Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Jack's Bio

I've already written quite a bit about my dogs, but I thought I should properly introduce them.

Jack was born on January 3, 2004 in Kansas. He had a short career of only eight races. He came in second twice. His last race was on 10/27/2005. We do not know his whereabouts from that time until about March of 2006.

Jack was found in a barn along with 24 other abandoned greyhounds. The barn was about to be torn and before it was bulldozed, it was checked. They found the 25 greyhounds that were left for dead. I am not sure how long they had been left there. Five of the greys were brought to St. Louis on Easter weekend. Jack was put in a foster home along with his half brother, Woody.

My husband and I met Jack at a Petco meet and greet. I was not interested in a male or a brindle. I really wanted the little fawn girl that was there, but since she wouldn't potty on lead, she was not right for us as we did not have a fenced yard at that time. A few days later, the group called and asked us if we wanted to participate in a parade with the greys. We said yes and I walked Jack. We were amazed that Jack was not scared of the bands, fire engines or other loud noises from a parade. He loved the kids. We decided that he was the dog for us. We planned on waiting a few weeks, but circumstances changed and my husband had to travel for an unknown amount of time. I didn't want to be home alone, so Jack came to us immediately.

We changed Jack's name from his racing name because we wanted to give him a brand new start on life. Also, his foster mom called him Ricky and that is my brother-in-law's name. I don't think he would like a dog being called his name.

Jack is such a funny guy. He makes me laugh every day. He prances when he walks. He loves his stuffies and throws them up in the air and catches them. He loves to hear them squeak. Jack loves to move me along when I'm walking down the hall of our house. I guess I don't move fast enough for him. He head butts me in the behind. He gets so excited when my husband gets home from work that he can't control himself... I mean, he has to run. We do not encourage this and it usually ends up in him getting yelled at. Zoomies are not safe in the house. Jack broke through a wall once. Yikes! So, we discourage running in the house now. Jack is such a joy to us. I can't imagine a better dog.

I just found out yesterday that Jack's real Daddy... TalentedMrripley lives at the Greyhound Hall of Fame in Abilene, KS. We hope to take a trip to Abilene next year and meet him.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Busy day for the Brindle Kids

The pups have been very excited today and haven't had time to nap. I got dressed and put my jeans on and also make-up. That only means one thing "Mama is going to town!" However, I got dressed because the chimney sweep came today. The pups were very excited when he arrived, but disappointed that they had to stay in the bedroom. They do not understand that not everyone wants to give them hugs.

They settled down for a few minutes and then the FedEx man arrived. What could it be?

Scout's birthday is next month, but since I placed a bone order I went ahead and ordered her toy.

I thought she would love it. She does not. She looks at it like "what the heck am I supposed to do with this thing?" Jack won't even play with it and he's the king of toys. He loves to toss them in the air and catch them. I am so disappointed that no one likes the Wiggly Giggly bone, but probably not as disappointed as Scout.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Why a greyhound?

Greyhounds are docile, calm, gentle, loving, funny. They are big couch potatoes. They have a burst of energy and then they want to chill in bed or on the couch.

I love to watch them run. They are built for speed from their ears to their tails. It's a thing of beauty to see them run laps in the back yard. I would love to see them run in a bigger area. They can get going pretty fast in our yard, but it's not all that large so they really can't let loose.

My dogs do not bark and shed very little. Some greys bark and some shed more than others. It depends on the dog. They are low maintenance dogs. Some greys only get a bath once or twice a year. They do not have that doggy smell that other dogs do.

I have only had greyhounds for 2.5 years and I am completely in love with them and the breed.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Meet and Greet

Scout and I just returned from a meet & greet with our greyound group, Greyhound Companions. A meet and greet is where we education the public on greyhounds. I'm sure you have seen them. We are in the pet stores with out pets and fosters that are waiting for homes.

Scout is an excellent promo dog, in my opinion. She loves people and greets everyone who comes near our area. She lays down when the crowd is gone and never whines. She stayed the entire three hours without a complaint. She is such a calm, relaxed girl.

Jack stayed home today and watched football with Daddy. Jack loves people, but he grows tired quickly at meet and greets and whines because he wants to get back to his couch at home.

Scout is now sleeping and I suspect she will have a "meet and greet hangover" tomorrow. It usually takes her a full day recovering from her promos.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

My Calendar Girl!

I love, I love, I love my little calendar girl... come on sing along, I know you know it. LOL

Scout is in the 2009 Celebrating Greyhounds Desktop Calendar. We are so proud of her.

Jack was a little upset that he wasn't chosen, but he has appeared in the Celebrating Greyhounds Magazine twice this year. I have been shocked at the luck I have had in getting my "kids" published this year.

I have taken hundreds of pictures this year in hopes of having something to submit for the 2010 calendar and I have maybe one or two photos that I'm happy with. I have a few months, so hopefully I will take something that will impress the judges.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Swimming Season Is Over

I love the cooler weather and so do the dogs, but Scout is sad that her pool has been put away. She loves to run laps in the yard and then jump in her pool. The girl loves water. It seems like wherever we camped this summer, Scout was able to find water to play in.

Jack on the other hand, does not care for the water and it took him most of the summer to just get in enough to get his feet wet. He actually tried to go a little further once and he stepped in a hole and he thought he was going to go under. It took him a long time before he would get in the water again.

Scout doesn't realize that winter will be here soon and she will once again be able to run in the snow. She loves doing snow zoomies and so does Jack.

He's been taken care of!

The phone repairman just called me. He said "You will not be hearing that man on your phone any more. He's been taken care of." What did they do to him? LOL

Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...