited About The Cardinals

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


It's me, Jooeey! It's not me saying OUCH, even though I look bad in the above picture, it's Mama. I kicked Mama in the nose. Why? I kicked her because she was sniffing my foot. I know, she is nuts! I didn't kick her with my cast, so she lucked out there, but it still hurt her nose. I have a good kick. She said she was sniffing my foot because she thought she smelled something and wanted to be sure it wasn't my cast. Apparently, if my cast smells, that is bad. I'm glad that I only have a few more days of this silly cast because it sure causes a lot of trouble.

The Greyhound Who Is A Good Kicker

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...