Monday, November 17, 2008

I'm the Man of the House This Week

Well, guys, my Daddy is traveling this week. Mama said he will be home in 4 sleeps, but I've gone to sleep 4 times today and he still isn't home. I guess her sleeps and my sleeps are different.

My job is to take care of Mama while Daddy's gone. I hope nothing big comes up. There was one time when Daddy was gone that I had to help Mama fix her computer, chase off a snapping turtle, kept Mama safe because a storm came and knocked out our electricity at night and then had to defend her from a snake that got in our screen porched. It's exhausting being the "man of the house".


  1. Ooo that is such a handsome picture of you! Yeah us hoomans have fewer sleeps than you doggers. Except maybe me, I love to sleep! LOL

  2. wow you are a hero dog to help so much! Very debonair looking!

  3. I think you'll do a fine job. Any woofster that'll chase off a snapping turtle and deal with a snake has no worries!

  4. Sumtimes its hard to be the only mancat(woofie) of da house but yoo will get the job done!

  5. Holy cow! Is there a body attached to that kissable snout?

  6. I know you are up for the challenge!

  7. Jack, I think you will do a good job of protecting your Mom.

    Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade


Home Again - Part 3

 Well, we just realized that we didn't finish telling you about the rest of our trip home.  I don't know if we even remember the res...