Monday, October 24, 2011

I'm Tired!

We had a busy weekend. Saturday, we got up early and I went to see my friends at the vet hospital.  I stayed for about five hours.  I got my cast taken off and my bandage put on.  Then we came home and I started my physical therapy.  I have to walk on my foot for five minutes, twice a day.  I can do it, if I walk slow.  I prefer three-legging it. I can walk much faster that way.  I bet I could run fast that way, too. 

Sunday, we went to the park to do my physical therapy. We drove like 20 minutes each way for me to walk five minutes.  Humans are silly, but I did enjoy seeing all the squirrels and meeting the campers at the park.  We came home and watched the Rams loose and then the Cardinals also lost.  It was a sad day in our sports world.

Walking on my leg is tiring, but Mama says I'm building up my muscles.  I can't wait to get out of this bandage.  Do you know that they put tape on my fur?  I think that's going to hurt when they pull it off.  I only have two toe nails poking out of the bandage, nothing else.  It's strange looking.

The Greyhound Who Is No Longer The Casted One, He's Now The Bandaged One


  1. Im so glad to hear that you are doing better!! Congrats on getting the cast off. Wow your humans are nice to drive 20 mins for you to walk around for a few :)

  2. The tape will probably pull some of your hair off. It might not hurt though. Sadie has a little spot where some of her hair pulled off from the tape from her bandage. Nothing really too noticeable though. Be a good boy and do your exercises!

  3. Sleep well. You have earned it

    Stop on by for a visit

  4. So, how do you know you are supposed to put weight on that leg? How does your mama get you to do it?

  5. We are glad to hear you are mostly being good about doing your physical therapy. When Camie was going thru her toenail disease, she also used to prefer to thee-leg it. They also used sports tape on her that only stuck to itself. We hope it doesn't pull your hairs when you get it taken off.

    Cody and Gracie

  6. So glad everything was healed. Bummer about the bandage, but better safe than sorry I guess. Don't want to hurry it too much. Sure don't want to go through all of this again! Three weeks will zoom by. All the hounds I know of have had to go through physical therapy after a leg repair of this magnitude. Some go through hydrotherapy at our vet, which is interesting to watch, maybe not so much to the hound, but to the humans.

    Once you realize that you can put your foot down and use it, it will go quickly for you. It is hard now but you will be back in shape in no time at all. Four legs are much faster than three! Though I have had a few three leggers that would beg to differ with that statement! :) Hugs to your folks and scritches to you and Scout!


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