Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

We just got back home and I wanted wish everyone a Happy Halloween!   I think I had the best weekend of my life.  It was so much fun!

We were surprised that we had TV reception at the campground, so we were able to watch the Cardinals win the World Series!  It was so exciting!

Saturday, we walked around the campground and looked at everyone's decorations. They really go all out with the decorating.  Daddy decorated our camper with a few lights. There are pumpkins and ghosts. 

He carved us a pumpkin.  I had never seen a pumpkin before.  I was very curious about it when it was inside the camper.  I sniffed it every way I could.

This is it after Daddy carved it for us.  Our fire is in the background.

As soon as it started getting dark, the kids starting coming around in their costumes.  Scout and I got dressed up too.  You can see the boot I wear over my leg.  It was my pegleg for my costume.

We loved it!  We stood at the end of our driveway and greeted everyone who came by.  We did a lot of kissing and got a lot of loving right back.  We were disappointed when we ran out of candy and had to go back in the camper.  It was the first Halloween that I have celebrated and it was so much fun. 

One person said that I looked liked George Washington because I was wearing a coat.  The coat wasn't really meant to be part of my outfit, but it was cold out.  Mama said pirates get cold too, so I wore it. Mama tried to help me find a good picture of George Washington to compare, but we can't find a good one.

Do you think I look like George Washington?

I have a lot more to say, but I have to get ready for my visit to the vet to get my bandage changed.   Tomorrow is another big day here.  I'll give you a hint.   Today is my last day being three. 

The Greyhound Who Looks Like George Washington?

Friday, October 28, 2011

Wow, Oh Wow!

Did you see the Cardinals game last night?  Wow!  Okay, we have to come clean.  Mama turned the TV off when it was two outs and the bottom of the ninth.  She said she couldn't bare to see the Cardinals loose and be sad.  She woke up several times during the night and remembered the Cardinals lost, but kept thinking wouldn't it be something if they won.  This morning she got up and told me that the Cardinals lost. She turned on the TV and couldn't believe her eyes when she saw they WON!  I know we are bad Cardinal fans.  Mama gets very upset during the games and yells and squeals a lot.  Daddy told her to calm down last night because she was scaring us.  Can you imagine how she would have acted if she had seen them win?  LOL

We are going camping tonight, so we will have to listen to the game on the radio.  There will probably be people watching the game via satellite and we may be able to watch on their outdoor sets.  I bet it's a fun and noisy night at the campground.

Last night something else exciting happened.  We all went outside for a quick walk before the game.  Mama had Scout and Daddy had me.  Mama and Scout saw something on the ground.  She just saw two eyes and before it registered what it was, Scout saw it.  It was a bunny.  The bunny was almost flat to the ground. The bunny took off and Scout took off, but Mama had her on the leash.  Scout went so fast that she jerked Mama around fast.  Mama held on and Scout didn't escape.  Daddy said it was a good thing it wasn't me that did that because I could have gotten hurt.  It sure was exciting though. 

I will be away from the computer for a few days while we camp.  I will update you on my camping adventures when we return. 

Go Cards!

The Greyhound Who Is So Excited About Camping

Thursday, October 27, 2011

It's A Gloomy Morning

It's a gloomy morning.  I just feel like laying around and napping. 

The world series was postponed due to the rain last night.  They are playing tonight.  Paws are crossed that the Cards win tonight.  If there is a game seven, we won't be able to watch it because we are going camping.  There is not TV reception there, but we can listen to it on the radio.

Mama has been really busy with work this week and she is stressing.  She said next week will be even worse.  YIKES!   I'm being a good boy though and not giving her any problems.

I wish Mama could retire like me, so that we could snuggle all day.

I'm a good snuggler.

Go Cards!!!!

The Greyhound Who Is Resting Up For A Camping Weekend

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Coming Out Of My Shell

Mama says I am coming out of my shell.  I didn't know I was in a shell.  She said my personality is really coming out now.  I've been here three months, but I spent ten days in the hospital and I still think it's my other home because I visit there so often.  It's a nice place, but I like living here better.

When Mama gets her keys out, I bark.  Apparently, that's a no-no.  I also like to nip her in the butt when she has her keys out.  That is also a no-no.  Jack used to goose her, so I need my own style, but nipping in the butt apparently is not good.  I thinks it's funny because she squeaks when I do it.

I no longer whine when I squeak my toys.  I just squeak them.  It's fun!

Mama was worried about me yesterday because all I wanted to do was sleep. She was concerned that I was sick.  I wasn't sick, I was tired.  This physical therapy stuff is hard work!   I'm doing really well with it though.  Yesterday, Mama and I walked in the backyard and I saw a squirrel. She told me to keep my foot on the ground and I did.  I walked fast, but I walked with all four feet.  She was proud of me.  Then, when Daddy took me out, I walked on all four feet without him even telling me to do so.  However, I messed up when Mama said "Wow!".  I got excited and forgot to keep all four on the ground.  I'm not really how Mama and Daddy taught me to do it.  They just realized that if I walked really slow, I would walk with all four on the ground and when I would start three-legging it, they would tell me to put my foot down and I did.  I guess I'm not only good looking, but I'm smart, too.  LOL

The Greyhound Who Loves His Life 

Monday, October 24, 2011

I'm Tired!

We had a busy weekend. Saturday, we got up early and I went to see my friends at the vet hospital.  I stayed for about five hours.  I got my cast taken off and my bandage put on.  Then we came home and I started my physical therapy.  I have to walk on my foot for five minutes, twice a day.  I can do it, if I walk slow.  I prefer three-legging it. I can walk much faster that way.  I bet I could run fast that way, too. 

Sunday, we went to the park to do my physical therapy. We drove like 20 minutes each way for me to walk five minutes.  Humans are silly, but I did enjoy seeing all the squirrels and meeting the campers at the park.  We came home and watched the Rams loose and then the Cardinals also lost.  It was a sad day in our sports world.

Walking on my leg is tiring, but Mama says I'm building up my muscles.  I can't wait to get out of this bandage.  Do you know that they put tape on my fur?  I think that's going to hurt when they pull it off.  I only have two toe nails poking out of the bandage, nothing else.  It's strange looking.

The Greyhound Who Is No Longer The Casted One, He's Now The Bandaged One

Saturday, October 22, 2011

I Traded In My Cast....

for a bandage.   Bummer!  I have to wear it for probably three weeks.  I go in to get it changed on Halloween evening.  I think I will wear my pirate hat and see if they will give me some treats. 

I'm supposed to walk five minutes a day, twice a day as my physical therapy.   My leg is all healed.  The doc said that he doesn't take a dog from a hard cast to nothing.  He said I need to build my muscles up again.  I didn't think I would be allowed to start running, but I hoped I would come home with a naked leg.  The good thing is that I'm healed and my sores are healed.

The Greyhound Who Exchanged His Cast For A Bandage

The View From Our House

Hi Everyone,

It's me, Scout.  I know it's been a long time since I've been at the keyboard.  Joey is busy getting ready for his vet visit, so I thought I would share a few photos with you.

We have beautiful sunsets here.  We couldn't see the sunsets at our old house because we had woods all around us.   We have a big field across the road from us and a pretty good view for the sunsets.  Here are photos from last night.

Joey did a little posing last night.  Hopefully these are the last photos of him wearing his cast.

The Greyhound Who Is Ready To Play With Joey!

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...