Mama was being strange this morning and did not follow our normal routine. She bought a Wii Fit Plus last week and it says she is not balanced and after this morning, I think it's true. We normally get up and go outside and then she takes a shower, fixes breakfast, starts a fire in the fire place, takes us for a walk and then we try and settle down while she starts work. Today, she attempted to start a fire, but the wood was wet. It took her close to two hours to get it going. While she waited on the fire, she fixed breakfast, then we went outside. She moved our beds into the office, but put them in the wrong order. She worked on the fire more and then after much persistence on our part, she took us for a walk. I think she planned on skipping that today. It was icy and she was nervous that she was going to fall. I got in trouble for pulling. I never get in trouble, well not very often. I told her I was sorry when we got back in the house and she gave me a big hug. I think not following a routine puts Mama in a bad mood.
Oh, by the way, we wore our coats the other day because it was very cold. We have decided that if it's cold enough to wear coats then it is too cold to walk.
We have new collars for Valentine's Day. Mama made them last week. It's a little embarrassing to match my sister, but I look good and that's what matters.

We may go to town tonight and get a pizza. We need something fun to do after the morning we had.
The Greyhound Who Loves His Routine