Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I'm Getting A Bubba!

I'm getting a Bubba! What's a Bubba? It's my new brother! His name is UCME Bubbasparks. His Daddy's name is Be My Bubba, so it's a family name. We are changing his name though even though I think saying Bubba is fun and easy. Bubba, Bubba, Bubba! His name will be Joey. Awwww! Daddy will probably call him Joe. You should have heard all the names they mentioned. Sparky would have been good, but Daddy said no. Joey is the only name that they could agree on, so that's his name. I hope he likes it. They tried to name me Katie and I refused to accept it. I'm a Scout and that is that.

His birthday is November 1st. Mine is November 19th. He will be four this year and I will be six, so I'm the big sister now. He is 90% white with a brindle patch over one eye and we think he has brindle on both ears, but it's hard to tell in his photo. His last race was in August and he's been waiting for a home since January. He's still living in a kennel. Isn't that sad? Can you imagine how much his world is going to change? He's going to love living in a house, riding in the car, going camping, eating Frosty Treats, etc.

(He has a huge tongue. It was 104 when this photo was taken. We don't think he normally looks like this. LOL)

He is cat safe and he even tried to lick the cat. He is interested in the TV that's in the kennel. Could he be another Judge Judy fan? He travels well which is really good since we camp so much. He sounds like a nice guy. I hope he likes me.

Mama ordered his name tags yesterday as well as an ID collar. I got new ones, too! She said she might make him a new collar this week. She has some material that she bought for Jack that she never used. She's sad by that, but it's silly not to use it for Joey. Mama said that Joey needs some colorful collars because with his white hair, they will really show up on him.

We are not sure when he will be arriving. He is having his medical this week or at least that is the plan. There is a lot of planning and scheduling to get him here, so we are being very patient. We know he is in good hands and pretty soon he will be here and he will take over the blog for me because blog writing is really not my thing.

The Greyhound Who Thinks Everyone Needs A Bubba

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July

It has been a very busy weekend here. On Saturday, Grandma called and asked if she could bring my skin cousin, Tyler, over to see me. He has been concerned about me since Jack died. He is almost 13. I was so excited waiting for him to arrive. I haven't seen him for almost a year, but I used to see him all the time when we had family camping trips.

Oops, Mama cut off Tyler's head, but I look good. I'm smiling at Grandma and Grandpa.

After they left, Mama took me outside because she and Daddy were getting ready to leave to meet my other grandparents for dinner. A bee got in Mama's sandal and she stepped on it. OUCH! She almost cried while she was getting the stinger out. Two days later, and her toes are still swollen. She thought it would be better by now. She has ice on it, but it doesn't seem to be helping.

Yesterday, Mama and I were hanging out watching the Casey Anthony closing arguments and we heard a loud POP. Our power went out. We thought the transformer blew up, but apparently a tree hit the lines and then it triggered a switch on a pole in our front yard. I started panting as soon as the fan went off. Mama said I reminded her of Tyler because one time we were camping and he scared Grandma by saying "I CAN'T BREATHE!" It was because he didn't have a fan in the camper. Mama says I am just like him. We decided to leave the house and drive around for a while because it was boring just sitting in the dark. We ended up getting Chinese food and bringing it back to the house. After we got home, the electric company came and fixed our power. We had three trucks in our driveway! The man got in one of those cherry picker things. I'm scared of those. Do you remember when we lived at the hotel and I saw one? I was so scared by it.

The Greyhound Who Is Happy That Her Fan Is Running Again

Friday, July 1, 2011

A Package Arrived

Today, the UPS man came by. He has never been here before. I know, we have been here almost three months and Mama doesn't know the UPS man yet. It is shocking!

What do you think is in the box?

That's right! It's the bed for my new brother. We don't even have him picked out yet and his bed is already here. Costco ships really fast. Mama just ordered it Wednesday and it's here already.

Mama said she will wash it and then I can use it to get it seasoned for him.

Thanks for all the responses about using items from your previous pets. Mama followed Camie's Kitties suggestion and placed Jack's name tag on her key ring. She had just bought the tag recently since we just moved here and she updated both our tags. She will now have Jack with her whenever she leaves the house. The tag says it all - a crown above his name, and lucky dog underneath. That was our Jack. BTW, our address is on the back of the tag in case you are wondering.

The Greyhound Who Heard The UPS Man Will Be Back On Tuesday With Something For Her

Thursday, June 30, 2011

It's Jack's Gotcha Day

Today would have been Jack's 5th Gotcha Day. It's the day he was adopted by Mama and Daddy. We are trying not to be sad. We are trying to smile and laugh when we think about him because he was a funny guy. He could always make Mama laugh.

We have started the search for a new brother for me. I'm excited because I'm pretty lonely. It's much more fun taking walks with another dog than just walking alone. Jack used to point out the good things to sniff. I used to like to run laps around Jack and now I'm just running around Mama. It's not the same.

Mama ordered a new dog bed for my future brother. She said that he needs something that is just his and not a hand me down. Mama said she may let the new guy wear some of Jack's collars but probably not Jack's favorite. She said she will see how she feels once he is here. If you lost a brother or sister, did the new brother or sister use things that belonged to the one who died?

The Greyhound Who Is A Little Sad Today

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sweet Print

This print looks quite a bit like Jack, but I can also see Scout in it. I have it hanging in my office.

Mama to the Unforgettable Jack and Sassy Scout

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Resting After The Meet & Greet

The meet and greet was fun. Mama forget to take pictures, so we have to use a "stock photo" of me. This is me at the old house sleeping. I look basically the same today sleeping on the same couch in a different house, so we are going with it.

There were a lot of greyhounds at the meet and greet, so I did a lot of sniffing. I've decided that I want a brother and not a sister. There is one male that is currently available in our group and he came to the meet and greet, but we didn't have a connection at all. He was actually the only male that I didn't have a connection with. Mama talked to him, but he didn't seem interested in her either. The people who are fostering him are thinking of adopting him, so he's probably wanting to stay with them.

After the meet and greet, we came home and I took a nap while Mama and Daddy went to the store. I was excited when they came home, so I did three laps around the yard. Mama was surprised I had that much energy left.

It sounds like it may be a while before I get my new brother. Mama said I need to make up a "wish list" of what I want him to be like and she will do the same. We looked on the website last night and found a few that we were interested in, but we need more information on them.

It sounds like it could be a rainy day here, so I'm just going to relax today.

The Greyhound Who Hopes To Have Another Brother Soon

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Getting Ready For The Meet & Greet

I'm getting all ready for the meet & greet. I used to go to them a lot, but haven't for a while. The reason I like camping is because when I walk through the campground, people come and pet me. A meet and greet is better because I can just lay on the floor and the people pet me. There is no exercise involved, but I'm still really tired after a day of greeting the public.

What do I do to get ready for the meet & greet? Well, last night I got my nails Dremeled. Today, I'm going to get my hair brushed with the Furminator. I shed a lot. Jack was a non-shedder. I will also use a few moist wipes to freshen myself up and then I will have my teeth brushed. Hey, it's not easy being a diva!

I've been really lonely this week. Mama has been trying to keep me entertained but I've been pretty demanding with her. I've been talking back to her. It's boring here and the cows are not nice to play with. Thank you to Bunny's Mom @ Tales & Tails for giving us some tips on the cows. We will just stay away from them from now on and just look at them from the safety of our house. The rabbits are a little entertaining, but they are not the same as another dog. Daddy said we can start looking for me a new brother or sister! We will never ever forget Jack, but there is a hole in all of hearts and we think a new dog will fill it. Mama says the house is just too quiet. We know the new dog will not be Jack and will probably not be like Jack at all, but there is a greyhound out there that needs us as much as we need him or her.

The Greyhound Who Is Very Excited About Today

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...