Sunday, July 15, 2012

I Have A New Bed!

Even though I am WAY over budget for this month, I got a new bed!  Mama saw this bed over a month ago and she has been shopping around and couldn't find one she liked better for the price.  The folks decided to get it for me this weekend in case they run out of time next weekend.

I like it!

I tore the tags off within10 minutes of using it. At first, I thought the bed was a huge stuffy.   Mama warned me not to tear it up. I have calmed down with it. My only compliant is that it doesn't fluff well.  It is pretty comfy though.    It looks nice in our motor home and doesn't take up as much space as the comforter I was using. We have moved that back into the Jeep.

Mama also ordered us some bully sticks.  Our budget is so busted that we may as well just cross it off and start over in August.  That works, doesn't it?

The Greyhound Who Knows How To Bust A Budget

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Additional Clues

We are going to Ohio, but so far the city has not been guessed.  Clue #2:  Mama has told two people here where we are going and they both said "Ewww".  When asked if they had been there, they said no.  I think they said that because when you think of a vacation destination it is not as high on the list as lets say Marco Island or Washington DC.  We have never been there and we are excited to explore the city.  Clue #3:  Drew Carey grew up there.

The ducklings were in our yard when we got up this morning.  Mama thinks they are so cute.   The adults don't quack.  They make a whistling sound.  The park manager puts food out for the ducks, so there are a lot of them. We have a few pairs of mallard ducks.
Adult Black Bellied Whistling Ducks
Would you believe that our temps were in the 70's most of yesterday?  It's true!

I think the folks are going to stay close to home this weekend.  Dad wants to wax the RV. He also needs to get the oil changed on the car. Mama said she wants to go to Petco, Michaels and H.E.B.   H.E.B. is a grocery store here. She wants to buy a jar of their green salsa.  They advertise it all the time on TV.

Have a nice weekend!

The Greyhound Who Is Going To Relax Today

Friday, July 13, 2012

I Broke Up With Daisy & A Clue To Our Next Destination

Well, my romance with Daisy is over. She is leaving today, but that is not why we broke up. We were out last night and she was just too pushy. She tried to climb on my back!  What is up with that?  I didn't like that.  Scout was scared of her.  She kept walking underneath Scout.  I think my next girlfriend will be another greyhound. I need to stick with my own kind.

It rain until about noon yesterday. Depending on who you listen to, we had about 9 -10" of rain in the past two days.  We are having more rain today.  The lakes all flooded in our park. There are some ducklings that lived in the large lake that is in the other part of the park.  They are now living in our lake.  We think they when their lake overflowed, they just swam down to our lake.   They are the Black Bellied Whistling Ducks. Two interesting things about these ducks: 1) They actually perch in trees.  We saw several one day in a tree, but we didn't have our camera with us.  2) It appears that more than just the parents protect the ducklings.  Yesterday, all the adult ducks gathered around the ducklings when we approached them.  We have been trying to get pictures of them for a few weeks, but can't get close to them.

The is how the ducklings made it to our lake. Their lake overflowed.

The ducklings are in the middle. We think there are 12-14 of them.

Several adults are gathered around the ducklings

Everyone is trying to get to higher ground.

This is the front lake.  The sign is a few feet from the water, normally.

More views from the front lake.
I have noticed that my name is popular.
My name is a on a trailer here.

I have a pizza place named after me.
The pizza inside the box.  It was the first pizza we have had since we left Missouri.  It was okay.

Last night our Emeals meal was Swedish Meatballs, Garlic Bread and Steamed Broccoli.  It was good according to Mama.  We didn't get a single taste of it.
Swedish Meatballs and Noodles
Scout chilling during the rain yesterday.
Are you ready for your first clue as to where we are going AFTER Washington DC? It may be a little vague, but we will see.  Our next destination will be reached the same day that we leave DC. It is about a 7 hour drive, but will take us probably 9 hours due to stops.   

The Greyhound Who Is Single Again

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Please Turn Off The Rain

We have been having rain since last Friday or Saturday.  It has been nice. However, the rain started around 3 a.m. and it has not stopped except long enough for us to get in two short walks.  The rain has been very hard. The local stations are having continuous weather coverage which we have not seen even in bad storms. They said we were getting 4"an hour for a while.  The front lake here is out of its' banks and the lake by us is full. It has always been quite low. The ducks are swimming in the field.  Mama keeps checking the gully behind us to make sure we are okay.  It is fine, so far.  We just need this rain stop because Mama is getting nervous.  Heck, if Mama has to move the RV due to flooding, we will be nervous.  LOL  I am sure if the worst happens, Fred, the park manager will help us.

Exciting news!   It sounds like we are headed to Washington DC for a week and then on to our next destination after that.  We have a verbal commitment for the next destination and hope to have it in writing today.  It will probably only be for a month this time. It's a place that the folks have never been before. 

Dad made the reservations for the campground near Washington DC.  It sounds really nice. It is the Cherry Hill Park. They have buses that stop right at the campground to take people to the city or to the Metro System.  The campground has a cafe, theater, nature trail, pools and many other things.  Mama is very excited.  The folks visited DC in the 90's and loved it.  They will be able to see the sights on Monday, Thursday afternoon and Friday.  Dad has meetings on Tuesday - Thursday afternoon.  Mama said she might take a tour or something while he is gone or we may just explore the park.  They took the night tour of  DC when they were there before and really liked it.  We had hoped to stay in DC for a month or two, but so far, that is not where we are staying.  It is very expensive!  The campground charges $900 a month, plus electric.  That is out of our budget, but if we end up there sometime, we will just have to deal with it. DC has so many things to see and do and most of them are free.  Mama says it is a fun city to explore.

Mama ordered a new battery for her Dell laptop this morning.  She has needed a new one for a very long time. It should be here well before we leave on the 27th.  We will be able to update the blog while we travel with a new battery, hopefully.

Now that we know we are really leaving on the 27th, we are busy making plans for our last two weeks here. This weekend, Dad wants to wax the RV and the folks are supposed to meet up with some relatives that Dad hasn't seen in like 25 years.  Next weekend, there is a big dog show here that Mama would like to attend. It is the Reliant Park World Series of Dog Shows.  They have a ton of vendors and Mama would like to do some shopping.   Mama said she needs to double check with Dad though because at one time, he wanted to visit Moody Gardens which is near Galveston. 

The Greyhound Who Hopes The Rain Stops Soon

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Yep, Our Wheels Will Be Rolling Again Soon

In my post earlier today, I mentioned there are rumors that we will be leaving Houston soon.  If you read Mama's blog, she mentioned Daddy going to Washington DC. She did not spill the beans about our next destination.  Daddy is going to Washington DC for a conference, but we do know if we are going for sure. It depends on where our next destination ends up being.  We do not want to be doubling back in the RV.   Daddy's last work day here is July 27th, so we could be leaving that afternoon and begin making our way to Washington DC. However it is possible that he will fly there and then pick us up when he gets back and take us to our new destination. We do not know our next destination yet.

We are ready to leave Houston. We have been here since May 12th.  It's a nice place, but we are ready to move on and explore a new city.

The Greyhound Who Is Ready For A New Adventure

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...