Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Alabama Has Bigger Gators

 When we stayed in Alabama, Mom loved a place there that served alligator.  She has been hoping to find a good place here, but she has been striking out.

This is the gator she ate in Alabama.

Look at the size of the gator bites.  Very nice!
She has eaten gator twice here.  This is the gator she ate here on Saturday.

It is so little, that you can't even taste the meat. They serve it with gravy.
I guess the quest will continue for good gator.

Mom is enjoying having a car again.  She did a few mystery shopping jobs on Friday.  She didn't have to rush out on Saturday and do the grocery shopping like she has been because now she can shop during the week.  She bought a Sam's Club membership. She used to have one but hasn't since we have been on the road.  We can't really buy much in bulk, but we do have a decent sized freezer. She doesn't go out every day because she would just be spending money.

Our lantana seems to like it here.

We have lucked out and haven't been in the areas that have been flooding around here.  Galveston has had a lot of rain.  Our site holds water really well, which isn't good.  There are several sites like ours.

This was taken after a few days of no rain.  It is really flooded now since it has been raining nearly every day.  It doesn't rain all day, but just a little rain does this.

A few years ago, Mom was sitting outside and all at once water came off of the roof of the motor home and soaked her.  I was sitting outside with Dad recently and I decided it was time to go inside. Dad said a few minutes later, water came off the roof and got my bed.  That was a close one.  Mom said if I had been outside when it happened, I probably wouldn't have ever wanted it sit outside again. 
Yesterday was a stormy day.  I pretended like it wasn't happening.
Are you ready for Fall?  Hobby Lobby is.
A pretty bush near the office.
The campground is very quiet.  If there is gossip, we don't know of any.  There is one lady who is a fast walker. She never talks to us or smiles. In the beginning, Mom would laugh on the inside because she said she felt like we were in a cartoon.  The lady would pass us while we were walking and the next thing we would see is her on the next street.  She would pass us several times on our walk.  She walks at 5 a.m. and then again around 7 p.m.  She has several different outfits for her walk. Sometimes she has weights, sometimes she runs.  Mom and I are not fast walkers.  We take time to smell the grass.  BOL!

The Greyhound Who Does Not Like Humidity

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